But in his day he was considered a great wit, and as a court-jester drew many a lusty laugh from old King Hal, and could even soothe the rugged brow of the fanatical Mary.
He gazed at us for a moment, a grave look on his rugged and honest face.
The main range of the Rocky Mountains in the northern part of Montana is noted for its rugged and irregular formation.
Just where the men stood outside lay a red lance of light, giving a demon-like look to their rugged faces.
His questioner remained silent a moment, looking out over the rugged land to the east.
Yet no one can look at a map of the Moon without being struck with the very rugged character of its mountain scenery.
The slopes were too steep for man, let alone a horse; and the huge cliffs and giant spruces gave it a singularly rugged appearance.
Green of alfalfa and orchard and walnut trees contrasted vividly with a bare, gray slope on one side, and a red, rugged mountain on the other.
The big trees loomed stately and calm, stretching a ruggednetwork of branches over us.
A golden flare burned over the Panamints--long tapering notched mountains with all their rugged conformation showing.
Away on the western rim, where we could look down upon a long rugged iron-gray ridge of mountain, our guide using the glass, found two big stags.
I was so struck with the rugged and significant picture he made that I did not dismount, and did not see any game until after he fired.
At length we turned into a long canyon with straight rugged red walls, and a sandy floor with quite a perceptible ascent.
He had not changed any more than the rugged pine tree under which a year past we had made our agreement.
The walls wererugged and crumbling, of a red or yellow hue, upward of a thousand feet in height, and indented by spruce-sided notches.
In many places there was no trail at all, and I encountered difficulties, but in the end without much loss of time I entered the narrow rugged entrance of the canyon I had named Surprise Valley.
Teague was a sturdy rugged man with bronzed face and keen gray-blue eyes, very genial and humorous.
The slope here under the wall was like the side of a rugged mountain.
His track led up nearly to the rim and proved how he had climbed over the most rugged break in the ridge.
But about the middle of the afternoon we reached the summit of the longest hill, from which we saw ahead of us a cut up country, wild and rugged and beautiful, with pine-sloped canyon at our feet.
A steep acclivity, like that of a rugged mountain, carries the eye to its summit, which looks down on the opposite side to a descent nearly perpendicular.
Nearer and nearer, however, they came towards the head of this rugged and water-furrowed gorge.
He never travelled beyond the rugged hills and weird gorges of his domain, unless it were to meet the hardy robbers from over the Scottish border.
Meanwhile, Ethel sped with quick step over the rugged limestone hills, flying before the fastly pursuing dawn like a fugitive who dreaded his revealing power.
We have a few bowmen, also, who can shoot straight; but for our shelter I fear me we shall have but the dense forest, and the rugged hills of our native Craven for our defence.
We now found it necessary to move with the utmost caution, for the path was rugged and narrow, and there was an eeriness about the place which was suggestive of anything uncanny.
Still, there was a rugged honesty about this man altogether admirable.
My home will have to be the rugged hills where the eagle hath his eyrie, or the dense forest where prowls the wolf, and where the lordly red deer roam at will.
There was something in the scene which consorted with his rude and rugged nature, and wonderfully soothed his warring passions.
Not a quarter-mile away the rocky, desolate gorge which they had been following since dawn opened out into a wide valley, bounded at the west by a range of rugged heights whose sides were bearded with a dark growth of stunted pine or cedar.
He says this by way of keeping up their spirits, then, once more wearily, but full of pluck and purpose, he climbs the rugged path and creeps to Walsh's side.
Don Rodrigo de Narvaez was greatly moved by this recital; for, though more used to rugged war, than scenes of amorous softness, he was of a kind and generous nature.
It is a rugged country, with a line of rocky hills extending through it, like a back bone, sending ribs on either side; but among these rude hills are beautiful winding valleys, like those watered by the Pocantico and the Neperan.
Everywhere from the shore the land sweeps up, slowly at first, then rapidly, toward the central mass, the rugged peak whereof goes by the name of Mount Misery.
Without a moment's hesitation he set out for it, as fast as the unknown and ruggedway would permit.
Three broad andrugged elm trees shaded the porch, and one gable of the house was rasped by the boughs of the nearest tree of a thickly grown and badly cared for little orchard.
Besides these provinces, there are many other Indian tribes under the jurisdiction of the city of Cali, who dwell in the most rugged and inaccessible mountains in the world.
The roads by which they had to come were not level, but led over very rugged mountains, up and down which the stones were dragged by sheer force.
Here the road is so rugged and dangerous, that some horses, laden with gold and silver, have fallen in and been lost without any possibility of saving them.
They have their captains whom they obey, and live in valleys surrounded by very rugged mountains through which many rivers and streams flow, and in which it is believed there are good mines.
This city has very rugged and difficult approaches, being, as I have said, amongst the mountains.
They live in a rugged and inaccessible district, which is, however, very rich by reason of the warmth and fertility.
Beyond this province, to the eastward, are the mountains which are called Andes, broken up into rugged peaks.
The city of Cuzco is built in a very rugged situation, and is surrounded by mountains on all sides.
The Indians have their abodes in very lofty and rugged mountains on either side of these buildings.
The distance from the city of Cali to the city of Popayan is twenty-two leagues, over a good level road without any forest, although there are some zigzag ascents, but they are not rugged nor difficult, like those we have left behind.
On the side towards Cuzco the valley of Pumacancha is bounded by the mountains of Bombon, up which the road passes through woods of molle, chilca, and other trees, while rugged peaks rise up on either side.
It is situated amongst rugged mountains containing some valleys where they have their villages, and the land is well covered with crops, fruit trees, palms, and other things.
I do not believe that there is any people or nation in the world who could lead irrigation channels over such rugged and difficult places as do these Indians.
Art, too, had added strength, and given a grace That smooths the rugged aspect of thy face.
Within an hour she had climbed, as it were, the rugged road that led to the stars, and so passed out of Roaring Camp, its sin and shame, forever.
One by one they stand out in all their rugged might, only softened here and there by fleecy clouds still clinging to their sides, and shining pink in the ruddy dawn.
On the 17th of June, they saw on their right the broad meadows, bounded in the distance by rugged hills, where now stand the town and fort of Prairie du Chien.
His name was just plain Smith--Elmer Smith--and he came from the old rugged American stock.
Never had they been bred in the wilderness, these men, unless it were the two guides in the first and fourth canoe, picked out readily by their swarthy skins, their crimson caps, and their rugged litheness.
From Albion fled, thy once beloved retreat, What region brightens in thy smile, Creative Peace, and underneath thy feet Sees sullen flowers adorn the rugged soil?
Though danger's hostile train appears To thwart the course that honour steers; Unmoved he leads the rugged way, Despising peril and dismay.
It was the wildest and mostrugged place he had ever stepped upon.
In the east a white glow grew brighter and brighter, reaching up to a line of cloud, defined sharply below by a rugged notched range.
Once located and fixed in sight, the white patch of choya, the bench, and the sheep eyrie stood out from the other features of that rugged wall.
Thorne lay haggard, emaciated ghost of his rugged self, but with life in the eyes that turned always toward Mercedes.
One of them, a tall, rugged man with sharp face and shrewd eyes and white hair, got up and offered his hand.
The third effort brought them to a morerugged bench a hundred feet above the slides.
The uneven nature of the slope westward prevented any extended view, until suddenly the fugitives emerged from a rugged break to come upon a sublime and awe-inspiring spectacle.
The campfire burst into a bright blaze, and by its light Cameron saw a man whose gray hair somehow did not seem to make him old, and whose stooped shoulders did not detract from an impression of rugged strength.
There was no time to be lost, for already a murmur arose on the air--a babel of voices from the valley--and it was evident the crowd was scrambling up the first rugged declivities beneath.
This sudden accession of power lasted for quite two hours, and when she sunk again to earth therugged hills were wonderfully near.
Rising directly out of the ocean, they presented a marvelous picture; for their stupendous height and rugged grandeur is surely not equalled in the world we inhabit.
We were days in crossing these rugged ranges, which we called "the mountains of death," and we feel sure that the distance across them was more than a thousand miles.
It was a rugged coast, and we decided to overhaul our machinery before venturing into the unknown beyond.
What trace do the Tarentines retain of the hardy, rugged discipline of Sparta?
The long contact with the superior white race had recast the faculties of their mind, and had altered perceptibly the rugged contour of their forms and features.
If it had been any one but Jason Burrage, native born and folded in the glamour of his extraordinary fortune, he would have been immediately and roughly suppressed: Honora well knew the rugged and severe temper of the town.
He came into the house with a pounding of heavy boots, a powerfully built youth with a rugged jaw and an intent quiet gaze.
It is not in the sheltered garden or the hothouse, but on the rugged Alpine cliffs where the storm bursts most violently, that the toughest plants are reared.
This is my fiftieth milestone along life's rugged road.