When Marcus arrived in Alexandria the citizens were agreeably surprised by the mildness of his conduct.
The campaign was of varying success: After a disastrous battle, in which the Egyptians lost four thousand men as prisoners, Muhammed el-Ikshid left Egypt with a numerous army and arrived at Maarrah.
In the morning, when Gregory arrived at the church, accompanied with the troops, he found the doors barricaded and the building full of men and women, denouncing the sacrilege, and threatening resistance.
The royal assemblage had arrived in the course of their journey at Besa, a place on the right bank of the river, opposite Hermopolis, when a strange event occurred.
It is surprising, having such a friend as you, our situation is arrived at that pass that we should be in distress for dry bread and clothes.
Monsieur St. Felix arrived here lately with a squadron of frigates and sloops, eight in number.
It was near dusk when we got to Galipoli, where the straits open into the sea of Marmora, and on the 15th of November we arrived here.
Lysander, who gained this celebrated victory, after subduing all the maritime places in his route, arrived at Athens, and obliged her to surrender.
Early next morning, we resumed our journey, and, at four in the afternoon, arrived at this elegant city.
When the mayor arrived with the police, instead of dispelling the mob and protecting liberty of speech, the mayor dispelled the women and protected the mob.
Lincoln arrived in the city late in the week; on Sunday morning he heard Mr. Beecher preach.
We are just arrived in your City, Monseigneur; where, I think, all the Ambassadors and all the Cooks in Europe have given one another rendezvous.
Crossing the Border in the spring of 1462, the king-maker arrived at Dumfries to arrange a matrimonial treaty.
He could not help remembering that he was turned of forty, an age at which, as the poet tells us, there is no dallying with life; and he began to consider that the time had arrived to claim the crown which was his by hereditary right.
The conclusion at which the fugitives had arrived was quite premature.
At length, after a bloody and obstinate contest had been maintained, Edward saw that the time had arrived to strike a sure and shattering blow.
About this time there arrived at Calais an English lady of quality, who stated that she was on her way to join the Duchess of Clarence.
Rivers and Grey accepted without hesitation an invitation given in so friendly a tone; and soon after, Buckingham arrived at the head of three hundred horsemen.
At length the peers arrived at a decision; and the youthful chancellor, by order of the house, pronounced judgment.
This resolution having been arrived at, the Lancastrian army was set in order for battle.
At length Warwick arrived in England, and repaired to the king, who was encamped at Olney.
I cannot wonder that great men require all this from their creatures, since most of them have practised it themselves, or else they had never arrived to their dignities.
Then they arrived unexpectedly over the far end of the ruins.
Arrived at the large entry, the subaltern dismounted, clanked into the hall and looked round with the air of expecting to see Ruvno's master.
But as the way was rather long and their feet older than they thought, they arrivedbefore the chapel just in time to see the Cossack's take down the three bells and put them on as many horses.
Their horror was great when they finally arrived at the top of the lane where Ian had buried the remainder of the emeralds and his mother's rings.
Thinking it one of many that had arrivedsince his engagement, he opened it carelessly.
They stopped at their homes only long enough to get their bathing suits, and a few minutes later arrived at the picturesque outdoor pool.
They waited nearly half an hour before the blue service car arrived to tow them in.
He resolved to have a look at these men, and observe whether they were making preparations to assist Coppinger in clearing the Black Prince the moment she arrived off the cove.
Now that they heard that the wedding party had arrived they spat on their hands and heaved their legs out of the sand.
Judith and Coppinger arrived somewhat late, and most of those who had taken tickets were already there.
Thus musing, Judith arrived at Pentyre Glaze, and entering the porch, turned from the sea, knocked at the door.
On entering his house he found Oliver there, just arrived from Camelford.
He found that raising a family was becoming too expensive, and from reasons of domestic economy he has arrived at the same principles which you lay down as a philosopher.
The train from Marseilles arrived at the station at nine o'clock sharp, left two passengers on the platform and went on toward Nice.
Little did it matter to him now whether he was seen, He hurried across the grass damp from the light frost of the previous night and arrived in front of the box in the corner of the farmhouse exactly at the same time as the letter carrier.
I forgot what hour he had stated, and I arrived too soon; he was not yet home.
When he arrived at the dock he would relieve his mind, while unloading the fish, in such an expressive manner that he attracted around him all the loafers of the neighborhood.
I set off with all speed, and when I arrived there was a Prussian patrol at the cottage; and when I asked what it all meant, I was told that there was a captain of francs-tireurs and his wife inside, both dead.
A month later I arrived at their estate of Vertcresson, in Touraine.
When they arrivedbefore the commissary the explanation took place in few words.
When the horse arrived opposite the Palais de l'Industrie he saw a clear field before him, and, turning to the right, set off at a gallop.
This time I went alone, and I arrived at Genoa at the same time as the year before, but without any adventure on the road.
After four hours on the road, I arrived at a rather pretty village on the banks of a river in the midst of an admirable wood of walnut trees.
At about five o'clock I arrived at the estate of Abelle, which belongs to my friends, the Murets d'Artus, to spend three weeks there.
The yard was filling little by little; the early arrivals were telling the news to those who had arrived later.
When his friends arrived that afternoon they thought he must be ill, he seemed so constrained and queer.
They arrived in safety, and were greeted by salvos of artillery from the forts, flags flying from all the redoubts on shore, and ships in the harbour.
From what Cornet Bryce had told him, he knew that there was a risk the moment they arrived at Bridgewater of their being hung without examination or trial of any sort, numbers having been so treated by Feversham and Colonel Kirk.
Should the death-rate continue there would be few left on board when the vessel arrived at Jamaica, even should the fair wind and fine weather continue.
Roger took but little interest in politics; Stephen, on the contrary, was always eager to read the News-Letter when itarrived from the capital.
Stephen, with upwards of eight hundred poor wretches, who had been condemned to be sold as slaves by Jeffreys, arrived in London, having been carried there in carts.
In a short time a number of trucks arrived on the wharf, bringing bales and packages, which the crew began hoisting on board with the help of a crane and whips.
As he arrived before the George Inn the Duke went out to meet him, and welcomed him cordially.
The morning arrived in which Roger Willoughby was to start from the home of his childhood to commence the active business of life.
They heard a great deal of talking going round, people speaking in an excited manner, and just then arrived at an inn, from the sign-board of which the countenance of the Prince of Orange was portrayed.
By keeping a circle, he kept out of shooting distance of the bow, andarrived in camp safe, but somewhat frightened over his experience.
The next day we arrived at Aspinwall, now called Colon, where we stayed until the next day, when we boarded a ship bound for New York.
When thy humble servant[66] journeyed to the south, andarrived at the Roads of Horus, the officer who was over the frontier-patrol sent a report to the Residence to give notice.
In the second course, Thjalfi was a full bow-shot from the goal when Hugi arrived at it.
Arrived where they could get a good oblique view of the Duomo, the party paused.
The pleasure-boat of Pharaoh was given to him with its equipment; he embarked, he sailed up, he did not delay, he arrived at Koptos.
He had speculated a good deal about buying a new coat for his wedding day, but had at last arrived at the conclusion that, all in all, it would be a superfluous luxury.
Doubt ceased to be possible from the moment he had taken in that she had arrived with no proposal whatever; that her concern was simply to show what she had come to receive.
It was at all events perhaps lucky that they arrived in sufficiently separate fashion within range of the hotel-door.
Strether arrived precisely in time for her showing it.
Reflexion arrived but in time and established a provisional serenity.
I've been supposing I see just the opposite--an extraordinary case of the equilibrium arrived at and assured.
But there was no use in having arrived now with little Bilham at an unprecedented point of intimacy unless he could pitch everything into the pot.
I'm bound to say for you all that you strike me as havingarrived in a very mild and reasonable frame of mind.
What was this at bottom but what had been to bearrived at?
Oh she was up to her eyes; if she had stayed at home she had stayed by an understanding, arrived at the evening before, that Waymarsh would come and find her alone.
It was an immense thing, quite a tremendous thing, for her to have come: this truth opened out to him in spite of his having already arrived for himself at a fairly vivid view of it.
The young man was light bright and alert--with an air too pleasant to have been arrived at by patching.
No fresh case occurred, and the vessel arrived at Southampton April 6th.
An immensely greater number of data have served to corroborate the earlier conclusions arrived at in this Denver study, only in minor points--and those directly traceable to the very different climates--proving at all in opposition to them.
The report that the Nippu Maru recently arrived at San Francisco with the plague on board has proved to be erroneous.
When the vesselarrived at Plymouth the passengers were allowed to depart to their respective homes.
When we arrived at the rock, we found the large creek channel, promised us had microscopicated itself down to a mere rock-hole, whose dimensions were not very great.
The next town wearrived at was Guildford; on the road the caravan passed by a splitters' camp, the men there came round the camels, and as usual stared wide-eyed with amazement.
The grass and herbage were excellent, but the horses had not had sufficient water since we arrived here.
When I arrived at Beltana I had travelled 700 miles from Fowler's Bay.
We had remained there longer than at any other encampment since we started; we arrived on the 14th and left on the 18th October.
When we arrived with the camels at this newly-discovered liquid gem, I found it answered to Tommy's description.
I was anxious to reach Youldeh so soon as possible, as I had a great deal of work to do when I arrived there.
During the morning, before we arrived here, Tommy had been most successful in obtaining Lowans' eggs, and we had eleven or twelve with us.
It took us five days and a half to reach Ooldabinna, and by the time we arrived there I had travelled 1010 miles from Beltana on all courses.
On starting again we travelled about west-north-west, and we passed through a piece of timbered country; at twelve miles we arrived at another fine watercourse.
The poor old lame cow followed as usual, but arrived at the camp a long while after us.
Formerly the master who arrived first on any station was constituted fishing-admiral, and had by law the power of settling disputes among the other crews.
The time now arrived for me to begin regular lessons and to write exercises in copy-books, which I invariably smeared with ink--ah!
When I arrived at the bottom of the garden near the beloved little lake, I felt myself rising from the ground like a bird about to take flight.
We had but newly arrived at this village near St. Ongeoise where my parents had rented a fisherman's house for the bathing season.
We arrived the evening of the third day just in time, for my brother was expected a few hours later on the night train.
One morning a large carriage arrived at St. Pierre to take us away.
The little St. Hermangardes, of whom every one spoke so often, arrived about the middle of September.
When we arrived at the house I ran to visit my little lake and its grottoes, and I hurried to the arbor that grew against the old wall.
When we arrived at the foot of the mountain we were refreshed by the cool shade of the forest, enveloped in its mantle of beautiful green.
And generally by the time he arrived I knew enough to receive, if not to merit, a "pretty good," a mark over which I did not grumble.
With a sort of uneasiness, I was rapidly making a calculation of my aunt Bertha's age when I arrived at the post-office.
And my agony increased when I arrived at the village and I saw four boys, who had doubtless just come from school, look at me with astonishment.
And when we arrived at the house I usually spied my beloved ones (clothed in their black dresses) seated in the honeysuckle arbor at the end of the yard, or they were sitting out under the stars.
He arrived every day precisely at noon; and a chill would pass through me when I heard his knock which I would have recognized among a thousand.
The decision arrived at by the Council, then reduced by vacancies to eight members, was to sell the succession to the candidate who should bid the highest price for it.
Just as he was completing his preparations, Colonel Forde and Captain Knox, fresh from the conquest of the Northern Sirkars, arrived to strengthen his hand.
Thence Clive pursued his voyage to the Coromandel coast, and arrived at Fort St. David on the 20th of June.
The command of it he gave to Clive, but one month before a simple civilian, and despatched him forthwith to Madras, to march thence with his raw levies, most of them recently arrived from England.
But that which most impressed Clive when he arrived there with Captain Clarke early in August was the depression which filled the minds of the native prince and the English soldiers.
But, with friendly assistance {89}this difficulty was overcome; the army set out three days later for its destination, and arrived in the intrenched camp on the 21st of June.
The time had arrived when one at least of the spoils of Plassey was to be distributed.
In carrying out this part of the Americanization program it is essential that the newly arrived alien be protected against unscrupulous persons who seek to exploit him.
The newly arrived immigrant usually has a lower standard of living than has the native American; that is to say, the immigrant is content with less in the way of food, clothing, house room and education than is the native.
The steps by which George arrived at this gratifying conclusion are obscure, and practically every modern economist agrees that too much has been claimed for the theory.
But though relatively low, this wage is so much higher than the newly arrived immigrant has been used to, that he feels justified in marrying early and rearing a large family.
When newly arrived immigrants come into competition with native workmen, the immigrant generally offers to work for a lower wage than the native.
Assume that you could not sell the flowers at a profit if they arrived later than Decoration Day.
Two of the teachers had arrived on Saturday evening.
Several of the scholars had arrived and were settling their rooms.
When the Disbrowes arrived the house would be filled.
The queen and princearrived at Windsor during the feast of St. George, the patron saint of the famous order of the Garter.
But they were reluctant to give up their cherished object, and, trusting in God, who had always protected them, they started for Rome, where they arrived on the 6th February.
Mr Montefiore writes: "We arrived there in time to see him alive, but death was fast approaching.
I entered his room to confer with him on the subject, and before the appointed hour, a letter arrivedfrom that gentleman, repeating almost word for word what Sir Moses had said to me, concerning him and the appointment.
Many members of the German congregation arrived at the same time to pay their respects to Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore, and also joined our conversation on the subject.
Mr Gurney, in seconding the motion of thanks, said he rejoiced that the day had arrived when the citizens could be served by any one, whatever his religious opinions might be.
We arrived at Narva, where we remained over Sabbath.
We changed our dresses and walked home, where we arriveddreadfully fatigued, but highly delighted with our reception.
Deputations from various communal institutions, literary societies, and financial companies arrived and presented addresses.
I found it extremely cold; it was near one when we arrived at East Cliff, thanks to Heaven, in safety, and found all well.
After they arrived at Leghorn, we find them in the house of Signer Moses Haim Racah, celebrating the happy event of the birth of a son, destined to become the champion of Israel.
We left Rome, embarking on the following Sunday in the Sesostris for Malta, where we arrived on the 17th.
Austin, of Her Majesty's steam frigate Cyclops, arrived from Beyrout, and gave us a most interesting account of all that had been passing in Syria.
They arrived at St. Petersburg in the depth of winter.
Mackay, who, after his original opposition, had now arrived at regarding Robert as his own particular property, and the lecturer's quick smile of thanks for services rendered as his own especial right.
When the Elsmeres arrived at Les Avants this scantily furnished garret out of which some servants had been hurried to make room for them, was all that could be found.
At the moment when the letter arrived he was feeling desperately tired and ill, and in after-life he never forgot the half-superstitious thrill and deep sense of depression with which he received it.
Next morning a huge packing-case arrivedfrom the Hall, and Robert could not forbear a little gloating over the treasures in it before he tore himself away to pay his morning visit to Mile End.
Directly after the doctor arrived he breathed his last, amid the wild and passionate grief of wife and children.
Arrived there, he looked round with a kind of passionate regret: 'Shall I ever see this again?
It was the first of June, and the spell of warmth in which Robert Elsmere had arrived was still maintaining itself.
One day, about three weeks from the beginning of the outbreak, when the state of things in the hamlet was beginning decidedly to mend, Meyrick arrived for his morning round, much preoccupied.
It was to be one, of the events of the season, and when the cards arrived 'to have the honor of meeting their Royal Highnesses,' etc.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "arrived" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.