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Example sentences for "drizzle"

Lexicographically close words:
driveth; driveway; driveways; drivin; driving; drizzled; drizzling; drizzly; drogher; drogue
  1. Lucky this is drizzle instead of fog," she thought as she hurried down to the landing stage.

  2. I wish this confounded drizzle would stop.

  3. He looked out of the window at the drizzle of rain.

  4. Then, most ominous and disturbing, the drizzle changed to a rain, and the guide shook his head and said it would be snowing higher up.

  5. I picked up a great hunk of bread from the dining-room table, and went out shivering into the cold drizzle that was still falling from a shrouded sky.

  6. In the afternoon, the morning's drizzle became a downpour, and the Avon escaped from its banks.

  7. A drizzle of rain obscured the landscape.

  8. After what may have been two hours, or possibly three, the rain slackened to a fine drizzle and the wind began to lull, blowing in fitful gusts and veering about in a way that left me only the run of the waves by which to shape my course.

  9. Through the lessening drizzle I could see the outline of a rising shore near at hand.

  10. On the deck of the tender there was a brief moment of reunion among the companions of the voyage, the more intimate for their being crowded together under cover from the drizzle which now turned into a dashing rain.

  11. He walked back in the drizzle to Prince Albert’s Place and paced the pavement under the black walls of the warehouses.

  12. A soft winter drizzle had set in from the West, and in the jaded Halesby Road nebulous street lamps were reflected in a layer of black slime that covered the wood-pavement.

  13. Forbes stepped forth into the light drizzle and helped her out.

  14. The shower-bath gave forth a lukewarm drizzle that neither stimulated nor soothed him.

  15. The drizzle had ceased, the drip into the trench was almost finished, intense stillness ruled; Harry half expected to hear cocks crow from out such silence.

  16. A chill rain had begun to drizzle down in minute globules of mist, which both lent each street light its individual nimbus of gold and dulled deceitfully the burnished asphaltum, rendering its surface greasy and treacherous.

  17. That evening before we retired the drizzle turned to a downpour, and we were glad to leave our unprotected camp fire for the unwarmed shelter of our tent.

  18. The rain had fallen away to a drizzle and we were eating a late breakfast when the darkness came.

  19. The steady drizzle which had set in as the light faded had turned to a heavy, pitiless downpour.

  20. The drizzle had ceased; but the horse, left to his own initiative, was still wary of the wet pavements and moved at no greater pace than a walk.

  21. It began to drizzle as the Shermans and Lees grumbled forward; then the drizzle changed to a downpour that sloshed over turret, periscope and viewer.

  22. A more gloomy February day for our visit could hardly have been; the wind was light and easterly, and a cold drizzle fell through the fog.

  23. In clear air we must have had a wonderful prospect, but the mist hung close around us, the drizzle blurred our eyes, and the most we saw was a yard or two of grey vapour.

  24. The encounter cheered me greatly, and lifted the depression which the eternal drizzle had settled on my spirits.

  25. I know what Glasgow is like in a drizzle at this time of the year--"coals in the earth and coals in the air," as some one says.

  26. He found himself out in the rain, scanning the trampled soil by light of his lamp, and discerned tracks which the drizzle had not yet erased.

  27. These hopes--along with me and my outfit--were dampened by a shower shortly after I started, and completely dashed by a steady drizzle that set in about nine.

  28. The drizzle increased to a steady downpour as the morning advanced, drenching our clothes till the water ran down and filled our rubber shoes.

  29. There is no hint of the cruel winter that is waiting just around the corner, or of the dull autumn drizzle closer still; there is nothing but peace and warmth and beauty.

  30. Under the influence of a warm sou'-wester, thick black clouds had filled the valley, and a gentle drizzle reminded us of the balmy climate of our own metropolis in November.

  31. You are going to take them by driblets, and if you will only be sensible and not pout, but keep your tin pan right side up, you will find that golden showers will drizzle through all your life.

  32. But I went forth upon the streets in the drizzle to see what might be there.

  33. The drizzle and the monotony of a dreary, eventless Southern town had made me tired and listless.

  34. The drizzle continued, spangled with dim lights, as far apart as currants in a cake sold at the Ladies' Exchange.

  35. Sundown had been accomplished; it had been drowned in the drizzle long before.

  36. Rain began to drizzle half-heartedly out of a murky sky.

  37. There the logging camps worked full blast the year around, in sunshine and drizzle and fog.

  38. Dull, cheerless weather, with a Scotch drizzle in the afternoon and heavy rain in the evening.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drizzle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    drip; drizzle; drum; fall; flurry; mist; moisture; patter; pelt; pour; precipitate; precipitation; rain; raindrop; rainfall; shower; spatter; spit; splatter; spray; sprinkle; stream; tattoo; trickle; weep; wet