They fought the racing currents with the short, snappy Indian stroke and drove through swirling whirlpools, called eddies, at the expense of all their reserve power.
Britton paused with a snappy intake of breath while Laurance, unwilling to interrupt, swung the stove door to and fro with a moccasined foot.
Where you went wrong there," said George, "was that you made the stroke a sudden heave instead of a smooth, snappy flick of the wrists.
I kicked the ball on to a little bare mound, from which it was an easy task with a nice half-mashie to reach the green for a snappy seven.
Saunders's perfunctory bark became snappy and full of life; more than one of the hitherto grouchy players added his voice to the general racket.
But in one way or another, both at table and later while the dishes were being done up, he asked a good many questions in his short, snappy fashion.
In front of the drug-store on the corner a score of young bloods, dressed in snappytogas for Varsity men, are skylarking.
Then her skin's so white and her cheeks so pink and her eyes so snappy that she'd attract attention without half trying though I guess she ain't above makin' an effort.
I've felt like a new piece ofsnappy white elastic all day; it's the air, just like wine, so cool and stinging and full of courage!
Dave could not carry much liquor and mellowed early, and rather soon slipped quietly under the table, to be told the next day most of the snappy toasts and stories the other fellows had contributed to the occasion.
But Francis Kent could go the paces; in fact, none of the football huskies could put in a night out and bring as snappy an exterior and as clear a wit to first class next morning as young Kent.
It isn't written snappy in the play," I reminded him.
So he went home and changed his socks in a devil-may-care fashion, and started for Chicago that same night, determined to land a job with some big House that travelled snappy men and did not grieve about Expense Accounts.
This was snappy and lightning fast, and "stunts" were pulled off by both teams that brought the crowds to their feet.
But the most important thing of all is that with a good club he has smart, snappy fielding behind him, and that makes him feel that he'd pitch his head off to win.
A snappy breeze was blowing from the west with the promise of more wind behind it; and there, to leeward, in the troubled silver of the rising sun, appeared and disappeared a black speck.
The 'varsity played snappy ball and the scrub seemed a bit ragged, naturally perhaps as there was less incentive for them to play hard.
Snappy work," observed Tom critically as the batting and catching was under way.
I looked the Admiral full in the eye--a thing which Admirals rate along with a snappy "Sir!
That sounds like Virginia Rutherford's idea of a snappy way to find out where I was before Easter.
I cut in in the same firm snappy tone I use on the bridge.
The hand went up, the man straightened and held a fairly snappy salute.
Their work was snappyfrom the beginning, and the visiting players took advantage of their superior weight to rip holes in their opponent's line.
The game wasn't won yet, however, for though the defensive work of the Williston team had not been very strong, they commenced to play a snappy aggressive game which St. James found hard to block.
They came over to the car at once, and gave the colonel a snappy salute.
You're improving each day with your snappy come-back, my young friend.
For there is some snappy work to be done, and I want your help.
He had found that quick, snappy work in beginning the signal, even though it was not quite yet time for the play, had the effect of somewhat demoralizing the other players, and also hastened the actions of his own men.
And remember what I told you about fast, snappy playing," cautioned the coach.
There was hard, snappy practice against the unfortunate scrub, and as it progressed the captain and coach looked more gratified than at any time that season.
It would certainly be warmer," replied Random, who knew the scientist's snappy ways very well.
He related how he had worked up the lake, point by point, from Beaverton to Asquith, and lightened his narrative with snappy accounts of the different boatmen he had run across and of the different predicaments into which he had fallen.
The day was cool and snappy for August, and the Rise all green with a lavish nature.
The Blue made use of the short, snappy English style of text-book, while Harvard pinned its faith to the more deliberate German seminar system.
Watts Little Dick Snappy Little Dick Snappy Was always unhappy Because he did nothing but fret; And when he once cried, 'Twas in vain that you tried To make him his troubles forget.
He picked up the snappybelted coat and fondled its nap affectionately.