This time Luther admitted that some of his own previous statements had been injudicious, though he was disposed to excuse them.
Our age, as you can see, is full of malice and madness, and more addicted to intrigue than any previous one.
All hisprevious written communications with the Court had been tending towards this end.
As he put it in a previous sermon: “It is perfectly true that I am certain I have and preach the Word, and am called; yet I hesitate to lay down any rules.
We now find Luther, in the teeth of his previous statements, declaring that “Whoever makes away with the Law, makes away with the Gospel.
In his previous announcement of Luther’s death to the students he had exclaimed: “The chariot of Israel and the driver thereof have been taken from us, the man who ruled the Church in these days of the world’s senile decay.
The Electoral Instructions of June, 1527, referred to above were the result of previous experience, and had the approval of both Luther and Melanchthon.
From Luther’s previous letters Müller proves that he approved the Instructions, ib.
The earliest Protestants, in their ignorance of what obtained in Catholicism previous to his day, even pushed their esteem for his labours so far as to call him simply the Father of Hymnology.
Mon enfant," said the old man, unfolding the document, "in a previous will your aunt had left you a little heritage out of the half of her fortune which she was free to dispose of by the code.
As on the previous day, the fine weather had changed with the night and a fine rain was falling.
Nevertheless, the hearers were astonished, and laughed, and would not be persuaded but that I had a previous acquaintance with the former life of the person, in as much as what I had stated was perfectly true.
But somehow or other, exactly at the same hour as on the previous one, he found himself in the Calle Alcala; and scarcely was he there, when the brown carriage and the splendid horses came rattling by.
He takes the liberty of naming the day, because he has engagements which compel his presence here every other day previous to his departure for the woods.
The House was determined to get a vote on it, and so no quorum voted on the motion for the previous question.
But Mr. Hewitt's silence on previous occasions, when his testimony would have been so valuable, does not render it less interesting, now that its importance is mainly historical.
This spring, previous to going before Proctor Knott's committee, I called at the White House to see Gen.
The duty of verifying the electoral votes is given by the Constitution to the two Houses of Congress and to them only; it has always been exercised by them at the choice of every previous President from the foundation of the government.
Several previous efforts to investigate frauds in the operation of the State canals had been made by the Legislature, but all had theretofore proved abortive.
Limborch, (Amstelodami, 1692,) with a previous History of the Inquisition in general.
Of the learned faculties, jurisprudence implies the previous establishment of laws and property; and theology may perhaps be superseded by the full light of religion and reason.
Normans, and forgets the two previous defeats, which are diligently recorded by Anna Comnena, (l.
The following morning I asked the friends with whom I had been walking the previous afternoon if they remembered seeing any such wall and vine, as I did not.
I had not the slightest recollection of seeing them, or passing by them on the previous day.
It matters not what hour I select, nor how late I retire the previous night, the mental sentinel whom I have placed on guard punctually notifies me when the appointed time arrives.
A patient of his came to him one morning in a condition of extreme nervousness, declaring that theprevious night she had seen a ghost.
A little later in the day, however, word arrived that at ten o'clock the previous night one of his tenants, who lived half a mile distant and with whom he had spent the afternoon, had committed suicide by drinking prussic acid.
It is true that both Miss Morison and Miss Lamont profess to have known little about the history of the Petit Trianon previous to their visit to Versailles.
I have, in fact, in the previous chapters presented much of the evidence supporting this view.
Again she refused to submit to an operation, but the fear of cutting, added to her previous fear, now revived, of burning out her tonsils, threw her into a highly nervous state.
Her script for the previous day, when received at the Society's offices in London, proved to be decorated with a drawing of three arrows.
Yet I heard myself called, faintly but distinctly, and seemingly from across the water, precisely as in my previous experience.
The plan generally adopted is to secure a separate negative for each of these component parts of the picture, and to join them mechanically previous to the operation of printing.
The discovery of the collodion process by Archer in 1851, quite supplanted the previous method, and gave photography an impetus which has carried it rapidly forward to the present date.
There had been heavy rain up the country the previous day, which had swollen and deepened the river, which, without being greatly discoloured, flowed majestically between its green banks.
What overset him was the crude illogicality of the new decree, and the shameless tacit admission of previous insincerity.
A little wasp of curiosity was teasing Edwin, and to quicken it a comparison was necessary between the result of the first six months of that year and the first six months of the previous year.
On the previous evening he had observed couples in those shelters, and had wondered what could be the circumstances or the preferences which led them to accept such a situation.
And yet, after the second cracking sound on the previous day, he had been ready to vow to rent an entirely new and common-sense printing office somewhere else--if only he should be saved from disaster that once!
She had seen him, previous to that, in the street, and had obviously discussed him with Janet.
At seven o'clock on the previous day, he had esteemed her visit as possessing a decisive importance which covered the whole field of his wishes.
Indeed, it appeared to him that he had known since the previous midnight of his father's sudden doom; it appeared to him that the first glimpse of his father after the funeral had informed him of it positively.
After all, George's temperature had reached 104 in the previous attack.
He repeated the phrase of her previous confession with a certain acrimonious emphasis.
During theprevious twelve months they had sat down to hundreds of such meals.
And Edwin thought, with a lancinating pain, of what the old man had mumbled on the previous evening: "I shall never go down them stairs again.
Add to this, the father's mere instinctive gratitude--a gratitude of such unguessed depth that it had prevented him even from being ashamed of having publicly and impulsively embraced his son on the previous morning.
The feeling recurred that he was separated from the previous evening by a tremendous expanse of time.
This was not untrue, but she had never thought of gratifying them in her many previous visits to Buxton.
She had not slept all the previous night, but she fell asleep, holding the hand of Cicely, who was on a cushion by her side.
She was recruited by rest, and more ready to talk than on the previous day, but she was greatly disappointed to find that she might not be taken to Bridgefield.
The restorer has done his work most faithfully, preserving all the old walls, and utilising the old Norman stones used in previous re-buildings.
All that is necessary here is, that the will of the people should be ascertained by some regular rule of proceeding, prescribed by previous law.
But there is yet another topic, which I have reserved to the last, because logically it belongs there, or at least can be best considered in the gathered light of the previous discussion.
But, notwithstanding these defects, Lord Russell’s speech at Blairgowrie is an immense advance upon his previous utterances on the American Question.
In a moment the animal stood still and quiet, and his quick panting and reeking condition were all that remained of his previous unmanageableness.
While the previous method in Art produced bodies without soul, this view taught only the secret of the soul, but not that of the body.
We smooth our way to a solution of our proposed task by means of the following remark, which appears, at first sight, to lie outside the context of our previous discussion.
But though in this blossoming of Art, as in the blossoming of the vegetable kingdom, all the previous stages are repeated, yet, on the other hand, we may see in what various directions Art can proceed from this centre.
I answer that each one would, indeed, have had the same right as I, and that I do it for the very reason that no one among them has done it before me; that I would be silent if any one else had spoken previous to me.
As no one was in sight, I clambered over the low fence and lay down comfortably on the grass under an apple-tree; all my limbs were still aching from camping out in the tree on the previous night.
The set makes a most complete encyclopaedia of the events and discoveries in art, science and literature the world over during those and previous years.
That its value as a stimulant hangs on the previous abuse of health is now understood, and its value purely as a very temporary bridging of weakness alone is conceded.
Their horses being well rested and full of spirit for the journey, they passed Glastonbury, still empty and desolate, in the middle of the day, and retraced by easy stages the whole of Alfred's previous route from home.
The route taken by the cavalcade led them in the first place to Warwick, even then a flourishing Saxon town: this was the limit of Elfric's previous wanderings, and when they left it for the south, the whole country was strange to him.
There was something in his look and the tone of his voice which struck a hidden chord, and awoke recollections as if of a previous existence.
They entered it, and returned to the palace stairs much more sober than on previous occasions.
Again, the conversation of the previous night had given him more confidence in Edwy, and more hope of seeing Elfric again, like the returning prodigal, than he had previously had.
They all laughed heartily at this, and leaving the Rholdrwyg Stones, turned aside to the hospitable hall where they ought to have spent the previous night.
Apathy, dejection, disenchantment superseded the previousexultation and enthusiastic impulse to push forward in all directions.
If his claim to immortality rested on no other foundation than these, it would still be incontestable, for all previous Russian writers had scorned such commonplaces.
Whether Russia had any literature, or even a distinctive alphabet, previous to the end of the tenth century, is not known.
We have seen that the same sort of thing had taken place with every previous change in the public sentiment.
But the Slóvo had been twice published previous to that date, and had been examined by many learned paleographists, who decided that the chirography belonged to the end of the fourteenth century or the beginning of the fifteenth century.
No poet previous to Púshkin can be compared to him for talent, and for direct, independent inspiration.
And, although the failure of previous efforts may lessen the probabilities of success in a new enterprise, it cannot prove that success is absolutely impossible.
And the content of their speech is not so abstract as might be judged from our previous studies of it; for in architecture, as in music, concrete emotions and sentiments flow into the channel cut by the form.
And that in music the feeling of harmony should depend upon partial identity is what we should expect from our previous study of harmony in general.
Also, he was a true "collector," delighting in the personal finding of a thing, in the colour an old book or print gets for him by the little accidents which attest previous ownership.
This event happened previous to the expulsion of the tyrant Christiern the Second from Sweden.
Previous to this threatened outbreak I had again tried my own chance at escaping.
The paper gave the hour and place of my capture, with the statement that one of those capturing me had seen me inspecting a fort on the previous Sunday.
I found it inspiring to have my words thus taken down like a professor's lecture; and having had no previous experience of the press, I was unaware that they were all being taken down wrong.
From a little behind, with his Sunday hat tilted forward over his brow, and a cigar glowing between his lips, Captain Nares acknowledged our previous acquaintance with a succinct nod.
I was puzzled, angry, and alarmed; but thanks to my previous thrift, I cannot say that I was ever practically embarrassed.
He was aware at the same time that his grind had been as nothing to Waymarsh's, and he repeatedly confessed that, to cover his frivolity, he was doing his best for his previous virtue.
Book Eighth I Strether rambled alone during these few days, the effect of the incident of the previous week having been to simplify in a marked fashion his mixed relations with Waymarsh.
The smallest things so arrested and amused him that he repeatedly almost apologised--brought up afresh in explanation his plea of a previous grind.
She gave him however for the hour, as she had given him the previous day, no further sign than to show how she dealt with boys; meeting them with the air of old Parisian practice that she had for every one, for everything, in turn.
What was the matter had continued to be so all the previous evening, the first hours of which, after dinner, in his room, he had devoted to the copious composition of a letter.
He had spent the previous evening with all his old friends together yet he would still have described himself as quite in the dark in respect to a forecast of their influence on his situation.
The route which they follow is a succession of habitats, in which they linger and domicile themselves for a while, though not long enough to lose wholly the habits of life and thought acquired in their previous dwelling place.
Many of its previous geographic disadvantages will vanish, like the diseases of childhood, while its massive size will dwarf many previous advantages of its European neighbors.
Moreover, the early history of the civilized agricultural peoples of these three continents reveals their previous pastoral mode of life.
The ethnic character of the resultant population depends upon the proportion of the two constituent elements, the nearness or remoteness of their previous kinship, and the degree of innate race antagonism.
The previous frontier of field and garden is marked by abandoned hamlets and sand-buried cities, like those which border the dry beds of the shrunken Khotan rivers of the Tarim basin.
She related in detail the events of the previous night and the listener noticed that she was letter perfect.
Miss Violet Benyon, he declared, of London, England, and temporarily at the Plaza, had felt on the previous evening need for a walk.
He was not aware that Winwood had died, to his irreparable loss, in the previous October.
In theprevious September Howard had reported her 'never so gallant many years, nor so set upon jollity.
In previous English poetry no such dirge is to be found as his Epitaph on Sir Philip Sidney.
In the spring of 1604, Arenberg, who had left England at the end of the previous October, before the Winchester trials commenced, returned as the Archduke's envoy for the negotiation of peace between Spain and this country.
Possibly previous prisoners had been as ill-treated; and the fact amounts to a terrible indictment of English justice.
Berreo was so far from showing rancour that he told all he knew of previous attempts upon Guiana.
The members of the Council who had conducted the previous examinations were directed to sit as a quasi-criminal Court.
It had been remarked by Beaumont, the French Ambassador, in the previous May that he could scarcely mention Cecil without abusing him as a traitor.
It would be exceedingly strange if itsprevious purchasers had the docility to eliminate the title-page from their copies, in deference to an order certainly not very emphatically promulgated.
He contrasted the multiplication of traitors in Munster by a thousand in the two years of Ormond's rule with Gilbert's suppression of a previous rising in two months.
He said he was anxious to resume the arrangement of the State papers of the previous six or seven years.
He alludes in the Observations to a Discourse of a Maritimal Voyage, as a previousproduct of his pen, which, unless it be the Discourse of the Invention of Ships, has disappeared.
Harington contrasts manners then with the previous 'good order, discretion, and sobriety.
In the previous autumn she had knelt to him at Hampton Court for her husband's liberty, and been passed without a word.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "previous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.