This ryoll roy a hie worschip him gaiff; As conquerour him honowryd our the layff.
We sall beseke the Pape, off his hie grace, 1320 ‘Till commaund pess, sen we may do na mar.
Than chesyt thai a justice fers and fell, Quhilk Arnwlff hecht, as my auctour will tell, 40 Off South hantoun, that huge hie her and lord; He wndretuk to pyne thaim with the cord.
A man said thus; ‘It war a hie renoun, 605 ‘And we mycht qwyk leid him to Sanct Jhonstoun.
Than Wallace said; “Thi will wnskillfull is; “Thow wald I did quhilk is ourhie a myss.
Sum off thaim said, the queyn luffyt Wallace, For the gret woice off hishie nobilnes.
The king rasauit it with a lycht attend, This hie affect and dyt off his writyng.
Will you not at least hie back to Bordeaux with us, that you may drain a cup of muscadine and sup at our table?
Then messengers he called forth, And bade them hie them speedilye-- "Ane of ye gae to Halliday, The laird of the Corhead is he.
And in the after nowne the king and all his nobles came a fishing before our dore, haveing laid duble nettes fist cres[107] over the haven at a hie water.
This idoll is made siting cros legged (telor lyke) and yet in my opinion it is above 20 yardeshie and above 12 yardes from knee to knee.
And in an other place (as we passed) I saw som 8 or 10 malefactors heades set upon tymbers by the hie way side.
See that you be ready, And at the hour of eleven soon at night, Hie you to Bucklersbury to his chamber, And so direct him straight unto my house.
Hark you, Mouche, hie you to church, Bid Master Bewford be in readiness.