The above process is continued until the distillate no longer separates into two phases (about twenty-seven hours).
The acid and oily filtrates from the two sulfuric acid treatments are steam distilled, and the distillate combined with the next batch of material.
It is advisable not to collect the very last portion of the distillate with the main portion, as the former is frequently quite red.
The first fraction of the distillate contains benzyl alcohol together with unchanged aldehyde, as well as a small quantity of water.
The aqueous layer of the distillateis again distilled with steam until all the quinoline has been volatilized and collected in about 3 l.
The quinoline is distilled exactly as described above, the aqueous portions of the distillate being distilled with steam until all the quinoline has been isolated.
The distillate separates into two layers; the benzyl cyanide layer is removed and distilled.
The two portions of the distillate are, therefore, kept separate, since the second distillate always contains a considerable amount of high-boiling product which tends to cause emulsification of the alkali in the purification.
Finally the temperature is raised to 230'0, and is held there until no more distillate comes over.
The benzenedistillate is yellow and contains some quinone.
The distillate is colorless; it consists of two layers, the lower one being water.
The distillate is allowed to cool, and the crude quinoline separated.
The first portion of the distillate consists of a small amount of water and mesitylene and is added to the combined second distillates.
The tint obtained with the standard was then compared with that yielded by the gum distillate from which the respective ratios of furfuraldehyde are obtained.
The color produced by the gum distillate with aniline acetate can now be compared with that obtained from some standard substance treated similarly.
The body we have taken as a standard is the distillatefrom the same weight of cane sugar.
In India an aqueous distillateis employed as a perfume and therapeutically as a stimulant.
The aqueous distillateis a good preparation as it contains the active principle of the plant, a yellow, viscid, essential oil.
Slightly alkalize thedistillate with potash, add a few drops of cupric sulphate, and afterwards just enough hydrochloric acid to dissolve the excess of cupric hydrate: white cuprous cyanide will remain undissolved.
The latter may be obtained by heating the “pure” acid of commerce in a retort until a portion of the distillate gives no indication of arsenic by the tests.
Another portion was distilled, and the distillate subjected to Marsh’s process.
The 25 cubic centimetres of distillate may now be subjected to the following tests, taking care that each portion is measured before being examined, in order that the idea of the quantity present may be definite.
A fourth portion, being properly acidified with hydrochloric acid was distilled, and the distillate subjected to ‘Fleitmann’s’ process.
Pass into the distillate washed sulphuretted hydrogen in excess (or add a solution of the gas in water), warm, cover, and allow to stand.
In the distillate the arsenic can hardly be in the form of arsenious chloride, but rather arsenious acid and hydrochloric acid; for the chloride easily splits up in the presence of water into these substances.
The old method of distillation was to distil by the gentle heat of a water-bath, receiving the distillate in a little weak potash water, and not prolonging the process beyond a few hours.
Piturie is obtained by extracting the plant with boiling water acidified with sulphuric acid, concentrating the liquid by evaporation, and then alkalising and distilling with caustic soda, and receiving the distillate in hydrochloric acid.
The distillate is then tested for arsenic by adding an equal bulk of saturated SH{2} water.
The purified liquid should again be distilled, collecting that portion of the distillate which passes over between 65 deg.
When no more will come over, the distillate may be carefully examined by redistillation and the various appropriate tests.
The distillate is now neutralised by sulphuric acid[654] and evaporated nearly to dryness, separating the mother liquid from sulphate of ammonia, which crystallises out.
To a few drops of defibrinated ox-blood are added a few drops of the carefully-neutralised distillate supposed to contain prussic acid, and then a little neutral peroxide of hydrogen is added.
To this distillate again a similar process may be used, substituting dry potassic carbonate for the calcic chloride.
The estimation of the neutral tar oils in the distillate is easily performed by shaking the distillate with caustic soda solution, which dissolves completely the tar acids.
This distillate is allowed to stand for one or two days in a place warmer than 59° F.
Adulteration with a volatile oil is recognized in thedistillate by odor and taste.
When the distillate is colorless and shows no reaction with litmus paper, the receiver is removed and replaced by a large glass balloon in which the entire distillate is collected.
The distillate together with an equal volume of nitric acid of 1.
The first pound of the distillate is caught by itself, and, after changing the receiver, distillation is continued until but little passes over, even with an increased admission of steam.
The distillate is weighed and examined as to its derivation.
In distilling, metal Florentine flasks should be used, as the oil adheres tenaciously to glass vessels and the distillate has to be treated with ether.
Next bring two to three centimeters of the distillateinto a test-tube and add a piece of sodium metal, the size of a pea.
The distillate is washed with water, to which some carbonate of soda has been added, and then rectified over magnesia.
When, with the admission of the same amount of steam, the distillate commences to run drop by drop, the steam-cock is closed and the operation interrupted, this being the case in about six to seven hours.
The first distillateis dark yellow, and contains large quantities of aldehyde.
The distillatehas a sharp odor, is acid, and frees very little iodine from potassium iodide.
On steam distillation there was obtained from both preparations a distillate amounting to about 35 per cent.
The distillatehas no acid odor, is neutral, and liberates no iodine from potassium iodide.
Distillate is the refuse left from the distillation of petroleum.
Distillate is a name given to a different mineral oil product from kerosene or gasoline.
The distillate at once separates into water (gas-liquor) and light oil, floating at the top.
The end cannot be judged by the thermometer, but by the appearance and quantity of the distillate and its specific gravity.
The vapours pass into a cooler, and from this the distillate runs through an apparatus, where the liquor can be seen and tested, into the receivers.
Creosote oil is the name generally applied to the fraction of the coal tar distillate which boils between 200 deg.
Distil and the benzoic acid will pass over, extract the distillate in the usual way and apply the above test to it for benzoic acid.
Strain through a cotton bag and transfer the filtrate to a short-necked flask and distil receiving the first part of the distillate in a solution of iodin.
Treat the distillate with a few drops of bromine water and boil for a short time.
When this is boiled with lime and then distilled nearly all the water is removed, the distillate being called absolute alcohol.
In preparing distilled water, it is evident that if the natural water contains some substance which is volatile its vapor will pass over and be condensed with the steam, so that the distillate will not be pure water.
Being more volatile, it comes over with the first of the zinc and is prepared from the first portions of the distillate by special methods of purification.
Allow this distillate to drain out thoroughly before replacing the plug with strainer attached.
Gasoline or distillate can For priming or other use.
It is also advisable to squirt distillate up into the case through the opening where the strainer has been removed.
Will the distillate emulsion-nicotine spray control brown scale as well as thrips?
Disinfect the quarters of the well fowls by spraying with distillate or cheap-grade coal oil and sprinkling the floors and about the houses with air-slaked lime.
It is obtained in quantities from coal-tar, that portion of the distillate known as the light oils being its immediate source.
If the distillate (a weak solution of HCN) be redistilled, and the first part collected, the anhydrous acid may be prepared from this stronger solution.
A pure nitric acid, containing no impurities other than water, may be then obtained by carefully distilling the acid, treated as above described, and particularly if only the middle portions of the distillate are collected.
The distillate is saturated with carbonate of soda, and warmed, when a solution of 3 parts of crystallized carbonate of soda, 2 parts of strong sulphuric acid, diluted with an equal quantity of water, are added.
By operating upon this raw distillate produced with diluted potash, valerianic acid is removed, and an ether remains behind, which, diluted in five or six times its volume of spirits of wine, is possessed of the most pleasant flavor of apples.
By treating the distillate with chloride of calcium, and by its redistillation, the pure ether may be obtained.
The distillate and the removed oily liquid are shaken with a little water, the lighter portion of the liquid removed, which at last, by being shaken with water and a little soda, is freed from adhering acid.
The distillate is then saturated with fused chloride of calcium, and redistilled.
Titrate the distillatewith N/10 alkali, using phenolphthalein as an indicator.
The other end of the condensing tube carries the distillate away.
As soon as a cessation in the flow of the distillate occurs the receiver is changed, and the heat is further raised, when a red-coloured and heavy rosin oil comes over.
Finally, Dr Armstrong mentioned that the volatile portion of the distillate from the non-volatile product of the oxidation of oil of turpentine in moist air furnishes ordinary cymene when treated in the manner above described.
The distillate is received in long-necked bottles, holding about 1¼ gallon.
Divide thedistillate into three portions a, b and c.
The distillate "B" may contain formic, acetic, propionic, butyric and benzoic acids.
If the distillation of "B" is continued as long as acid comes over (distilled water being occasionally added to the distilling flask) the distillate can be measured and 50 c.
If the distillatebe acid the reaction will be negative.
The distillate is concentrated and after treatment with animal charcoal and filtration should conform to the requirements of the British Pharmacopoeia.
Or the alkaline layer may be rendered acid and steam distilled; the distillate is made up to a known volume, and a portion titrated by the Koppeschaar method with standard bromine water.
In this way the distillate is much clearer than by the ordinary process, and is almost odourless, while the amount of unsaponifiable matter is only about 1.
The distillate passes into a row of condensers, to each of which is attached a receptacle or receiver.
Cananga or Kananga oil, the earlierdistillate from the flowers of Cananga odorata, obtained chiefly from the Philippine Islands.
The other portion of the distillate is concentrated by means of a dry steam coil in a suitable vessel under a 28 inch vacuum.
Gimme a coupler gallons o' distillate and some waste, somebody.
The engines were overhauled by the faithful McGuffey and a large store of distillate stored in the hold.
The fact that the alkaline distillate of the plant proved inactive eliminated the ammonium salts.
They found that the Astragalus mollissimus if distilled with water yielded a distillate which possessed a peculiar odor, which they thought due to a trace of volatile oil.
The aqueous extract was distilled with and without steam, also after acidifying with sulphuric acid, and likewise after the addition of magnesium oxid, but in all cases the distillate was inactive.
A steam distillate of the original plant material had the same fragrant odor as the distillatefrom a water extract.
The clear distillate had a peculiar odor suggesting both tea and amyl formate.
The yellow distillate collected in the receiver was also tested and was not poisonous.
The aciddistillate so obtained was freed from a non-poisonous oily substance by shaking the solution with ether.
A small quantity of a finely divided black precipitate separated out from the water distillate on standing.
The clear, colorless distillate had an alkaline reaction, and an odor resembling henbane or hemlock.
It was filtered off and distilled with caustic soda, but the distillate did not contain pyridine.
The substance with the fragrant odor was extracted by shaking the distillate with ether and letting the ether evaporate spontaneously.
The first portion and last portion of the distillatefrom tar are so dark that it is necessary to add them to a fresh charge of fatty acids.
As soon as the distillate flows darker and slower, the feeding valve to the still is shut off and the distillation continued until most of the contents of the still are distilled off, which is indicated by a rise in the temperature.