As for the five hundred and eighty-four thousand francs, they were a legacy left to Cosette by a dead person who wished to remain unknown.
The original legacy had been five hundred and ninety-four thousand francs, but ten thousand had been spent in the education of Mademoiselle Euphrasie, five thousand of which had been paid to the convent.
Another troublesome legacy inherited by John Tyler was not so easily arranged, and the Mexican War was inaugurated.
He found himself saddled at the commencement of his Administration with national financial embarrassments, bequeathed as a legacy by his "illustrious predecessor," as he designated General Jackson in one of his messages.
The Cardinal York is not likely to disturb himself with such cares; and as the legacy lapses, in default of claimant, to the convent of St. Lazarus of Medina, he probably deems that it will be as well bestowed.
You are surely too wise to put faith in the idle stories men repeat of this or that legacy left by the late Prince.
His nature, indeed, was endowed with the evil legacy of many an hereditary taint, but if it was as wax to the stamp of evil, it was not as yet incapable of being moulded into good.
But however I am now better able to see myself fully secured before I part with the money, for I find that his son Charles has right to this legacy till the first L100 of his daughter's portion be paid, he being bond for it.
Brook Farm failed for lack of a leader with business instinct; but as it was, it divided up among its members a rich legacy of spiritual and mental assets.
We have been heirs to a leaden legacy of fear that has well-nigh banished joy and made of life a long nightmare.
I was there, and heard it, and he did you full justice, left you the annuity and all you have mentioned, and added a legacy of five hundred pounds.
A few weeks ago, when I had received my legacyof the lawyer, I seemed to be encumbered with wealth.
When the Major explained our words to the military character, that gentleman shrugged his shoulders and showed the Major the card on which it was written about the Legacy for me.
As Gran is in the Legacy way just now, I shall make these stories a part of Gran's Legacy.
There you have the story of myLegacy in full, and it's worth ten times the trouble I have spent upon it if you are pleased to like it.
And now my dear I really am a going to tell you about my Legacy if you're inclined to favour me with your attention, and I did fully intend to have come straight to it only one thing does so bring up another.
Furthermore, for fear the said Henry Drama should make an ill Use of the said Industry, and expend it all on a Ballad Farce, it's my Will the said Legacy should be paid him by equal Portions, and as his Necessities may require.
At the end of her sentence she returned to England to receive a legacy of L500, which had been left her by an enthusiastic old lady of Newington-green.
The celebrated letter of 1847 shows what were the thoughts of this great man in reference to our national defences, and they are not perhaps the least valuable legacy which Wellington has bequeathed to England.
Upon the plateau I saw my rusty old disk harrow--a legacy from Milt--standing on the brown earth.
About eleven months ago something that might be regarded in the light of a family legacy came to me.
The touch of Orientalism in her eyes and hair was a legacy from her grandmother, a beautiful Egyptian girl born in a harem and stolen therefrom by an adventurer who was deep in the counsels and intrigues of its lord and owner, her father.
Besides I have, as in former wills, bequeathed to you your freedom, and a legacy sufficient to make you comfortable for life.
Besides leaving you your freedom and the legacyspecified in my last will I mean to leave you my gem-collection and a full fourth of all my other estate.
These men, particularly the latter, in striking at their own foes, left a bitter legacy of hatred and revenge to the queen.
At the same time that Druillettes was planting the faith among the Abnakis--who have preserved to this day the precious legacybequeathed to them--Rev.
His last legacy on earth, the last precious thing on which he turned his thoughts, was a woman, and the first person to whom he appeared after his resurrection was also a woman.
Only his remarkable mastery of the German language and his vast knowledge of Christian doctrine--a legacy from his pious childhood--saved him.
This contradiction is a legacy from Judaism, and Mohammedanism suffers from it, too.
He makes the latter company the guardian of his children, leaves his house to his wife, and a legacy of 40s.
It had behind it a long tradition of thought and of intellectual achievement, the legacy of Greece, to which it had in turn made its own contribution.
Nan Sherwood herself wanted to go to Lakeview Hall more than she had told either Bess or her parents, and when thelegacy from Scotland made this possible the two girls were delighted and went wild with joy.
As this legacy is so large in custom and ritual, it is not unfair to argue that portions of it will also be found in myths.
These institutions, whether borrowed or inherited, would still be part of the legacy left by savages to cultivated peoples.
Nevertheless, as he lamented in his Legacy of a Dying Father, he found it impossible to keep out of debt.
After all his own means had been exhausted, he received a legacy of L500 under a brother's will, and this sum he at once devoted to further endeavours with H.
Nor doth the world wonder lesse, that he should leave no Legacy to some of your Lordship's children, considering what deep obligations he had to your Lordship; for I am confident he had never bin Attorney-General else.
To my Cousin Mary Mattock L50 to be paid on her marriage Day with any other than William Parkes, but on her marriage with him this legacy is to be void.
He had found the elemental hush of the sea, the iron aloofness of rocky and uninhabited coasts, but he had never been able to still the dull rebellion within, the legacy of the past.