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Example sentences for "sneeze"

Lexicographically close words:
sneer; sneered; sneering; sneeringly; sneers; sneezed; sneezes; sneezing; snells; snick
  1. Was sorry for her sake, but glad for my own, to hear her sneeze twice, for she is considered to have easily the most musical sneeze in London.

  2. One sneeze from those snouts, and it would be all day with the Rector's outfit and part of to-morrow!

  3. Illustration: Wagging her head and stopping every minute to cough, sneeze and blow her nose] Poor Sugar!

  4. As the sneeze rang out Elmer, knowing what the result must be, attempted to gain his feet, meaning to spring boldly forward; but his awkward position placed a handicap on quick action, so that he wasted several precious seconds trying.

  5. You catch your breath and sneeze at the dust he has raised, and trust that this part of the performance is over.

  6. You sneeze again as the dust fills your nostrils, and stoop to pick up your handkerchief which he has sent flying to the floor.

  7. So Jumpo did, and surely enough he couldn't drink and sneeze at the same time.

  8. I tried that way, but every time I began to sip up the water it squirted up my nose, and that tickles me, and I have to sneeze, and when I sneeze I can't drink.

  9. Lulu blew a very big bubble, almost as big as the moon looks, and all of a sudden it burst, making her sneeze like the time when Uncle Wiggily got the water up his nose.

  10. The next instant a mighty sneeze seized him, and Georgina, who had been gazing in fascination at the shower of sparks he was making, saw all of his teeth go flying into the fire.

  11. The bed was so high she could easily sit upright under it, but she was so afraid that a cough or a sneeze might betray her, that she drew up her knees and sat with her face pressed against them hard.

  12. She did not connect it with old Jeremy's sneeze until she heard his wrathful gibbering, and turned to see him holding up the teeth, which he had fished out of the fire with the tongs.

  13. He actually allowed me to sneeze in the carriage without saying that I must have a new fur cloak, or even asking if I had a cold.

  14. I may sneeze six times in an hour, and my husband take no notice, but run out and leave the front door open, and prune his horrid little trees.

  15. People with head-colds may sneeze ten or fifteen times a day.

  16. In all these, and many other regions, the sneeze was welcomed as an auspicious omen.

  17. He thinks the sneeze expels an evil spirit.

  18. It was something between a sneeze and a cough," she replied with reproachful dignity, "and it got into my throat.

  19. Sneezing was once looked on as a happy omen: when Telemachus gave a resounding sneeze Penelope interpreted it as a sign that news of his father was at hand.

  20. The fear of a sneeze (which must be followed by some form of 'God bless you!

  21. Perhaps, as Ned observed them again, he unconsciously connected the sneeze with their presence; but then this thought quickly gave way to the other.

  22. I know it did, and must have been the sneeze of a man at that," replied the second scout.

  23. A sneeze at a critical time might easily ruin us.

  24. Aggie, however, absolutely refused to return, and said that by holding her nostrils closed and her mouth open she could, if she felt the paroxysm coming on, sneeze almost noiselessly.

  25. She slapped madly at a passing object, then began to sneeze violently.

  26. Thus, in the classic ages of Greece and Rome, we read of the lucky sneeze of Telemachus, and of Aristotle's remark that people consider a sneeze as divine, but not a cough.

  27. We know that a man cannot voluntarily sneeze or cough with nearly the same force as he does automatically; and so it is with the contraction of the orbicular muscles: Sir C.

  28. Sneeze Powder' (makes everybody sneeze when blown in the air) Re.

  29. Seated on his bed he stuffed his nose eagerly with snuff, which he took from a paper bag, in order to sneeze more strongly, and with greater regularity.

  30. And you mustn't sneeze before people: it's very rude.

  31. It was what made me cough and sneeze and wink, to keep from the womanish weakness of tears.

  32. Yes, I could understand and see it all, and when Miss Milly wiped her eyes, and Miss Eleanor's voice grew tremulous, I had to wink and sneeze several times to conceal from them how deeply I was touched.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sneeze" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aspiration; blow; breath; breathe; buzz; cough; effervesce; effervescence; exhale; exhaust; expel; expiration; expire; fizz; fizzle; gasp; gulp; hack; hiccup; hiss; hissing; huff; hush; inhalation; inhale; inspiration; inspire; lisp; pant; puff; respiration; respire; scuba; sigh; sizzle; sizzling; sneeze; sniff; sniffle; snore; snoring; snort; snuff; snuffle; spit; splutter; sputter; squash; squelch; swish; wheeze; whistle; whistling; whiz; wind