Mr. Stock allowed the force of his reasoning, though he saw the father was less influenced by this principle of justice than by resentment on account of the old story of Smiler.
And as he set out on theprinciple of underselling, people took a mighty fancy to the cheap shop.
Tis true, from a merry man you have become a gloomy man; but that is because you have been disappointed in your schemes: the principle remains unaltered.
I see more and more, that true goodness is not merely a thing of words and opinions, but a living principle brought into every common action of a man's life.
On this principle he is upright in his dealings, true to his word, kind to the poor, helpful to the oppressed.
Give me leave to say, Mr. Bragwell, that highly as I rate a good example, still I must set a good principle above it.
Morality is but an empty name, if it be destitute of the principle and power of Christianity.
Betty had a sort of natural good temper, which made her unwilling to impose, but she had no principle which told her it was sin to do so.
The ill effects of the worst action may cease in time, and the consequences of your bad example may end with your life; but souls may be brought to perdition by a wicked principleafter the author of it has been dead for ages.
The trick did not differ inprinciple from the one in constant practice by the 'System.
In the formulation of a Socialist program of action some important principle of social progress is invariably either wholly disregarded or treated superficially by general statements which lack point and application.
Socialism has been defined as the name given to schemes for regenerating society by a more equal distribution of property and especially by substituting the principle of association for that of competition.
The advantages won in this life are the result of effort and character, not of any distribution based upon the principle of equality of man.
This rule is immediately deducible from the principle laid down.
Roman history then confirms, instead of invalidating, the principle I have laid down.
I see also that, the principlebeing granted, there may be disputes on its application; it may be said that there are cold countries that are very fertile, and tropical countries that are very unproductive.
He clearly means by it no more and no less than the fundamental principle of political association, the basis of the unity which enables us, in the State, to realise political liberty by giving up lawlessness and license.
The supremacy of the great General Will is "the first principle of public economy and the fundamental rule of government.
His doctrine I of the underlying principle of political obligation is that of all great modern writers, from Kant to Mr. Bosanquet.
Broadly put, his principle of government is that democracy is possible only in small States, aristocracy in those of medium extent, and monarchy in great States (Book III, chap.
From the same principle may be deduced this rule, that the arts in general are more lucrative in proportion as they are less useful; and that, in the end, the most useful becomes the most neglected.
Like Green, he is in search of the principle of political obligation, and beside this quest all others fall into their place as secondary and derivative.
He tries to escape from his place in the animal kingdom, founded on the free development of the principle of non-moral evolution, and to establish a kingdom of Man, governed upon tileprinciple of moral evolution.
Not only is the state of nature hostile to the state of art of the garden; but the principle of the horticultural process, by which the latter is created and maintained, is antithetic to that of the cosmic process.
And if this Court differed from him in that view, and could give relief without forfeiture, they would be acting on his own principle in doing so.
I have always had a strong faith in the principle of the injunction, "Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn.
Yet one interposition admits the principle as well as more.
But the first principle which our author "keeps in mind" possesses just that amount of ambiguity which enables him to play hocus-pocus with it.
On theprinciple of original and direct created adaptation of species to climate and other conditions, why were they not reproduced, when, after the colder intervening era, those regions became again eminently adapted to such animals?
No force we could have exerted with the oars would have taken us up this rapid; but we accomplished the task easily by means of a rope which we hauled upon, on the same principle that barges are dragged by horses along the canals.
The principle of State regulation, against the adoption of which in America every art of prevarication has been employed, that principle is fully accepted by the English medical profession to-day.
Of course, every authority can suggest modifications for its betterment, but the principle which underlies the measure, of inspection of laboratories and the restriction of vivisection, they do not condemn.
This principle in its application to the punishment of human beings has been universally recognized by every civilized nation in the world.
But the proceeding was too long and cumbersome to admit of introduction into practice generally, though it indicated an important principle which may in some future day be utilized.
There are a few states and a few cities for which mortality records exist, but in some of the principle states of America there is no official record showing even the total number of deaths from murder, from accident, or disease.
So long as this is accomplished, every exceptional case of such investigation outside a laboratory may easily be permitted without injury to the principle involved.
Rutherford presses his principle too far when he argues that, teaching by demonstration being the most successful method, we are thereby always warranted in having recourse to it.
It must be laid down as a general principle that man can originate nothing; that lies are always truths embellished, distorted, or turned inside out.
It holds the principleof duty, of obligation, of moral desert.
Now, in the Materialistic school, it has been the prevalent practice to set up the unity of plan in animal structures, in opposition to the principle of Final Causes: Morphology has been opposed to Teleology.
Doubt is cast by our author upon the validity of "the principle of the Unconditioned or the Infinite.
The principle of Unity; "all differentiation and plurality supposes an incomposite unity; all diversity, an ultimate and indivisible identity.
The physical system of Plato being thus intended to illustrate a principle of optimism, the following results may be expected: 1.
What notion can a man form of "the First Cause" if the principle of causality is not inherent in his mind?
The major premise of this syllogism is a fundamental principle of reason--a self-evident truth, an axiom of common sense, and as such has been recognized from the very dawn of philosophy.
On the well-known proverbial principlewe might hope for the best results under Mr. Starlight's intelligent supervision.
At any rate, this principle of selection is nothing less than democratic, on the contrary, it is aristocratic in the strictest sense of the word.
But, at any rate, if she went on the principle that John was simple-minded and could always be depended on to think she felt the way she acted, things would be lots easier.
Joy did not stop to wonder (for the Western lady had left it out) on just what principle these contributions were being made.
The principle upon which the letters are formed is that of making all the hair strokes heavy, and all the heavy strokes light.
On this principle the Duke of Orleans and Comte d'Eu, were ordered by the dying injunctions of Henry V.
The acceptance by the tribes of the white man's fundamental educational principle of daily formal schooling has had a large part in their assimilation.
This, of course, involves confiscation and the destruction of the principle of private property.
Any evasion of that rule is subversive of the fundamental principle of our government that the majority shall rule.
In fact the American Constitution did not recognize the now more or less generally accepted principleof majority rule even as applying to the qualified voters.
He believed that the natural principleof competition would of itself effectually regulate industrial life.
The judiciary was the only branch of the state government in which the principle of life tenure had been retained, and therefore the only one which could be depended on to offer any effectual resistance to public opinion.
It is conceivable that a party may under this system carry an election and yet not a single principle for which it professes to stand would, if separately submitted, command the approval of a majority of the voters.
This view of the matter may be acceptable to those who from principle or interest are opposed to democracy, but it ignores the facts which a careful analysis of the system discloses.
The writer of this article makes the common but erroneous assumption that the fundamental principle of our government is majority rule.
The Constitution did not recognize the principle of universal suffrage.
It was no longer a government in which the active principle was irresponsible authority, but one which rested upon the safe and trustworthy basis of popular control.
Both progress and retrogression are a process of adaptation, and their cause must be sought, not in the principle of competition itself, but in the general external conditions to which it enforces conformity.
Of this principle the public is already convinced: it is merely a question of working out the details.
On the main question of principle he found only one supporter, and with minor amendments the scheme was adopted.
On the principleunderlying some of these proposals, viz.
After all it is but a form of Socialism, and a first principle of Fabianism has always been free thought.
But the lesser sort of critic, on the look out for a grievance, can always apply a principle to a compromise, point out that it does not fit, and that difficulties may arise.
We applied the principle to Milk, Pawnshops, Slaughterhouses, Bakeries, Fire Insurance, and Steamboats.
The Fabians regarded Socialism as a principle already in part embodied in the constitution of society, gradually extending its influence because it harmonised with the needs and desires of men in countries where the large industry prevails.
How much of personality, how little of principle there was in the great controversy is indicated by the fact that Mrs. Bernard Shaw signed the Special Committee Report, with the reservation that she also completely agreed with the Reply.
Mary O'Brien Harris, who objected not to the principle but to its inclusion in the Basis, but she was unsuccessful, and the instruction was carried.
Do not imagine that there are not other beings, whose benevolent principle is governed by finer sympathies, by more generous passions, and by those nobler emotions which really constitute all our public and private virtues.
Mr. Dallas himself was always so absorbed in some freshly-imported German commentator that it was a fixed principle with him never to trouble himself with anything that concerned his pupils "out of school hours.
The first principleof his school is to reject all expressions which incline in the slightest degree to substantiality.
One principlehas ever regulated its management; it is a simple rule, but an effective one: every author is reviewed by his personal enemy.
One principle in Mr. Dallas's system was always to introduce a new-comer in school-hours.
Principle and the Form; the other, Construction, viz.
In like manner the Earth also would be moved away from the centre, if you reason upon this principle of likeness of relation, and if the centre were not the place belonging to it by nature (s.
From a general principle we cannot infer any particulars but those which the principle itself assumes as known.
The elements are merely matter; and what holds them together must be the really potent principle of soul; but of this no explanation is given.
The cardinal principle of syllogistic proof, as he conceives it, is--That whatever can be affirmed or denied of a whole, can be affirmed or denied of any part thereof.
Now here was this fellow's futuristic brain seeing another piston-and-cylinder principle harnessed in oil or glycerin to gentle power and ease a speed plane to the ground in a shockless landing!
The turbine principle is the coming change," argued Weston.
One piston-and-cylinder principle had been harnessed to a gasoline vapor explosion to hurl a motor forward.
So far as a stationary plane was concerned, the principle of the gyroscope seemed to work out well.
Why couldn't this same piston-and-cylinder principle be used to lessen power for a landing gear?
If the turbine principle could be applied to an aeronautical engine, it would eradicate many of the present troubles.
Then came gasoline and mercury-vapor turbines, fine in principle but somehow unsuccessful.
It was based upon the principle of the relation between the earth's magnetic field and the magnetic field generated in the airplane.
The Useful Knowledge Society, starting on theprinciple of perfect neutrality in politics and religion, was obliged to keep strict watch against the entrance of all attempt even to look over the hedge.
I do not even blench from my principle where I find that it brings what is called "taking a sight" within permissible forms of expression: Rabelais not only establishes its antiquity, but makes it English.
The principle is, Prove something in as roundabout a way as possible, mention the circle once or twice irrelevantly in the course of your proof, and then make an act of Q.
He may admit one and another principleto advise: but Custom is not a constitutional king; he may listen to his cabinet, but he decides for himself: and if the ministry should resign, he blesses his stars and does without them.
I have before me the printed letter of a medical man--to whose professional ability I have good testimony--who finds the vital principle in highly rarefied oxygen.
On the whole, the writings of De Morgan and Boole go to the full justification of our principle without in any wise so trenching upon our ground as to render us open to reproach in claiming our Calculus as a great discovery.
The common art-principle of the class of poems under present consideration is identical with the common principle of Japanese pictorial illustration.
But it is still a fundamental principle of tactics that the infantry is the chief factor in the attack, and that no attack can be considered overwhelmingly successful without the use of the bayonet.
It was his principlenever to mix in politics, and he lived undisturbed amid the strife of factions.
Other States took advantage of this decision, and of the general principle of international law, that one nation or state is not bound to enforce the municipal law of another.
The principle thus apparently established by custom was overthrown by a succession of legal decisions, culminating in the famous Somersett Case.