Eventually it will come out with a little encouragement in the way of frictional massage of the womb through the abdominal walls.
Wherfore demene yow in doyng of yowr erandes ther aftyr, and if ye shall bryng any masage from the Lords, take writyng, for Darcorts massage is not verely beleved be cause he browt no wrytyng.
Item, she sent divers tokenes ofmassage to Sothwell be Robert Inglose, wheche previth welle at that tyme she lovyd not Lancasterother.
Then I quit the city, came down to Carmel, and went in for the open air--and massage under tension.
In a systematic way she exercised the various parts of her body, and a certain period of time each day she employed in facial exercises and massage for the purpose of retaining the roundness and freshness, and firmness and color.
Thus a combination of massage and faradic current is obtained, and the results are particularly satisfactory.
The rate of compression of the heart in this massage must be somewhat less than half that of the normal beat, and at short intervals the massage is to be stopped to allow the spontaneous beats to develop.
Neither appeared inclined to talk, and, as Tavia went through her elaborate toilet preparations (the facial massage and all the accompaniments) Dorothy watched her in silence.
To call any Osteopathic treatment massage is always resented as an insult by the guardians of the science.
Sam said, "There is as much difference between Osteopathy and massage as between playing a piano and currying a horse.
What is the Osteopath doing, who rolls and twists and pulls and kneads for a full hour, if he isn't giving a massage treatment?
He was shot in the right shoulder, the wound soon healed, but the arm was almost useless, so the massage fiend here used to come and give him terrible gip.
Then take plenty of cold cream on the fingers of both hands and massage the face thoroughly, to soften the makeup all over.
Massage with olive oil is splendid for tired swollen feet; soaking them in salt water is also good.
Allow the lemon juice to dry on them, then apply cold cream and massage them thoroughly.
Aconite is given for fever and rheumatism, and a rough kind of massage is used to allay pain in the muscles of limbs.
Most prominent are the so-called parlor house or brothel, the tenement house apartment, the furnished room house, the disorderly hotel, and the massage parlor.
There is therefore a constant effort on the part of the keepers of parlor houses to undermine the business done by women on the street, in flats, and in massage parlors.
They were told to learn the nature of the massage given, the equipment, prices, the bearing, attire, and general behavior of the operatives.
The falling off is explained by an alleged increase of disorderly flats in tenements and of massage parlors.
It is only just to say that not all massage parlors are of the type described above.
A large number of massage parlors are located on the upper floors of buildings on Sixth and Columbus Avenues and on the side streets from West 23rd Street to West 80th Street.
Observing a massage sign on the second floor, he concluded that the girls had been answering an advertisement to call at this place of business.
With proper support, proper massage and treatment afterwards, the ugly breasts need not have been, and need not be.
In this, much depends on the position in which the child is lying, and sometimes the position of the child can be improved by massage and manipulation by a trained midwife or doctor.
Finally massage and Swedish movements directed to the entire back will help to disencumber the central nervous system, which is evidently very badly depleted of its vital force.
Then mustard poultices can be applied along the course of the spine and massage with suitable manipulations can be applied to the muscles and bones which make up the spine.
Thus we can resort hot alkaline baths, Turkish baths, massage and Osteopathic stretching movements to help in this respect.
He also needs suitable massage and stretching movements applied to the upper part of the spine, which is functioning badly.
A period of rest then needed to be followed by one of massage and movement, to maintain the nutrition of the muscles.
This had only been partially improved when the patient returned home, in spite of prolonged massage and passive movement.
The only treatment indicated was a short period of rest, accompanied in the early stages by pressure and slight fixation, followed later by massage and movement if necessary.
Apparently it's nothing but a hood with three massage machines installed on spring mounts, so they fit the head.
And ask him a few questions about his massage machine, if it's in sight.
Rick, I thought I saw the barber from Washington--the one with the massage machine!
The likeliest possibility is that he wanted to continue using it as a massage machine, because he made a little money with it.
Actually, themassage gadgets acted as electrodes, and the massage oil did very well in making good contact.
We've found that during the period when he was in Washington, hismassage machine was wired through to a room in the basement.
It's a massage machine, pure and simple, and it passed the health inspection board, so we know it's not harmful.
I'd like to get some more dope on that massage machine of his.
More cops are hurt in homes than are ever hurt in biker bars or massage parlors.
The synthetic nerves were plump and white under the derma-ray, the fluxo heart was pumping steadily, the entire muscular structure kept under pneumatic massage for muscle tone.
They weren't, however, under massage and would not be active.
The muscles are there, but they need massageto bring them to life.
The slow, plastic pulse of the muscle tone massage worked off a small pump near the foot of the mold.
However, they are trying massage now, a peculiar kind of massage and dumb-bells, and I really believe it is going to do her good.
The questioner made the Chief a present of a copy of the paper, and asked him to read over the massage advertisements.
I began to massage the heart, to maintain it as we infused the blood and was able to obtain a palpable pulse in the carotid vessels going to the neck and into the head.
As we said initially this was an acute emergency situation and there was not time initially and when the cardiac massage was done this prevented any further examination during this time this was being done.
When this electrocardiac activity ceased, close cardiac massage was begun.
Electrical massage in June, 1917, yielded free movement, but the spasm returned.
Vibratory massage was given to the laryngeal region.
Treatment was then continued by electricity, massage and reëducation, so that all movements soon regained strength.
Biceps restored to synergy with the supinator bymassage and faradism.
This process of stupefaction passed away with a few weeks’ massage and rhythmic faradism.
Massage brought these jerks out to virtual normality.
Treatment by massage and rhythmic faradization caused the biceps function to return to normal, so that voluntary synergic contractions of the biceps took place along with those of the supinator longus.
In cases of retraction, mechanotherapy with apparatus does not allow the proper combination of massage with progressive mobilization.
Some people either through general weakness or some infirmity are unable to take exercise for themselves, and in such cases massage is of great benefit, acting in the same way, but without any exertion on the part of the patient.
One hour of massage is equivalent to several hours of active movement.
If skilled massage cannot be obtained, gentle rubbing of the limb will fulfil the same useful purpose.
Her father had been a reprobate till the day of his death, when he had sent for his favourite Japanese girl to come and massage the pain out of his wasted body.
Come on, let's get you up and into bed, and then I'm going to have a doctor and a massage therapist sent in.
He landed at JFK still smelling of chlorine and sandalwood massage oil and the cantaloupe-scented lotion in the fancy toilets.