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Example sentences for "horny"

Lexicographically close words:
hornlike; hornpipe; horns; hornstone; hornwork; horo; horologe; horological; horologium; horology
  1. In some of the species at least the upper parts were clothed with horny scales, and the throat and sides were ornamented with pendent scaly fringes or lappets.

  2. The first includes large lizard-like animals having horny jaws like those of turtles, and in some of the species with great defensive tusks (Fig.

  3. They had large and complex teeth, they were protected by external bony plates, and some of them had in addition a beautiful covering of horny plates and spines, and ornamental lappets.

  4. The silicious sponges with simple spicules appear to have existed as far back as the Siluro-Cambrian, and there is believed to be almost as early evidence of horny or corneous sponges.

  5. He was a weak, broken-down old man, as powerless in her strong, horny fingers as an infant.

  6. Borele, hearing me advance, came on to see what it was, and suddenly protruded his horny nose within a few yards of me.

  7. Surrounding the egg is a protective capsule of a yellow horny appearance.

  8. C, Side-view of one of the suckers, showing the horny hooks surrounding the margin.

  9. The thorn-like teeth which stud its lining are formed simply by cornification of the epidermal cells (4) like the provisional horny teeth of a tadpole, and are not homologous with the true teeth of ordinary vertebrates.

  10. Both pairs are composed of a duplicature of the integument, or investing membrane, and are strengthened in various directions by a system of hollow, horny tubes, known to entomologists as the neurae or nervures.

  11. This time he removed his coon-skin hunting-cap and bending his head down, he parted the hair with his long, horny fingers, so that all saw very distinctly the scar of a wound that must have endangered the life of the recipient.

  12. His speed was not one half as great as that of the trained Apache, who bounded forward like a panther, and the next instant griped his horny fingers in the arm of Fred, who uttered a wail, and sank like one dying.

  13. He was a good-looking, work-worn man, his hands absolutely horny with labor.

  14. But inside many such horny husks are ripening beautiful kingdom hands, for the time when "dear welcome Death" will loose and let us go from the grave-clothes of the body that bind some of us even hand and foot.

  15. It had manifestly been consorting with the baboons for a considerable time, for its knees were hard and horny from much contact with the ground, as also were its hands and feet.

  16. A plump vegetable egg, full of delusion, and staffed with a horny seed nearly as large as itself.

  17. What was so fair to see proved but a meagre mouthful of saturated wool; that colossal and horny seed asserted itself everywhere.

  18. Obtuseness of feeling, or of tact, arises from various causes; the horny hand of the labourer is less discriminative than that of the man who is not called to toil in the field, or work at the anvil.

  19. Both of them profit by this association; and the opening of the shell is prolonged by a horny expansion furnished by the foot of the actinia.

  20. The Sclerostomata are distinguished by their mouth being surrounded by a horny armature.

  21. When the Old Man introduced him to Matt, he extended a horny right hand that closed on Matt's like the jaws of a dredger, the while he ran an equally horny left hand up and down the chief mate's arm.

  22. The indication of these joints is afforded by the horny integument, which consists of a corresponding number of rings, forming in fact the skeleton of the animal.

  23. The end is furnished with two solid horny lateral branches to keep it expanded, and with two longitudinal tubes beneath, running parallel, from the outer sides of which arise numerous nearly parallel branches.

  24. The horny fibres of sponges are strengthened by little siliceous or flinty bodies of various forms (Pl.

  25. The head is provided with two rudimentary palpi, placed each upon a rounded papilla; also with two brown curved and horny hooks or jaws.

  26. This, which is the last Order to be noticed, contains the Beetles, so easily recognized by their hard and horny fore wings or wing-cases.

  27. In many of these animals the body is more or less covered by a horny shell or carapace; and in some it is fixed at the bottom of a tube, within which it can be withdrawn.

  28. The substance commonly called sponge is the horny skeleton of the animal, consisting usually of rounded fibres (Pl.

  29. The pip is a white horny skin growing on the tip of the bird's tongue.

  30. During the first year he has no horns, but a horny excrescence, which is short and rough, and covered with a thin hairy skin.

  31. Seeds with fleshy or horny albumen, embryo small; cotyledons small and short.

  32. The former come from the horny part of the maize, the latter from the floury portion.

  33. If we examine our specimen under water we shall see that its horny head is decorated with a pair of fans, each one composed of about fifty threads.

  34. The grubs of house-flies are worth examining; they are soft and fleshy except for a pair of horny hooks which are used to tear up the food material.

  35. But a young Dane, noticing that the down-hanging head had its mouth wide open, very foolishly inserted two fingers between those horny mandibles.

  36. Then another man tried to cut the horny tail off, but as soon as his keen blade touched it on the underside it curled up and gripped his knife so firmly that it was nearly an hour before the blade could be withdrawn.

  37. Horny hands are all right enough, but we don't want any more blanky horny heads!

  38. The miners laughed good-naturedly, tapping the old man's shoulder with their horny fingers.

  39. The animal, now insectivorous in its diet, becomes provided with tiny teeth and a mobile tongue, instead of keeping the horny jaws used in scraping off algae.

  40. In a living state, the horny fiber sponge is a dark-colored fleshy mass, usually found attached to rocks.

  41. They are classed according to the skeleton they possess into limy, glasslike, and horny fiber sponges.

  42. It is to be expressly noticed that these lumps on the thumbs or arms of male toads and frogs are not merely pigmented swellings, but are pads bearing numerous minute horny black spines, which are used in holding the females in the water.

  43. When the Caterpillar-moth lays her orange eggs on the cabbage leaves, the Midge hastens up and with a slender, horny prickle she possesses, lays her egg inside the film of the Moth's egg.

  44. To make this silk, it needs special food; so it eats the egg-wrapper, which is of a horny substance of the same nature as silk, and probably easily changed to the latter in the stomach of the little grub.

  45. It has sixteen ribs or ridges, composed of rows of thick fleshy tubercles, upon every other of which are six or eight horny spines, 1 in.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "horny" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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