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Example sentences for "mire"

Lexicographically close words:
miraged; mirages; mirando; mirar; miratur; mired; miri; mirifice; miris; mirk
  1. And we caution all students to be sure to grasp the Divine Paradox of the Absolute and Relative, lest they become entangled in the mire of the Half-Truth.

  2. Keep your mind ever on the Star, but let your eyes watch over your footsteps, lest you fall into the mire by reason of your upward gaze.

  3. Mademoiselle Le Mire seated her in front of a great drawer filled with pearls, needles, and bodkins, with instalments of four-sou novels thrown in at random among them.

  4. Or perhaps Malvina would go and ask Mademoiselle Le Mire for a copy of the 'Journal pour Tous,' and read aloud to the others.

  5. Then the young women would soon be there and they would show her exactly what she would have to do, for Mademoiselle Le Mire (always written in two words!

  6. Indeed, this same Mademoiselle Le Mire spoke of retiring in a few years.

  7. Their grandfathers, who had been at Sebastopol, could have told them something about mud; but even after India and South Africa, the mire of the Aisne seemed a grievous affliction.

  8. Not even infantry could pass over this region--not to consider cavalry or artillery, save in the depth of a cold winter when the water and mire is frozen.

  9. According to the Belgic Chronicle, the body of the saint and other relics were thrown into the mire and cast to the dogs.

  10. Are they not loaded with chains and fetters, and crushed down in filthy mire and dirt by self-inflated, tyrannizing man?

  11. How many a fool's exalted to the stars, Whilst sages hidden in the mire must fare!

  12. How comes it then that mire and coal at once in thee are found?

  13. We fain would hope that through thine exertions the wings of men may be sanctified from the mire of self and desire, and be made worthy to soar in the atmosphere of God’s love.

  14. Wings that are besmirched with mire can never soar.

  15. How could he help feeling anxious as to what her reception of him would be, she in whose power it was to exalt him from the mire of shame and misery into a world of peace and purity.

  16. You found her degraded, defiled, dragged through the mire of wickedness and vice.

  17. While Philip had been telling his story, Morris had noted the mire on his shooting jacket and the blood upon his cuffs, and pointed them out to the squire with more exultation than was befitting a bereaved father.

  18. Elsewhere the dingy mangroves rose from black depths of mire on slimy roots and pale stems that glimmered, blanched, amidst the drifting steam that clung about them.

  19. She lay with her bows wedged into the mangrove forest, which crawled on high-arched roots over leagues of bubbling mire to the edge of one of the foulest creeks in Western Africa.

  20. They slid through strips of shadow where the belts of mire they skirted bubbled with the emanations the heat sucked up from them, and slid across lake-like reaches where the yellow water was dazzling to look upon.

  21. Mire was whirled aloft by the thudding screw, and Austin, gripping his telegraph, laughed a harsh laugh as he saw that she was going through.

  22. In the meanwhile they were slowly raising the land, or the nearest approach to it to be found in that part of Africa, which consists of mire and mangroves intersected everywhere by lanes of water.

  23. Austin sat huddled in the launch's stern-sheets with his senses dulled by the heat and glare, though the desolation of mire and mangroves reacted on him.

  24. O Eternal One, if we saw not thy starry heaven, how much would our heart, sunk into the mire of earth, know of thee and of immortality?

  25. Tree of the higher life, I embrace thee, I twine around thee with a thousand faculties and tendrils, that I may mount up out of the trampled mire around me!

  26. Had she met mine with coldness or surprise, I had not plunged on headlong in the mire Of amorous thought.

  27. He who stands And sees the mighty vehicle of State Hauled through the mire to some ignoble fate And makes not such bold protest as he can, Is no American, A MINOR CHORD I heard a strain of music in the street - A wandering waif of sound.

  28. He jumps at no conclusions; yet he shares the fate of one who does: he flounders in the mire between.

  29. I ran to the lagoon, and reeds and mire Did so entangle me I fell, and saw there A lake made from my veins upon the ground.

  30. A month and little more essayed I how Weighs the great cloak on him from mire who keeps it, For all the other burdens seem a feather.

  31. He was back once more in the wilderness, a wet and very weary man, with thorn-rents in his deerskin jacket and the mire clinging about him, but he smiled as he rose stiffly and stretched his aching limbs.

  32. Thus he plodded on contentedly on his twelve-mile march, with the snow and the mire beneath it reaching now and then to his knee, until his companion stopped beside a little bark shanty and lighted a lantern.

  33. I can make no protestations, but if I have gone straight in this country it was you who helped me, and I should never have gone down into the mire if I had known you in the other one.

  34. There were a few fine furs which Seaforth had collected here and there about the ranch upon the floor, and Alton, who had just returned from a ride of forty miles through the mire and rain, stopped a moment upon the threshold.

  35. Were you thinking of the child when you dragged me in the mire before this rabble?

  36. No, he is roaming about the higher regions so much that he gets homesick for the mud--and wallowing in the mire makes the skin callous like that of a pig.

  37. The city of New York was sure of its site; but huge dinotheria wallowed in the mire where now stand the palaces of Paris, London, and Vienna.

  38. What use in expecting the wearer of them to handle the blood and mire of Juliet Sparling's story with breadth and pity?

  39. The hand which held up her dress from the mire trembled a little unseen.

  40. At last, when the courtyard had somewhat emptied, Madame Vincent herself ventured on her way, all terror lest the mire should make her fall in that black darkness.

  41. Even a deification of the mother, or even of the grandmother, such as is proclaimed by the Roman church, does not help any honest soul out of this mire which has been made by well-meaning but ignorant theologians.

  42. Some of the Hulans were entangled there from the soft nature of the ground, the horses having sunk in the mire almost up to their saddle-girths.

  43. Hal stumbled and tripped, sinking into mire over his ankles.

  44. The sun was high in the east when Hal had pounded the last bit of mire into place.

  45. He had made no attempt to save the boy from the mire into which he had helped to fling him.

  46. It left its camp in the damp of a gray spring morning, when, under cover of a gradually lightening dawn, it struck through a narrow valley, where feet and hoofs sank deep into a mire of liquid mud.

  47. His thought was upon others that had nothing to do with the mire of civilization in which he stood.

  48. O the mire and dirt that a guilty conscience, when it is forced to speak, will cast up and throw out before the judgment-seat.

  49. He looked for a house full of virtue, and behold nothing but spider-webs; fair and plausible abroad, but like the sow in the mire at home.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mire" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.