Beasts, whose necessities call for a larger sphere, possess accordingly a swifter motion; and this is imparted in various degrees, suitable to their range for food, and adapted to accelerate their speed in escaping from their enemies.
By means of these, the creature is not only able to preserve the centre of gravity, but also to accelerate its speed through the air, either straight forward, circularly in any kind of angle, as well as upward or downward.
You may accelerate their springing by laying the keys in sand, and some moist fine earth s.
They should also be abated within half a foot of the principal head, to prevent the perishing of the main stock; and besides, to accelerate their sprouting.
To accelerate this, they use imbibitions of piercing spirits, salts, emollients, &c.
The erection of churches wherever it was permitted was completed with incredible rapidity; young and old, gentle and simple, assisted in carrying stones; women sacrificed even their ornaments in order to accelerate the work.
The seductive example of Philip the Good could not but accelerate its approach.
A good deal depends, however, on the warmth of the atmosphere and the state of the weather either to accelerate or retard it.
They did not delay, if they did not accelerate the catastrophe.
So Alva went on leisurely reducing Pampeluna, Ferdinand still calling on Dorset to accelerate the business by marching to Alva's support.
It must be evident that the great difficulty here is to determine the nature of the predisposition; for if we make a mistake, instead of preventing, we shall accelerate the disease.
With exercise tonic remedies will undoubtedly accelerate the cure, but without it, they will only make bad worse.
Lord Chatham's refusal to contemplate their independence could not retard its establishment; and the alliance of France and Spain, which brought nothing but disaster to those countries, could not accelerate it by a single moment.
A thousand lesser workmen may improve his product, lighten it, accelerate its potency, adapt it to freight rates--but that is no concern of the dream.
Philosophically, even they may have found that the plan is good, but that did not prevent them from giving their lives to lift the soddenness and accelerate the Inertia of the crowds.
He says he has no doubt but you will recover; and all your friends say that you must banish the thought of dying, as nothing will tend so much to accelerate that awful event.
The current center-right government, elected in October 2004, has pledged to accelerateprivatization of a number of large state holdings and is interested in increasing FDI in Slovenia.
This deficiency on the part of the natives, proceeds from their being obliged to perform all those operations by hand, which we both accelerate and perfect by means of machinery.
Man's hope of reaching God at will required a special creation, one that could taxi off a runway just like a normal aircraft, then accelerate to hypersonic speeds, reaching low-earth orbit.
When you give Petra the go-ahead, we could accelerate to ten, even fifteen thousand miles per hour.
The strong moral enthusiasms that transform the character and inspire or accelerate all great religious changes lay wholly beyond the sphere of his realizations.
The Dowrah, on the other hand, conscious of the lighted match and loaded gun behind him, hollowed from time to time to show that he was on his duty, and to accelerate the march of the travellers.
Didn't you see him accelerate to an impossible speed in an impossible time?
By maintaining in addition a slight artificial gravity--thanks also to the intensity of those material engine fields--we can be comfortable, while we accelerate at tremendous rates.
But the wars, the conquests, and the triumphs of Justinian, are the feeble and pernicious efforts of old age, which exhaust the remains of strength, and accelerate the decay of the powers of life.
At the same time, this impatient prince sent message after message to accelerate the legate's rate of travelling.
It was true the pope said, that he would do all in his power to save him;[1050] but Clement's good offices would only accelerate his ruin.
Wise counsels may accelerate or mistakes delay it, but, sooner or later, the victory is sure to come.