It yields a tough, firm leather of great weight, due to the rapid deposition of a large amount of bloom.
A deposition of bloom in the goods is not often required, so that very soon after they are struck through they are removed as tanned.
In 1862, on the deposition of King Otho, he became minister for foreign affairs in the provisional government.
Deposition of Mrs. Ashley in the Hatfield State Papers.
It is supposed that the latter was no stranger to the drawing up of the deposition of Bouvet, who implicated General Moreau in the gravest manner.
I have been authorized to take your deposition pursuant to authority granted to the Commission by Executive Order No.
I regret, Mr. Stuckey, that we have to inconvenience you to have you back to have yourdeposition taken again.
Unless you can think of anything else that you want to add at this point I just tell you for the record that my present inclination is to close the deposition at this point.
Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you have given and you will give throughout the rest of this deposition will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Major Anderson, I now show you a letter which I have marked for the purpose of thisdeposition as Anderson Exhibit No.
At this point, we will suspend Mr. Schmidt's deposition until such time as we resume tomorrow in the presence of Mr. Ryder.
Mr. Thornley, in the deposition you are about to give, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Yes; what if to that clear, decisive deposition we could add another--what would you have to say?
What if we could add another new deposition to that of Mme.
The Judge set down in his deposition all that had been done.
The Judge was a handsome, kindly man, so courteous that he would not have me summoned for my examination to the court house, but took down my deposition in my room.
His clear, excellently composed deposition had evidently not brought him the credit that it should have done in higher places.
I repented having signed the deposition and having promised to be silent with regard to it; but I had given my promise, and it must be kept.
To this declaration she adhered, and the Judge was obliged to finish his deposition without learning anything further from her.
The Professor must die, but before his death he must send the officialdeposition which is so essential for Schorn's conviction.
For a Company in the township of Anghiari he executed a Deposition from the Cross, which may be numbered among his best works.
Francesco della Vigna a panel with a Deposition of Christ from the Cross, and another panel in the Church of S.
For that purpose, the surface whereon the deposition is to be made is smeared over with sweet oil, or with black lead.
It seems strange, now, on observing the extensive use that is made of the deposition of metals, that it should have remained so long unapplied after the principle had been known.
The simplest illustration of electro-metallic deposition is obtained by immersing a silver spoon and a strip of zinc into a solution of sulphate of copper.
Thus, when the vessel is filled with the silvering liquid, a voltaic current is established, and the deposition is effected on the articles connected with the negative pole.
A deposition of one Phillips, one Roberts, and several others, preserved in the Public Record Office of London, and quoted by Brown in his History of Cape Breton, makes the French force much greater than the statements of the French writers.
Have you any remarks to make upon the deposition of the witness?
In vain he essayed to prove that the deposition of Monsieur Gorsay was but a calumny inspired by vengeance.
His insolent disdain suffered the Roman legate, Cardinal Pandulf, to proclaim his deposition to his face at Northampton.
The bull of deposition gave fresh energy to every enemy.
Each step of the narrative will therefore be accompanied with a marginal reference to the particular deposition from which it may be taken.
Footnote 4: The housemaid's deposition corroborates this part of the evidence.
This strain of compliment was returned by Mr. Kemp, the oldest of the settlers,--so many years before distinguished in the deposition of Governor Bligh.
It was the misfortune of Collins to be involved with the parties responsible in the deposition of Governor Bligh.
The share he accepted in the responsibility of the deposition of Bligh, disturbed his tranquillity, and it was thought hastened his end.
At the same time, a member was encouraged to call for the record containing the parliamentary deposition of Edward II.
They annulled every grant which had passed in those reigns; they reinstated the king in all the possessions which had belonged to the crown at the pretended depositionof Richard II.
Deposition of Robert Legate concerning the Language of the Monks of Furness: Rolls House MS.
Whilst Clive was shilly-shallying with Mir Jafir, Holwell was urging the deposition of the Nawab, the annexation of the Bengal provinces, and the radical measure of putting up all the zemindaries to public auction.
The Ghorka army was all-powerful, but plots and assassinations were common enough in the court and capital at Khatmandu, and the deposition of a minister or a sovereign might be the work of a day.
Deposition of the king would have done no manner of good, for there was not a prince of the family capable of governing the country in his room.
It was neither Louvois nor Louis XIV who suppressed the lettre de cachet with which the deposition of La Voisin had threatened Racine.
The details of the mass at Mesnil were revealed by Guibourg, and further confirmed by the deposition of La Chanfrain, his mistress.
The deposition of Edme Briscien, he maintained, should be entirely rejected, for the witness was not confronted with the marchioness, and on that point the rules of procedure were absolute.
This deposition of Briancourt constitutes one of the most curious documents in our possession.
Now because of the problem that did arise, I believe the staff will promptly go down to Dallas to take the deposition of both Mr. Truly and Mr. Caster to fully get this in deposition form and find out where these rifles were as of November 22.
We took his deposition in Dallas, and he asked, when he signed his deposition, whether he couldn't appear personally, so we are permitting him to do this.
Some months later he was consecrated bishop and took possession of the See of Canterbury to which he had been appointed on the deposition of Cranmer.
From the Pope they asked also for material assistance, but in addition they demanded that he should re-publish the Bull of excommunication and deposition issued against Elizabeth by Gregory XIII.
The Deposition of Thos: Wilder aged 37 years sworn say'th that being with Jno: Prescott Sen'r About six hours before he died he ye s'd Jno.
O'Donahue entered into a brief narrative of the circumstances and the behaviour of our hero; and, as soon as the copy of the deposition had been attested by the magistrate, he and McShane ordered horses, and set off for London.
Austin made his deposition in few words, and was supported by Mary while he signed the paper.
He wished it specially to be placed on his deposition that he made his confession not from any regret at having killed Mulready, but simply to oblige Mary Powlett, whose heart was bent upon your innocence being proved.
He signed thedeposition in the presence of Thompson, myself, and Bill Swinton.
Thompson will today send a copy of the deposition to the home secretary, with a request that it may be made public through the newspapers.