Let us, above all, silence the knaves who, overloaded like ourselves with the weight of human calamities, add the mischief of their calumny; let us refute their execrable imposture by having recourse to faith and Providence.
The increase of food supplies held by Nitti to refute Malthus.
And it is worthy of note here, that it is not possible to refute any of the erroneous views in regard to the Sabbath and Lord's Day, without taking positions which necessarily lead to the observation of the Seventh Day.
In order to refutehis false statements, and to show more clearly to the whole world the reason I had, as a Catholic priest, to resist him, I addressed the following letter to his lordship: ST.
We have a very remarkable letter of St. Bernard to refute some monks of Lyons who were preaching this new doctrine.
Do you not agree that there was nothing to answer, nothing to refute in his long address!
Newman writes this whole book to refute the public accusation that he was a traitor, that he was preparing the people to leave the Church of England and to submit to the Pope.
As I was about to show him that I had a right to refute what he had said, my eyes fell on a scene which baffles all description.
That woman is evidently in the hands of the bishop and her brother priest, ready to swear anything they order her, and I know nothing so difficult as to refute such female testimonies, particularly when they are absent from the court.
I have read her book, which was given me, that I mightrefute it.
Hodder did not attempt to refute her--she had, indeed, made discussion impossible.
If you wish--if it will help you any, I will refute it when I can--I mean among our friends only.
I should like to refute your statement, but candor compels me to admit its truth," he answered.
There was more than one senator who burned to refute the glittering sophisms and cruel hardness of the jurist’s speech; but Pætus Thrasea was absent, as he often was, and Seneca was cowed by his habitual timidity.
He disliked its arguments, and must needs refutethem by his pamphlet "Liberty and Necessity," which was certainly a most vigorous mental discipline for him, although he was afterwards dissatisfied with its negative conclusions.
He thought that the arguments of the deists which were quoted to be refuted were much stronger than the attempts to refute them.
I cannot refute the axiom of the ancient poet, "In love there is no wherefore.
To conclude, if any person should feel inclined to attempt to refute this book, let him do it like a man; without evading the question, or equivocating, or caviling about little things.
But, Dick, if the charge is false, why cannot you refute it?
I must see your mother, and urge her to refute the awful slanders spread about by Vivian Ormsby.
I shall never forget the alacrity with which Johnson answered, striking his foot with mighty force against a large stone, till he rebounded from it--'I refute it thus.
I observed," says Boswell, "that though we are satisfied his doctrine is not true, it is impossible to refute it.
The fact that I have had sufficient time in which to refute my former errors, I count as the greatest good-fortune which has ever befallen me.
In order to refute ancient prophecy, he wished to build again the Temple at Jerusalem.
Tertullian pledges himself to show in detail, that even in those parts of the Gospel which Marcion retained there was enough to refute his own system.
Out of these elements an elaborate historical theory is constructed, which Ewald and Fritzsche have taken the trouble to refute on historical grounds.
Generally it is true that the object of the Fathers is not critical but dogmatic, to refute Marcion's system out of his own Gospel.
The proofs adduced by Geronimo in support of his statements were so absurd that it should have been easy for the Jewish delegates to refute them.
One of the dukes of Orleans undertook to refute the onslaught of this Polish Jew upon Christianity.
This Martin Czechowic had written a work to refute the objections of the Jews to the Messianic claims of Jesus, and had fought against the continued obligatoriness of Judaism with old and rusty weapons.
It is easy to refute them with glory, though every one is not capable of it: but, it is still better that they should remain unknown.
The sketch of Achaean history rested mainly, as far as it depends on books, on the Memoirs of Aratus; while he studied only to refute the writings of Phylarchus the panegyrist of Cleomenes.
Of all these accusations he gave distinct proof, and brought forward witnesses: and Megaleas and Crinon being entirely unable to refute any of them, were unanimously condemned by the king’s friends.
This failure to state issues clearly and to support or refute them convincingly is one of the most common faults of all debating.
In fact, try to refute your own arguments exactly as some opponent would, or get some friend to try to refute your statements.
If it is ever used against you, refute it by the strength of arguments you deliver in support of your position.
Having found the fallacies in an argument you should proceed to refute them.
Common sense, clear headedness, logical reasoning, and a wide knowledge of all kinds of things will enable a speaker to recognize these fallacies, anticipate them, and successfully refute them.
He must refute the definition and application of the proposition by strong reasoning and ample proof.
Very well; it is only a perhaps, but that is all we want in order to refute the logic of the article just quoted.
The book of Job seems to have been written partly to refute this sort of Calvinism.
We shall find, if I am not mistaken, that there are no facts which refute the hypothesis of mental continuity, and that, on the other hand, this hypothesis affords a useful test of suggested theories as to the nature of mind.
Had Justin known the false Matthew's false version, he would have quoted it eagerly instead of taking the trouble to refute the heretics.
And our zealous missionaries in Ceylon and elsewhere, by actively translating Buddhist books to refute them, have produced a result which is a little startling.
It would be impossible to refute in writing all the delusions made use of to force this system through.
Footnote 175: Strangford's despatches quite refute Thiers' confident statement that the Portuguese answers to Napoleon were planned in concert with us.
This very important letter seems to me to refute M.
To refute this error it is merely needful to remind the reader that all immediate fear of invasion was over, when, at the close of August, Napoleon wheeled the Grand Army against Austria.