A dressing of Basic Slag in the autumn is recommended.
Let the amateur avoid all artificial manures at first save a dusting of basic slag (see Chap.
Each time he took them "over" they were inspired to a fiercer zest for the blood of Boche, so that when they returned to the Slag Heap on the night of July 2nd every man was primed up like a fighting cock.
The 5th, being the collier battalion, achieved their part of the business on the Slag Heap, while the 7th and 6th worked on their right.
I suggested that they should slag the Old Market where the meeting was held, while I turned in a call to you all on the Board.
Slag the Nigger before you go on to fuse the Market.
It ought, perhaps, to be added that other forms of phosphate have largely displaced slag during the last few years in the United States, other forms being more available.
When is the best time to apply Thomas phosphate slagon orchard land?
Heavy ground should be dressed with seven pounds of basic slag in autumn and two pounds of sulphate of potash in spring.
Nitrate of soda must not be mixed with superphosphate, but it may be added to basic slag and the potash manures.
Both these fertilisers should be dug into the soil some time before the crop is planted or seed sown--superphosphate at the rate of two to three pounds per square rod; basic slag in larger amount, five to six pounds per square rod.
Instead of superphosphate, the following may be advantageously employed: phosphatic guano, or mixtures of basic slag and superphosphate, or bone meal and superphosphate; or basic slag may be applied alone on land deficient in lime.
Never mix sulphate of ammonia with basic slag or with lime, but it may be mixed with superphosphate and the potash manures.
Instead of superphosphate, a mixture of this fertiliser with an equal amount of bone meal or basic slag may be used, and either 4 lb.
Huntsman showed that the mere act of freeing these slag-bearing steels from their slag by melting them in closed crucibles greatly improved them.
Hence from this level down the only solid matter is the coke, in lumps which are burning rapidly and hence shrinking, while between them the molten iron and slag trickle, somewhat as sketched in fig.
Like the Heroult furnace, the Kjellin furnace may be lined with either magnesite or chromite, and it may be tilted for the purpose of pouring off slag and metal.
At this time the slag is temporarily rich in iron oxide and silica, resulting from the oxidation of the iron and of its silicon as the charge slowly melts and trickles down.
But he gave his full mind to each clod, and going away for a few weeks he returned with a machine that extracted greater treasure from the slag than men had ever gained from the mines.
The new chemistry claims that not a little of the precious ore is cast upon the slag heap.
In 1870, a youth sat upon the slag heap of a mine in California.
A very strong blast of air is forced up through the molten mass in this furnace, and the remaining portion of slag is blown out at the top in a shower of glowing particles.
These products of an explosive volcano are sometimes called cinders and ashes, because of their resemblance to the slag and refuse of furnaces.
Heaps of refuse and slag lay upon the blistered land thick as the good resolutions that pave a certain road.
On a heap of slag a motionless figure was sitting, black against the sky line, looking towards the east.
When it was all poured there would be left behind the gray scum from the top and some slag at the bottom.
And I am thinking that when the good metal of nationality is ready to be poured we will leave behind the scum of parasites at the top and the slag of agitators at the bottom.
It follows from the above that a mixture which must on no account be tried is slag phosphate and sulphate of ammonia.
We may say, however, that the finer the slag is ground, the greater will its activity as a manure be; and that a certain degree of fineness is absolutely necessary to constitute it an active fertiliser.
At any rate, he found that slag of a fineness so great that it all passed through a gauze sieve, gave no better results in his experiments than slag which left 17 per cent behind.
The experiments were carried out on turnips, and it was found that the Thomas-slag was, weight for weight, superior to superphosphate.
Many of these processes were tried; but it was found by experiment that the best and most economical way was by applying the slag direct to the ground in a state of very fine powder.
Professor Wagner has made further experiments as to the after-effects of the different manures, with the result that he has found that the after-effects of the basic slag are even better than those of the "super.
As we have already pointed out in the chapter on Basic Slag, phosphoric acid occurs in the slag in the form of tetrabasic phosphate of lime, although it is invariably stated in analysis as so much tricalcic phosphate.
It may be added that the slag used in these experiments was rich in phosphoric acid, and was in an unusually fine state of division.
As soon as the idea of utilising the slag as a manure was suggested, various plans for extracting its phosphoric acid, and rendering it available as plant-food, were devised.
Basic slaghas been found to meet with good results as a manure for grass-land, especially where the soil is rich in organic matter.
He found that very finely powdered slag was dissolved in carbonic acid water to the extent of 36 per cent, while, similarly treated, phosphorite only dissolved to the extent of 8 per cent.
I found, however, that slag was produced during the process, and escaped through holes in the lid.
All around the workshops proper were immense coal sheds, great slag heaps, warehouses, wood piles, and tool sheds.
Now he walked fearlessly between the workshops and climbed to the top of a slag heap.
The furnaces, the great steel furnaces, tremble and glow, gigantic machinery clanks and in living iridescent streams the white-hot slag pours out.
How to make iron without producing slag is a question which, if any one can answer satisfactorily, his reward shall be great in fame and fortune.
A mixture of sand, soda, and slag melted in a furnace will come out as glass.
In Yorkshire alone, the blast-furnaces pour out more than four million tons of slag a year, from which fact the enormous quantity produced throughout the kingdom can be judged of.
The experiment would not be expensive, for slag in any quantity may be had for nothing.
And now another suggestion, based on the fact that slag is vitreous, is put forth, namely to convert it into glass.
When used for ore smelting, the reduced metal and the accompanying slag were to be caught, after leaving the arc and while still liquid, in a hearth fired with ordinary fuel.
The slag first flows from the furnace into the forehearth, and in it are stones mixed with metal or with the metal adhering to them partly altered, the slagalso containing earth and solidified juices.
Since very rarely gold is found in which there is not some silver, even gold ores containing sulphur ought to be roasted before they are smelted, because, in a very vigorous furnace fire, sulphur resolves metal into ashes and makes slag of it.
The difference between the different substances (in the furnace) is that the copper itself flows into a receiver; the slagmakes its escape from the furnace; the flowers float on the top (of the copper?
Here the very extensive old workings and the slag heaps testify to the greatest activity.
He does the same to the other side of an iron plate, which is a foot and three palms long and a foot high; this stands on stones near the crucible at the side where the hearth slopes, in order that the slag may run out under it.
The cover of charcoal or charcoal dust maintained upon the surface of the metal tended to retard oxidation, but prevented volatilization and helped to secure the impurities as a slag instead.
Heaps of slag and cinders have been found, containing Roman coins and implements of contemporary date, proving that iron was smelted here to some extent even then.
Three crucibles, one having particles of gold in its crevices and another the remains of a yellowishslag (=Fig.
From the existence of metal slag and stone moulds (=Fig.
The remains of pottery found here were unimportant; but at least one very good crucible, as well as iron slag and charcoal, were turned up.
In the same way the 'black work' or slag of both boles and huttes were reworked at the furnaces.
Yet do not make the mistake of thinking that it was slag or refuse humanity, such as camps in the narrow zone around the gates of Paris.
The per centage of lead recovered from the slag is not estimated at over ten, and, with the utmost success, cannot be reckoned to exceed twelve.
It has been tried in a slag furnace, and smelted easily, without a flux.
The slag created by the ash-furnace is a heavy, black, glassy substance, well melted, and still containing a portion of lead.
He evaded the net around Central Park by entering one of the small towns at the rim of the slag area.
A London motor-'bus, ingeniously disguised, crowded with soldiers inside and out, is carrying a whole platoon of armed men to the shelter of one of these slag heaps which line the roads.