Upon them rest beds of conglomerate and sandstone (No.
But, if the direction should change, the fact could not be discovered by observing the slickensides, because the last scoring would efface the lines of previous friction.
To be consistent with themselves, the same naturalists ought now to take for granted that reptiles were called into existence before fish.
The dotted lines indicate a supposed column of solid rock caused by the lava consolidating after eruptions.
But when we proceed farther west to the point where the bed is contracted between walls of solid rock, we come upon two springs forming a new brook, which flows through a clearly marked valley to the south-west.
Solid rock is not to be seen, but all the detritus consists of granite and green schist.
Illustration: A Vertical Mass of Solid Rock of a Brilliant Red Colour.
The men pushed and worked with all their might for over three hours, the canoe remaining still like a solid rock.
Low mesas, dry, treeless, stretch back from the brink of the canyon, often showing smooth surfaces of naked, solid rock.
But now and then, ten or twenty years apart, great storms or successions of storms come, and the channels are flooded and cut their way again through the drifting sands to solid rock below.
This tunnel was commenced by hand borings, being for the most part through solid rock, and its progress up to 1862 was so slow that it was estimated that thirty years would be required for its construction.
But a similar progress may be observed, from the external surface penetrating in lines the mass of solid rock, and dividing that mass into the rectangular blocks into which those exposed places are gradually resolved.
The tomb of Absalom is in the form of a house about twelve feet square, hewn out of a solid rock, except the top, which has a round cover of stones, neatly put together, and rising like a short cone.
At the south end of this portico, the rubbish, which had accumulated several feet, has been removed, and an opening was found cut through the solid rock.
It has so often been described that I may well pass it over, with the remark, that it is a large and beautiful shaft of solid rock.
No one supposes that incarceration in solid rock is an ordinary event in the life of even a Toad.
God gave the Ten Commandments unto men; upon the mountain Moses saw the words of God; he wrote them down on solid rock; they cannot be destroyed.
Write full the story of The Christ who built upon the Solid Rock of yonder circle of the sun--the Christ who men have known as Enoch the Initiate.
The leaven of truth will change the miry clay to solid rock, and men can walk and find the path that leads up to the mountain top.
The gentle raindrop grapples with mountains of solid rock, and with never-ending persistence drags them piecemeal into the sea.
During the ages, the debris-laden water sliding over its inclined bed of solid rock dug, sawed, and cut the canyon to the bottom.
Striking my stick on the bottom it seemed solid as a rock, and breaking off a small projecting point I found it to be solid rock salt.
In some places we passed over hills of solid rock, but it was of a soft nature so that the trail was worn down very deep, and we had to take the same regular steps that the mules did, for their tracks were worn down a foot or more.
This we named The Paradise, and we expected that three or four months would elapse before we made it pay, but there was in truth two years of solid rock-work before we got under the ground, but it paid well in the end.
The changes in the span lengths involved new masonry, and all piers were sunk to solid rock, those in the west channel being carried by caissons to a depth of more than seventy feet beneath low-water.
He bored holes in the bottom of the lining and drove steel legs right down to the next ledge of solid rock below.
Just see what a splendid entrance; what ancient turrets; what glorious old walls of solid rock!
This fearful precipice rose like a wall of solid rock out of the sea, and there was a continual roar of surf at its base.
The table on the top was of solid rock, not more than fifty feet in diameter.
The side walls appeared to be of solid rock; she perceived no evidence of entrances into any side chamber, only that her eyes twice caught glimpses of what seemed like narrow slits at about the level of her head.
Why, their tunnel as over a hundred yards away; not even the sound of dynamite would penetrate that distance through solid rock.
Winding streams on plains may thus incise their meanders in solid rock as the plains are gradually uplifted.
Lakelets may occupy hollows excavated in solid rock, and other lakes may be held behind terminal moraines left as dams across the valley at pauses in the retreat of the glacier.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "solid rock" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.