Exactly facing him, in the spot where the jewels had been, was a small black box.
Quest stretched out his hand and picked up from the top of the cigars a small black box!
Occupying a position upon it of some prominence was a small black box, whose presence there seemed to him unfamiliar.
Before him, on the top of the little pile of white cambric, was a small black box!
Here the affable Democratic chap took off his spectacles, my boy, and beamed undisguisedly at a small black bottle on the table.
Its fore wings are purple red, glossy above, with three bands of a light olive green, having at the base a small black spot.
The under part of the whole body and the feet are of a light and rather yellowish grey, with a considerable number of small black spots.
Upper parts greener; under parts paler and, except on chin and throat, slightly greener; eye-circle interrupted in front by a small black spot.
His son, a handsome boy of ten years old, had all his face painted with small black stars.
The top of the head alone is adorned with a small black crest, like a little hat.
The variety negreta, which is represented in the plate, has a small black spot at the end of the cell of the hind wings, replacing the black band in the form common upon the Isthmus of Panama.
The plate gives a good representation of the male and the female of this pretty species, which may at a glance be distinguished from all its allies by the broad orange-red band on the hind wings, marked by small black spots.
Wakanda-zi had the skin of a small black bear as his sacred bag.
Among the Santee (Sioux) Indians the Four Winds are symbolized by the raven and a small black stone, less than a hen’s egg in size.
The Santee Dakota consider the raven (a black bird) and a small black stone, less than a hen’s egg in size, symbols of the four winds or quarters.
The flies I have just named will kill well in the Carra, with a small black one, like a midge, ribbed with silver, with a honey dun fly made very small.
On one occasion, however, my amour propre was decidedly flattered by the attentions of a small black girl, apparently four or five years old, who followed me through the streets ejaculating "Wa Wanaksan!
They are of a bitterish sweet Relish, and are equally valuable with our small Black-Cherries, for an Infusion in Spirits.
One bears a white Fruit, which is common; the other bears a small black Berry, very sweet.
The fore-wings are white, with five irregular transverse rows of oblong crimson spots, alternating with six irregular rows of small black dots.
The hind-wings are pale grey, with a terminal series of small black marks; the cilia are ochreous.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "small black" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.