But some may say, again, as many have already said, that the negro might be the offspring of Adam by some other woman, or of Eve by some one other than Adam.
The apparent exceptions, originating from different circumstances, are, when closely examined, found to be the offspring of moral or material despotisms.
Would I might enjoy the priceless boon of your testimony to the merits of all the offspring of my muse!
Contemporaries of Jesus and composers of the genealogies: Joseph and Mary man and wife--Jesus the offspring of their marriage.
What if they are the offspring of low or perturbed spirits--the changelings of ill health or disquietude?
It is one of comparatively few pure-bred offspring of Vinifera-Labrusca crosses of the second generation and therefore of interest to grape-breeders.
Bertrand is a southern variety, almost without question an offspring of Herbemont, and so far as can be judged from the descriptions of others, we not having seen the fruit, not nearly equal to its parent.
The offspring of Clinton are usually very hardy and this, taken with other desirable characters, makes it an exceptionally good starting-point for breeding grapes for northern latitudes.
Among its cross-bred offspring are some notable varieties, all of which are described in their proper places in this work.
The white fruited maternal vine was an offspring of Concord pollinated by Montgomery.
The characters of Isabella can be traced in a great number of offspring though comparatively few of them have outlived the parent in usefulness.
Jefferson is the offspring of Concord crossed with Iona, resembling in vigor, productiveness and healthiness the Concord, though not equal to it; and in color and quality of fruit the Iona.
It is an offspring of Delaware crossed with Catawba, as the name indicates, and was introduced with the expectation that it would take the place of one or the other or both of its parents.
Of all the offspring of Concord, this variety is best known and is most meritorious.
It is in all respects a typical black offspring of Concord, whether superior remains to be determined.
Peabody is a comparatively unimportant offspringof Clinton produced by Ricketts.
A twin seedling of Pocklington, offspring of Concord; from John Pocklington, Sandy Hill, New York.
Riparia is largely used as a resistant stock in combating phylloxera, and Elvira and other similar hybrid offspring are almost proof against this pest.
Hosford is an offspring of Concord, differing from the parent chiefly in the greater size of bunch and berry and in being less fruitful.
Such hybrids, too, usually bear a stronger resemblance to the Old World grape than offspring of pure-bred parents of the two species.
All the fierce and fiery passions of the soul are the offspring of hell fire.
He again rose into high and unwonted spirits; but his elevation was rather like the delirium of a man driven to desperation, than that flow of delightful hilarity, the offspring of a temperate and well regulated mind.
Many of these species bury their offspring below ground; but the wood-sorrel bears its blind flowers nodding from the top of a curved scape at the base of the plant, where we can readily find them.
Whoever spends an hour patiently picking off the various seed tramps from his clothes after a walk through the woods and fields in autumn, realizes that the by hook or by crook method of scattering offspring is one of Nature's favorites.
Every plant has some good device for sending its offspring away from home to found new colonies, if man would but let it alone.
For a plant to shower its seeds beside itself is almost fatal; so many offspring impoverish the soil and soon choke each other to death, if, indeed, ants and such crawlers have not devoured the seeds where they lie on the ground.
Darwin proved that seed set with the help of pollen brought from distinct plants produces offspring that vanquishes the offspring of seed set with pollen brought from another flower on the same plant in the struggle for existence.
Like the dandelion, thistle, and other triumphant strugglers for survival, the milkweed sends its offspring adrift on the winds to found fresh colonies afar.
Indeed its offspring are the easiest raspberries to grow, since they form new plants at the tips of the branches, yet do not weaken themselves with suckers, and so, even without care, yield immense crops.
In the times to which I now refer, the son of every family was the legitimateoffspring of a virtuous mother.
It is a good provision also, that the heiress may not converse with any one, but only with him whom she may choose from among her husband's relations, so that her offspring may be all in the family.
It was permitted to an elderly husband, with a young wife, to associate with himself any well-born youth whom he might fancy, and to adopt the offspring as his own.
Upon the care displayed in the management of the corporeal and mental health of the mother during the whole period of pregnancy, the ultimate constitution of the offspring greatly depends.
A woman contracting a second marriage, transmits to the offspring of that marriage the peculiarities she has received through the first union.
The changes constantly going on in the physical, intellectual, and emotional states of the parents, produce a corresponding alteration in offspring conceived at successive intervals.
The investigations about idiotic and defective children are by no means satisfactory, and are considered by some of the most careful writers as not at all proving a greater tendency to such misfortunes in the offspring of cousins.
Then, also, two children of different ages, the offspring of different fathers, may exist in the womb at the same time.
Even though dead, he continues to exert an influence over the future offspringof his wife, by means of the ineffaceable impress he had made in the conjugal relation upon her whole system, as we have previously mentioned.
The crossing of one temperament with another in marriage, produces a modification in the offspring generally advantageous.
It is a matter of daily observation, that parents gifted with bright minds, cultivated by education, generally engender intelligent children; while the offspring of those steeped in ignorance are stupid from birth.
Raciborski of Paris, took the position that the avoidance of offspringto a certain extent is not only legitimate, but should be recommended as a measure of public good.
In all such instances the two conceptions followed each other very rapidly, the offspring arriving at maturity together, and being born at the same accouchement.
As a general rule, any disease acquired during the life of either parent, strongly tends to be inherited by the offspring of the same sex rather than the opposite.
The modern elegy whether in prose or verse, whether it laments death or lost love, is the direct offspring of the earliest savage cry of grief.
Man, unlike animals, is the direct offspring of the Creator, and as such he alone continues to derive his inheritance from a divine source.
Failure properly to mould the cranium of her offspring gives to the Chinook matron the reputation of a lazy and undutiful mother, and subjects the neglected children to the ridicule of their young companions;[345] so despotic is fashion.
Such persons even go so far as to make a doll or image of the offspring which they so greatly desire, and fondle it as if it were a real child.
The half-developed skin of a fawn that has never lived, obtained by driving the doe till her offspring is prematurely born.
Epicure Mammon is the most determined offspring of its author.
Or marrying theology with verse, from whose mixture a beautiful and healthy offspring may be expected, in your own native accents (but purified) you will keep time together to the profound harpings of the more modern or Wattsian hymnics.
She took a dislike to little Fritz, and would perhaps have driven him mad if that young offspring of Calvinism and Judaism had not had Frankfort for his cradle and the firm of Virlaz at Leipsic for his guardian.
She was visibly the offspring of a true marriage, of a pure and noble love in its prime.
He (Man) is only the offspring of the planet by virtue of his material body being a part of the substance of the Earth.
The joys and sorrows that offspring of every kind bring, all belong to this House of the Heart.
The planets are but the offspring of light and life.
Languor and inexertion are the offspring of this doctrine, and finally the people, who are said to be incapable of bearing taxation, actually pay double the sum, that would be necessary in the first instance.
Had a considerable quantity been thrown into the hands of that class of people, whose ideas on the subject of money are more the offspring of habit than of reason, it must have depreciated.
These kings had laid waste all Syria, and overthrown the offspring of the giants.
Some of them settled in Gairloch, where theiroffspring are to this day.
Some of them settled in Gairloch, and theiroffspring are still there.
Now he, the last descendant of a family proud of its history, was about to marry Catalina Valls, the offspring of the executed Jew!
The Chuetas of the present time, the only Majorcans of recognized Jewish origin, were the descendants of the last to be converted, the offspring of the families persecuted by the Inquisition.