The Baggara appeared to be a finely built, manly young fellow as he was allowed to subside into his followers' arms, and then borne to where the Hakim waited.
Subside (to settle down) has reference to a previous state of agitation or commotion; as, the waves subside after a storm, the wind subsides into a calm.
To dream of crying, is a forerunner of illusory pleasures, which will subside into gloom, and distressing influences affecting for evil business engagements and domestic affairs.
To think yourself held in abhorrence by others, predicts that your good intentions to others will subside into selfishness.
On the following day the river was still in flood, but we reached Long Lawa, a Kayan village, and decided to wait there until the river should subside to a more normal condition.
The dogs, after some final skirmishes and yelpings, subside among the warm ashes of the fireplaces; the pigs emit a final squeal and grunt; and within the house quietness reigns.
The visiting magistrates are also highly obnoxious to the patients; and their passage through a ward generally leaves behind it a trail of excitement which often generates outbreaks that do not subside for some hours.
It took many days and nights for the water to subside for old Noah, and we may expect the same delay in our case," said the happy and irrepressible Jimmy.
I have known it in two hours' time to rise four feet, which sounds incredible; and then in two hours more subside two feet, and in a day be almost dry again.
South of the Colorado, the plateaus of New Mexico, Arizona, and southern California gradually subside to the Rio Grande.
The administration of the chloral generally causes the symptoms to subside gradually; but should the patient be no better in two hours, repeat the dose, and if giving bromide of potassium in 5-gr.
Put in the desired quantity and do not spill it over the fire; Heat it till the foam rises, then let it subside again away from the fire; Do this seven times at least, and coffee is made in a moment.
Allowing it then to subside for a few moments the liquid must be poured off as clear as it will run.
In recent cases the symptoms subside under rest and the application of fomentations.
The symptoms usually subside under rest, only to relapse again with use of the limb.
The symptoms may subside under rest and elevation of the limb and the application of a compress, or an abscess forms and bursts with comparatively little suffering.
The symptoms may subside altogether, or a neuritis may develop, with severe pain shooting up the nerve.
It may subside under rest and soothing applications, but is liable to relapse.
There was a sound of shouting and singing from the beach below, and one of the guards tossed up his spear in a sleepy way, and shouted too, but only to subside again into a sluggish state of torpidity.
As the acute symptoms subside and convalescence advances, the following diet may be instituted: I Breakfast 3 to 4 oz.
Improvement may go on slowly to complete recovery, or the malady may subside into a subacute and chronic form with induration.
Sudden attacks will sometimes promptly subside if taken on the instant and the subject kept still and calmed by a dose of bromid of potassium (4 drams) and sweet spirits of niter (1 ounce).
The affected parts are swollen and pit on pressure, but are not especially tender, and subside more or less perfectly under exercise, hand rubbing, and bandages.
The pain from the current will probably subside somewhat, and perhaps altogether, under treatment.
Whereat Bruno would lift his lids lazily, show a narrow line of his bright brown eyes, give his tail a slow, laborious wag, and subside to his dreams again, and Jack would go on with his work.
My daughter Jeanne refuses to own me in order not to resign her rank andsubside into the subject of a court!
Christison that they would subside in 12 or 16 hours.
Would she insensibly forget her past self, let her strength subside in refinement--it might be, even lose the passion which had made her what she was?
Nor did the new feelings subside as rapidly as they had arisen.
Under the treatment described above the inflammation of the throat will gradually subside and the animal will be able to swallow as usual in five or six days.
In two or three days, or from that to the end of the week, the bag may soften, lose its heat and tenderness, and subside into the healthy condition, even resuming the secretion of milk.
Yet a little while, and the authority of the Nation will be acknowledged by its now revolted citizens, and the rebellion will subside as suddenly as it broke upon us.
The Cydnus was swollen, and nearly the whole of Tarsus lay for several days under water; and it did not subside until it had wrought irreparable damage to the city.
The Nile, having overflown its banks as usual, did not subside at the ordinary time, and caused great suffering among the people.
About the middle of July, the summer freshets in the Missouri began to subside at Franklin.