The power to cool the body by breathing is not, however, granted to the unhatched chick, and for this reason the incubating egg cannot stand excess of heat as well as lack of it.
We may at once dispose of the food problem of the unhatched chick, by saying that the food is the contents of the egg at the time of laying, and as far as incubation is concerned, is beyond our control.
At no time, however, is it anywhere equal to that of the hatched chicks, for the physiological function to be maintained by the unhatched chicks requires little energy and little oxidation.
Later on, the unhatched queen is guarded against the reigning queen, who only wants an opportunity to murder every royal scion in the hive.
When the bees have decided that no more swarms can issue, the reigning queen is allowed to use her stiletto upon her unhatched sisters.
Roth and Willis, 1950): The beetle larvae can penetrate unhatched oothecae of the German but not those of the American or oriental cockroaches.
For if we examine the wing of an unhatched bird, we shall be able to get still nearer to the birth, and growth of the wing out of a reptilian fore-limb.
It is not known whether these eggs remain unhatched as a rule until the following spring, or whether they soon hatch and the young caterpillars hibernate without feeding.
This is an interesting provision, for were the latter to come out first they would be likely to disarrange the unhatched eggs.
It is supposed that the eggs are laid upon the willows and that they remainunhatched until the following spring.
The case is somewhat similar to that of the common tent caterpillar which becomes a fully formed caterpillar within the egg shell before the end of autumn, but remains unhatched until the following spring.
Those also of Coccinella bipunctata which I lately bred from the egg, as soon as hatched began to devour the unhatched ones around them, which they seemed to relish highly.
Faithful to her unhatched young as Gavia was, it is not likely that she alone kept them warm for nearly thirty days and nights; for Father Loon remained close at hand, and would he not help her with this task?
Later on, probably, the voice became an infantile call, as when the unhatchedcrocodile pipes from within the deeply buried egg, signalling to the mother that it is time to be unearthed.
The unhatched or unborn reptile breathes by means of a vascular hood spread underneath the egg-shell and absorbing dry air from without.