He passed directly beneath me, and took no more notice of the boat than if it had been a stationary rock.
During one of my stationary moments I had a complete view of as large a shark as I have ever seen.
There all eyes were strained towards the spot where the large tell-tale cork-float slowly rose to the surface, and its white top could be seenstationary right on the far side of the mill-pool.
Ralph whizzed by the detached car, standing stationary at the end of a steep grade about a quarter of a mile from the main rails where it had been started.
She tossed her head in the air and proceeded across the planked passenger roadbeds, dodging a hand-car, climbing over a stationary freight, and continuing recklessly across the railroad property where outsiders were not allowed.
Reaching the ground the young leverman stoodstationary for a moment.
Ralph megaphoned to hold stationary till he investigated, and ran down the ladder.
They all halted as they reached the stationary freights.
In some way the stationaryfreights had caught fire.
From another point of view it is easily recognized that the equations (5) are exactly those to which we are led in the ordinary process of finding the stationary values of the function V (q1, q2, .
A necessary and sufficient condition of equilibrium is therefore that the value of the potential energy should be stationary for infinitesimal variations of the co-ordinates.
It is a classical problem in the calculus of variations to deduce the equation (9) from the condition that the depth of the centre of gravity of a chain of given length hanging between fixed points must be stationary (S 9).
He did not, however, remain stationary in the water.
Obviously the different parts of the body cannot be secured to a foundation, as are those of a stationary building, but must be arranged after a plan that is conducive to motion.
All moving bodies have kinetic energy, and all stationary bodies which have within them the capability of causing motion possess potential energy.
I have said that we remained stationary the day after we left the range, with a view to enjoy a little rest; it would, however, have been infinitely better if we had moved forward.
We remained stationary on the 8th, in hopes that Riley would have met the soldier who had been sent back to Wellington Valley, and that he would have forwarded any letters to us, of which he might have been the bearer.
All the difficulty and seeming insolubility of the question of the freedom of man results from those who tried to solve the question imagining man as stationary in his relation to the truth.
Milt, who had been uncomfortable with Jeff, was serene and un-self-conscious with the Beaches, and the doctor gratefully took his advice about his stationary gas engine.
In the adjustments preliminary to the above trial the Pénaud tail was elevated to an angle of 7-1/2 degrees when the aerodrome was stationaryin the shop.
Instead of the oscillatory engines used up to this time, two stationary cylinder engines, each 2.
It remained in the air in a stationary position for nearly a second, and then slid ‹backward› into the water, striking on the end of the rudder and bending it.
The lie of the stationary photograph is corrected, time is denied, partially at least, and space is unable to boast and swagger as it loves to do.
And the feeling in him that everything flowed and nothing was stationary was strong.
Their duties were to carry the wounded off the field, to transport serious cases from the advanced hospitals or dressing stations to the stationary field hospital, and thence, if need be, to the railway.
England seems to have been nearlystationary in academical learning during the unpropitious reign of Henry VII.
There are four or five of us here--we have our bows and our bills within reach, and scorn to be chased from our supper, or cheated out of our share of it by a dozen Scotchmen, whether stationary or strollers.
And that Ear is still stationary at Syracuse," said the philosopher.
Sylvia had made rapid progress in her recovery; but now she seemed at a stationary point of weakness; wakeful nights succeeding to languid days.
There should also be provided two dish drainers or trays, unless there is a stationary sink with tray on which to drain the dishes.
All stationary cupboards and closets should have a ventilating flue connected with the main shaft by which the house is ventilated, or directly communicating with the outer air.
These writers do not seem to have made it quite clear, however, in what way utilitarianism assumes a stationary condition of human nature, and so formulates conduct in a way unsuited to a progressive state.
German Tribes on the Left Bank of the Rhine But the Germans had not remained stationary at the Rhine.