Cook together ten minutes, then put the mixture into the shells, pour a little of the sauce over each, sprinkle with buttered bread crumbs, bag, and bake about ten minutes or until they are browned.
Serve with cream sauce and garnish with thin, crisped slices of bacon and tiny corn oysters.
It may now be cooked in a wooden baking dish in the bag, or it may be prepared as follows: Press it into the form of an oblong mould, using only just enough sauce to hold the flakes together.
Rub the butter and flour together, add the tomato and seasoning; when boiling dish the eggs on a heated platter, pour around tomato sauce and send to the table.
Put one poached egg on each slice of toast, fill the bottom of the dish with tomato sauce and put a tablespoonful of Bernaise sauce on top of each egg.
Turn the rice into the center of a platter, smooth it down, cover the top with poached eggs, pour over the paprika sauce and send at once to the table.
Dish the muffins, put a square of ham on each, then a poached egg and cover each egg nicely with sauce Hollandaise.
When done, put half a kidney on each side of the plate and pour over sauce Perigueux.
Tomato sauce should be flavored with onion, a little mace, and a suspicion of curry.
When the eggs are ready to serve, put two tablespoonfuls of this sauce at each side of the dish, and send at once to the table.
This dish may be changed by using tomato sauce in place of the curry sauce.
They learned the precious lesson that hunger is the best sauce for food.
The small flask of cognac and the bottle of Worcester sauce are waiting on his dressing table.
What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander--or the other way round, don't you know?
Vegetables were eaten in the form of soup, served on hot dishes with sauce or dressed as salad.
One saw him in the distance, suggesting with his easy smile a suitable luncheon to some bashful youth; or found him, a moment or two later, comparing reminiscences of some wonderful sauce with a bon viveur, an habitue of the place.
They are by way of being fashionable now, and they tell me that there is an Homard Speciale with a new sauce which must be tasted at the Abbaye.
When the woodcocks are to be served up put the sauce over the toast, and the woodcocks upon it.
Let them be of a brown colour, and drain them dry; then serve them up withsauce under them, made with a little cullis, lemon pickle, and ketchup.
Then fry them of a light colour, and put them before the fire till wanted; and add to the sauce the steaks were passed in, a little cullis and ketchup; then strain and reduce it almost to a glaize.
Serve up with the venison warm currant jelly in a boat, and some good gravy with a little red port in it in another sauce boat.
Serve it up with a sauce over, made of cullis, fresh butter, cayenne, anchovie essence, and lemon pickle.
Serve them up placed round each other, with a sauce in the center made with cullis, a little ketchup, lemon pickle, and artichoke bottoms cut into pieces.
The above fillets may be fried, and served up with the sauce round.
Then drain them dry, sprinkle a little salt over, and serve them up directly with melted butter in a sauce boat.
BONE, braise, and glaize the duck as mentioned in the preceding article, and when it is to be served up put a sauce round it made with heads of sprue grass boiled in a little veal stock, and when tender rub them through a tamis.
When broiled enough, serve them up with poached eggs on the top of the salmon, and anchovie saucein a boat.
For every sauce invented and accepted a vice is renounced and forgiven.
A people with no sauces has one thousand vices; a people with one sauce has only nine hundred and ninety-nine.
How could the career--his career--speak to a nature that had glimpses as vivid as they were crude of such a different range and for which success meant quite another sauce to the dish?
Vegetables prepared and cooked as for jardinière, but with the addition of some white sauce to them.
Clear stock, with peas, rice, carrots and tomatosauce in it, served with grated Parmesan cheese.
A highly-finished hash of cooked game or wild-fowl, cut up and prepared with rich sauce or made gravy.
A purée retains its name when sufficient stock is added to it to form a thick sauce or soup.
A sauce made with pepper, vinegar, shalots, bunch of parsley, salt, and broth.
Same here," put in the Mixer, saturating half a slice of bread in the sauce of the stew.
Presently it became only too horribly certain that the man was out of himself, for when the fish course was served he remained serenely unconscious that none of the lobster sauce accompanied his own portion.
But she won't let me have anything at that hotel but a continental breakfast, which is nothing but coffee and toast and some of that there sauce you're eating.
For the first time, then, the fish course in Red Gap was to be an event, an abundant portion of native fish with a lobster sauce which I had carried out to its highest power.
And to make the dish more delicious," added she, "I will eat her with sauce made of Robert.
All hitherto was mighty well; but a few evenings after this craving, the ogress said to the clerk of the kitchen, "I will also eat the young queen with the same sauce that I had with the children.
Turn one-half of sauce into casserole; arrange chicken over sauce and cover with remaining sauce.
Serve with cream or with hard saucemade by rubbing butter and sugar together.
Make a white sauce by melting half the shortening, add flour and when well mixed slowly add milk; stir until creamy, add salt and pepper.
Break eggs carefully into a well buttered pudding dish, cover with white sauce and sprinkle cheese over all.
Make a white sauce and grate three tablespoonfuls yellow American cheese in it; when the cheese is melted pour over the vegetable in ramekin, put a few buttered bread crumbs on top and put in the oven to brown.
Any sauce will do, but whipped cream sweetened with maple sugar is delicious.
When ready to serve place a small amount in glasses, adding the chopped nuts, chocolatesauce or any fruit desired.
Baste roast every fifteen or twenty minutes with this sauce at boiling point, draining off sauce after each basting and returning sauce to saucepan, which should be kept at the boiling point.
Strain, add about one-half cup hot cream or enough to make sauce right consistency.
Service: Put cauliflower, unbroken, in center of platter; mask with sauce and sprinkle with grated cheese.
Garnish with parsley and slices of lemon and pour over sauce left in pan.
This was Mary Jane's idea and she had also suggested apple sauce for the goose but Aunt Kate had said that plain roast goose without any apple sauce had always been good enough for her and she hoped she might never eat worse.
Sauce for meat made of vinegar, sugar, chopped orange rind, and bay leaves.
Have ready some poached eggs in a deep dish, and pour the sauceover them.
Lobster sauce is very nice made as above, with the addition of a teaspoonful of made mustard and the juice of half a lemon.
Soup should be sent up accompanied only by bread, and such sauceas may be fashionable or suitable.
Put in a tin pail and set within the uncovered top of the tea-kettle, which you must keep boiling until the steam heats the sauce very hot, but not to boiling.
Mix a hard sauce according to the previous receipt, and when light, set aside three or four tablespoonfuls in a plate.
There is no sauce like hunger, of course, but it was observed that the King ate heartily, and, although verging upon the statutory term of human life, seemed not one penny the worse for his long and trying journey.
Flamboyant youth heartily poured half a bottle of Worcestershire sauce over its cutlet.
Nannie, as she passed some apple sauce and oatmeal to Uncle Wiggily.
But as it happened he met a kind old water snake, who had a nice house in an old pile of wood, and there the rabbit stayed until morning, when the water snake got him a nice breakfast of pond lilies, with crinkly eel-grass sauce on.
A stream of soup did flow along In front of all the couches, Rolling down lumps of smoking meat; And rivulets of white sauce Brought to all such as chose to eat The sweetest forced-meat balls.
In ashes first your onions roast Till they are brown as toast, Then with sauce and gravy cover; Eat them, you'll be strong all over.
There too were cutlets of broil'd fish well season'd With sauce of every kind, and cook, and country.
And Timocles, in his play called The Ring, says-- Galei and rays, and all the fish besides Which cooks do dress with sauce and vinegar.
You can add Worcestershire sauce or soy sauceif desired.
First, when the fish are put in a sauce such as mustard dressing or tomato sauce, and secondly where they are packed in oil.
In many instances it requires more sugar to sweeten a sauce after canning than it does when the product is canned in the hot sirup.
And I want to know how it happens that what is sauce for the goose is not sauce for the gander in Samoa?
The same sauce answers for all these kinds of puddings.
One sauce answers for common use for all sorts of puddings.
When you wish better sauce than common, take a quarter of a pound of butter and the same of sugar, mould them well together with your hand, add a little wine, if you choose.