In a unique case, that of Queensland, after a constitution had been conceded, the first governor took out with him the first premier; and he too was afterwards able to safeguard its interests as permanent under-secretary in London.
Seven years more elapsed ere the permanent occupancy of New Mexico was effected under the leadership of Juan de Oñate.
As stated above, the expedition of Coronado was not designed as a mere exploration, but rather for the purpose of establishing a permanent settlement.
What was expected of its leader, and indeed peremptorily demanded, was a permanent settlement of the country.
Further, all that makes the superiority of the modern world to the ancient, and is most permanent and pregnant with improvement in it, may be traced to the appearance of that Character, and to the work which He planned and did.
And this reserve, which marked his social life, kept him back from saying in a permanent form much that he had to say, and that was really worth saying.
All this time the foundations were being laid and the materials gathered for books of wider scope and more permanent aim, too vast for him to accomplish even in his later years of leisure.
He passed through various subordinate public employments, and finally succeeded Mr. Herman Merivale as permanent Under-Secretary for the Colonies.
Parents or guardians of cadets must in all cases of permanent change of residence communicate the same to the captain of the training ship without delay.
At the bend of the Missouri the frontier had arrived; there it was to stay, and along the lines of its receding flanks the Indians could be settled with pledges of permanent security and growth.
But they did not directly secure the presence of permanent population in the new territories.
But one course remains," he wrote, "which promises any permanent relief to them, or any lasting benefit to the country in which they dwell.
These Indian movements were a part of the general concentrating policy made in the belief that a permanent Indian frontier could be established.
That it should have been a permanent boundary is not conceivable; yet Congress professed to regard it as such, and had in 1836 ordered the survey and construction of a military road from the mouth of the St. Peter's to the Red River.
The Shawnee, immediately south of the Kansas, were also well advanced in agriculture in the permanent home they had accepted.
The height of the gold boom was over, and the return migration left it somewhat doubtful whether any permanent population would remain in the country to need a state.
Yet these great plains that now had to be abandoned had been set aside as a permanent home for the race in pursuance of Monroe's policy.
Many indeed who came to mine remained to plough, but the permanent populating of the Far West was the work of railways and irrigation two decades later.
None of them was successful in securing a large permanent population until agriculture had gained firm foothold.
The future of the other tribes in their so-called permanent homes was in grave question by the middle of the decade.
So that the tenant of his house becomes a permanent resource for the owner’s well-being, because he cannot avoid paying rent to the one or the other.
There was work to do, a drive of a hundred and seventy miles with slow-moving stock, then scouting for water and feed on the new pasture, a permanent camp to make, and much besides which filled up four good weeks.
The arrangement made with Pedersen was only temporary, not permanent like a proper funeral.
To put a private quarrel or injury into the hands of the peelers were a disloyal making of terms with the public foe; a condoning of great permanent wrongs for the sake of a trivial temporary convenience.
They lacked the high seriousness that gives its permanent value to Shakespeare's tragic work.
It was a permanentsource of amusement to ply me with horrible phantoms in all imaginable shapes.
And at this moment it might be difficult for a bystander to say with which of the combatants rested the better chance of permanent success.
Whether his future career might be parliamentary, or devoted to the permanent Civil Service of the country, it would be alike great, noble, and prosperous.
By the middle of 1872, Thiers was the open advocate of "la Republique conservatrice," and this gradual transformation of a transitional republic into a permanent one was what the monarchists could not accept.
In the midst of the general confusion only one thing seemed feasible if governmental anarchy were to be avoided, namely, the prorogation of Mac-Mahon's authority, as a rampart against rising democracy and a permanent republic.
The Assembly had done many a good service, but its dilatoriness in establishing a permanent government, its ingratitude to M.
They were new to parliamentary life, and in the majority of cases were averse to a permanentrepublican form of government.
This was inevitably another step toward the affirmation of a permanent republic by the clearer specification of governmental attributes.
But, without disputing that these circumstances enter with considerable weight into the general result, it may safely be affirmed that the main cause of it is to be found in two laws of nature, of universal and permanent application.
The National system will create a reliable andpermanent influence in support of the national credit, and protect the people against losses in the use of paper money.
The plan is proposed as permanent constitutional law.
Unanimity is impossible; the rule of a majority, as a permanent arrangement, is wholly inadmissible.
Our National strife springs not from our permanent part; not from the land we inhabit; not from our National homestead.
Their purpose we believe to be the overthrow of armed rebels in the field, and the security of permanent peace and Union by liberty and justice under the Constitution.
This, however, not to be a permanent institution, but a temporary substitute, and to cease as soon as the ordinary courts can be re-established in peace.
Kentucky and the General Government cooeperating, the work can be completed in a very short time; and when done, it will be not only of vast present usefulness, but also a valuable permanent improvement, worth its cost in all the future.
The king in turn agreed to confirm Presbyterianism for three years; the permanent form of Church Government to be then determined by an assembly of divines, assisted by twenty commissioners to be appointed by the king.
Here is one of the numerous spots where temporary defeat has been transformed into permanent glory.
And even Fellows contrive to retain some of the characteristics of their more permanent predecessors, whom we have now learnt to regard as abuses.
Although the name of Link fills a large space in the literature of botany, his mind was not of the highest order, and his contributions to science are not likely to make a verypermanent impression.
The world may yet look for several volumes from his hand, upon the East, and we are sure they will deserve the large and permanent popularity to which his first work has attained in every country where it has been printed.
These principles constitute what may be designated the statics of history--the more or less stable andpermanent conditions under which the living forces of humanity are developed.
Will the mechanism of the heavens finally run down as surely as the weights of a clock run down to their lowest position, or are we authorized on scientific grounds to assert the permanent stability of the solar system?
Our faith in the uniformity and permanent stability of nature is an induction from experience, and not a natural and necessary intuition of the mind.
There is a permanent force, or power, which is the cause of all change.
His conception is that of a permanent force, which is "under the circumstances necessary," producing "an unerring order which in our experience knows no exception.
The passage from facts to principles (that is, the passage from our limited experience of uniformity to the affirmation of universal and permanent order) is called induction, which in its highest form is inspiration.
What is thatpermanent something which I apprehend under all the varying mental states?
The terms physical and spiritual are employed as collective terms to connote the essential, changeless, and permanent attributes of certain entities or realities which are regarded as ultimate, viz.
But they had suffered no permanent deterioration, and after I had washed them, they were, as I have already intimated, as good as ever.
That is another of the elements in his permanent popularity.
Yet the Lives of the Poets is not only the most popular book of its kind in the language: it is also a book of real and permanent value.
Perhaps the only prose work of permanent value he produced in these years was the life of his mysterious friend, Richard Savage.
No permanent law would be established thereby destructive of the rights of the people in other like cases.
We do not even accord the name of goodness to that easy, amiable sympathy which leads us to alleviate the sufferings of others, unless it be guided by wise regard for their permanent welfare.
Does not the poverty and general unsatisfactoriness of our present condition warrant us in expecting ampler fulfilment, permanent bliss in an after life?
Indeed, little permanent good was to be hoped for in so disordered a condition of political affairs, and from the degenerate rulers who then swayed the helm of state.
The leaders have penetrated to the foundations of their religion, but upon these bare foundations they have erected what is at best a mere temporary structure incapable of affording them permanent shelter and protection.
Epicurus points out that the former cannot be considered true pleasures, since they defeat their own end, blunting the capacity of enjoyment in proportion as they are indulged, and incapable of affording permanent satisfaction.
However comprehensive in its statements it might be, nay though it had been the creed of absolute negation, from which indeed we are far removed, it would never have combined our efforts in permanent union.
Four months passed before the Godspeed, the Discovery, and the Susan Constant, carrying the first permanent settlers to Jamestown, sighted the two capes at the mouth of Chesapeake Bay in April, 1607.
It is not surprising then that the first permanent settlers were somewhat less than careful when evaluating, against standards of health, the possible sites for settlement.
Although these small ships carrying the first permanent settlers had a stopover in the West Indies for rest and replenishment, there had been debilitating months at sea and more than 100 emigrants to provide for in addition to the crews.
This is undoubtedly the reason why a severe case of exophthalmic goiter sustains a permanent loss of brain power.
If the wakefulness had been further prolonged, this state of semi-consciousness would have steadily changed until it culminated in the permanent unconsciousness of death.
If the hemorrhage be long continued and the blood-pressure be low, there will be a permanent loss of some of the brain-cells.
This time limit is a safeguard against permanentinjury from the temporary hypotension which causes one to faint.