The relative positions and numbers of the two armies were such that nothing but the headlong precipitancy of the Scots could have lost them the victory.
The screech of anguish with which he hailed the collision, no less than the precipitancy with which he dropped the guitar, sat down and began to rock himself to and fro, was irresistibly gratifying.
It must be confessed that there were moments when we remembered our precipitancy in some uneasiness.
Eli is reminded of her former prayers; but not a syllable is uttered tending to criminate or to reflect upon his past precipitancy and misrepresentation.
It would be well for us always to avoid both dilatoriness and precipitancy in our conduct; in order to which we should implore, with habitual fervency, the "wisdom from above.
That is the worst, which in its deliberations and decisions is subject to the precipitancy and passion of an individual; and when the whole legislature is crowded into one body it is an individual in mass.
The debate on these resolutions was postponed for a week, that every appearance of precipitancy in such an important measure might be avoided.
But such was the precipitancy of their flight, that they carried nothing with them--not even their arms.
Jim Galway being the one calm observer, whose vision had not been disturbed byprecipitancy in taking cover, let us have his version.
Jack had broken camp with the precipitancy of one who was eager to be quit of the trail and back at the ranch; yet he gave his young trees only a passing glance before entering the house.
But I soon began to regret my precipitancyin leaving her so soon.
But the result of his precipitancy was, that by rushing into France, while the emperors and diplomatists were still in combination, they were enabled to level the blow at him immediately.
All the world now blames the precipitancy of Napoleon in leaving Elba while the Congress was assembled.
He had some idea that too much precipitancy might do him an injury, but he hardly knew how to commence without coming to the point at once.
Mr Amedroz sat in his chair bewildered, dismayed and, as he himself declared shocked, quite shocked, at the precipitancy of the young man.
But she had been cured of precipitancy (if ever woman were), and was prepared to wait her whole lifetime a widow if the said Sir William should not reappear.
If Sir William suffered at her precipitancy under what she had deemed his neglect, the Lady Penelope herself suffered more.
But you are not to blame in the matter, save that perhaps you showed a little precipitancy in choosing a life-partner without due care and inquiry.
Every moment of my life now I regretted the unguarded precipitancy with which I had saved this woman.
I gathered that there was reason for precipitancy more serious than the by-laws of the steamboat company.
He's told me over and over again that he deprecatesprecipitancy of action.
He began by urging the strong feeling against the Bill, and the great danger of precipitancy on legislating in such a House under Government pressure.
I have learned, indeed, that many things which in the forward precipitancy of my youth I should have condemned are either in reality sound or lie within the just bounds of such discussion as justly befits a University.
We have only to be on our guard against our own precipitancy and prejudice, or surrender of our reason to the authority of others.
This precipitancy seemed unpleasantly like haste to be rid of him.
I have grieved to see that some, who should have done their Majesties, and the Province, better service, have so far taken counsel of passion, as to desire the precipitancy of these matters.
Winny had removed every sign of disorder left by Violet in theprecipitancy of her flight.
Moysant took it seriously to heart, and gave up his business in precipitancy and disgust.
Licquet goes on to afford an exemplification of this precipitancy of conjecture, in my having construed the word Allemagne--a village near to Caen--by that of Germany.