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Example sentences for "unready"

Lexicographically close words:
unreachable; unreached; unread; unreadable; unreadiness; unreal; unrealisable; unrealised; unrealistic; unrealities
  1. He is the most unready man I ever knew to shine in conversation.

  2. The rear destroyer of the enemy swung away, stopped, and remained--a horrible illustration of the maxim of naval warfare, which says that he who is unready should never leave harbour.

  3. The Commander was an officer of whom the boat-midshipmen stood in awe, and they were always thankful when the ordeal of reporting a possibly unready boat to him as "ready" was over.

  4. Then, as the war came to a close it became apparent that President Wilson's happy idea that democracies, being stupid and unready to fight, would live together in eternal peace, was inadequate.

  5. It did not prepare for war and being forever unready would not fight.

  6. By that time the Spanish squadrons were at Lisbon under General de Leyva, but still in a very unready state, while Santa Cruz’s vessels needed a complete refit.

  7. Through Commius, who was with the Romans, he made overtures, and Cæsar was not unready to accept them.

  8. Thus, direful war began again, and lasted for three years, when the Unready died.

  9. She was very good to Mr. Carlisle; she did not throw him off; she gave him no occasion to complain of an unready talker or an unwilling companion.

  10. A little unready to be still, she went off again into the room specially prepared for her, where the green jalousies shaded the windows.

  11. And a form to such a man may be a duty; as to a dim-sighted man to read by spectacles, or to an unready preacher to use prepared words and notes.

  12. In the period of later childhood (ages eight or nine to twelve or thirteen) the child is still unready for the more difficult and doctrinal parts of the Scriptures.

  13. At a time when his brain is yet unripe, and hence unready for the more difficult truths or the more exalted emotions of religion, the child is at his best in the matter of habit-forming.

  14. Perhaps it may cast thee upon great troubles in the world, if thou be unready for that state (as it is with apprentices).

  15. Fames est optimum condimentum, as the old Latin Grammar used to say, and no doubt it was good of the unready hotel-keeper to give us anything.

  16. He had not a Restoration audience of men and women with sharpened wits and a delight in their exercise, ready to smile and quite unready to take anything seriously except amusement.

  17. In the theatre, as in storytelling, he was not unready to work to bouts-rimes.

  18. Cousin Everyman, farewell now, For verily I will not go with you; Also of mine own an unready reckoning I have to account; therefore I make tarrying.

  19. I may say Death giveth no warning: To think on thee, it maketh my heart sick, For all unready is my book of reckoning.

  20. Full unready I am such reckoning to give: I know thee not; what messenger art thou?

  21. If this war came the manhood of the nation would be unready and untrained.

  22. By ten in the evening Bertrand was in possession of Weissenfels; Oudinot wheeled at Lindenau, and held the unready pursuers in check.

  23. His own numbers were slightly superior, and with a swift rush he annihilated the unready Russians.

  24. Pg175] AEthelred the Unready won for himself, in his reign of thirty-eight years, the hearty contempt and distrust of all his people.

  25. The king proved his own weakness in every way--he was as like AEthelred the Unready as a good man could be like a bad one.

  26. You remember that Richard's sister Emma went over to England to marry the unready king.

  27. But the most important of all the alliances has not been spoken of at all--the marriage of Richard the Fearless' daughter Emma to AEthelred the Unready of England.

  28. I must gird myself and run, Though with unready feet: I must die.

  29. This explains why she invaded France and took possession of towns like Neuve Chapelle to defend her poor, unready people from the French, who had been plotting and planning "the day" when they would conquer the Germans.

  30. All unready for this tumultuous rise in population and precipitation of business, the infant city had to evolve on the moment accommodation for man and beast and craft, and organization for civic safety.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unready" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    airy; arrested; asleep; back; backward; behindhand; belated; blocked; careless; casual; cold; cursory; delayed; disregardful; easygoing; extemporaneous; flippant; forgetful; haphazard; hasty; heedless; impromptu; improper; improvised; inappropriate; inauspicious; incautious; inconsiderate; inconvenient; indifferent; inexpedient; infelicitous; inopportune; intrusive; irrelevant; jammed; late; lazy; makeshift; mindless; napping; nodding; oblivious; obstructed; offhand; overdue; perfunctory; precipitate; premature; reckless; regardless; retarded; sleeping; slow; snap; stopped; surprised; tardy; thoughtless; unadvised; unaware; unawares; unbefitting; undiplomatic; unfavorable; unfit; unfortunate; unguarded; unhandy; unhappy; unhatched; unheedful; uninformed; unlucky; unmade; unmindful; unorganized; unpremeditated; unprepared; unpropitious; unready; unripe; unseasonable; unskillful; unstudied; unsuitable; unsuspecting; unthinking; untimely; untoward; unwarned; unwary; wrong