The fleet sailed into a saucy head-wind and a greatslosh of easterly sea.
The solid slices of streaked lean and fat, the limpid gravy, the brown pan of slosh inviting you to sop it, and the rare, delicate shortness of the biscuit, made the homely animal to be in high esteem.
Limugmúgi ang sunuy matag buntag, Bathe the cock every morning with water you slosh around in your mouth.
Lùgúi nang butilya kay namilit ang húgaw sa sulud, Slosh water around in the bottle because there’s dirt sticking to the sides.
A; a] shake a vessel with liquid in it to slosh the liquid around.
A; b] slosh water around in the mouth to warm it and spit it out on s.
The slosh will be over her sandals, and she will get wet feet.
The Slosh count hadn't more than twenty-five cents and he wasn't the kind to deal any of it out to his family.
There wasn't but a few customers up in the slosh at that time, so I hung out near the door so I could help Sir Percival serve.
I go after the boss, and old Brockmann hikes up to the slosh on the jump.