Of Saleius Quintilian[436] says, 'He had a vigorous and poetic genius, but it was not mellowed by age.
But there are other passages of sustained merit, such as the vigorous description of the struggle of Hippomedon with the waters of Ismenus and Asopus.
He was a man of genius, with a shrewd and vigorous wit.
It would be hard to imagine anything more vigorous and exciting than the fight of Tydeus ambushed by his fifty foes.
Even a succession of sane and virtuous Caesars might well have failed, with the machinery and material at their disposal, to put new and vigorous life into the aristocracy and people of Rome.
Something more massive in structure, more vigorous in movement, was needed as the vehicle of so much rhetoric and invective.
Would it be rash to assume that this lever-power was a vigorous movement of the faculty of wonder?
It was not until then that his vigorous mind was smitten with the possibility of the French having cheated him by going to Jamaica.
He met with bitter disappointments in his search for the illusive French fleet, which wore him, as he says, to a skeleton, but never once was he shaken in his vigorous belief that he would catch and annihilate them in the end.
Everywhere he was a formidable reality, strong, forbidding and terrible; his penetrating spirit saw through the plans of the enemies of his country and his vigorous counter-measures were invariably successful.
Being now nearly surrounded, he made a vigorous effort to regain the bridge he had just crossed, by which alone he could find a retreat; but in doing this he lost his life, and many of his men fell with him.
She awoke to this great day, long anticipated; and with the vigorous action of throwing off the clothes and jumping out of bed, she plunged into it and was lost in it.
Rosalie was always very plainly dressed by comparison with Laetitia; her voice was much clearer and sharper, her air very vigorous against an air very langorous.
After such a vigorous contest a brief breathing spell was necessary; but Sept.
Mr. Asquith, equally vigorous in his speech, was less decisive in his conclusions.
I ask this House--and I ask all sections of the House--to take such a course as will enable me to go back to Ireland to translate into vigorous action the spirit of the words I used here a few days ago.
The geological structure of this State is different from that of Puebla and Mexico; and the vegetation is quite as vigorous as that of other prolific regions, without the rankness which produces rapid decomposition and miasma.
Here the growth of timber is vigorous and immense, for the climate and productions are modified by altitude as well as latitude.
Is about to be shivered to dust, And the rent limbs to fall from the vigorous tree, Shout!
It was, undoubtedly, high time that something vigorous was being done to stay Confederate progress in Indian Territory.
I think I shall be able to enlist about 150 vigorous warriors.
Then his gaze returned to Kate's strong, vigorous yet feminine back, as she stood, arms outstretched, hooking vines on the trellis.
That which had lured her and dragged her to him in the end, was the life in him, the strong, vigorous body, the gestures, the smiles.
Judge Tiffany, pattern of a vigorous age, seemed to lean a little upon his wife as she walked beside him, her arm tucked confidently into his; but it was a leaning of the spirit rather than of the flesh.
The tomato responds readily to fertilizers and to moisture, coming quickly into vigorous growth after unfavorable conditions, unless too badly stunted.
A vigorous and properly hardened plant that is younger will do better under such circumstances.
When newly set and before new roots have developed is the time when nutrient material close at hand is needed to give the plant a vigorous send-off.
Growth is vigorous and yields are heavy; fruits are large, flattened and well colored.
Delayed planting and use of plants that do not start quickly into vigorousgrowth is the cause of heavy losses in the north, especially among cannery growers.
The Ideal Variety In breeding for better varieties of tomatoes, the following are some of the characters to be sought: (1) A vigorous vine which is necessary to produce abundant fruit and to protect from sunscald.
There are many consignment houses of high character if the shipper will take the trouble to find them instead of shipping to any one who writes a good letter, and there is vigorous competition in the trade.
But these ambitious plans were thwarted by the vigorous action of the left of the Fifth Corps and the Fifteenth which was withdrawn en masse from the Army of Lorraine (under Castelnau).
This religious awakening may have been accompanied with too much appeal to the feelings and unhealthy emotional excitement; but some vigorous movement was absolutely necessary to quicken the spiritual life of a decadent age.
The Elizabethans constituted a vigorous audience, eager to meet the dramatist and actors more than half way in interpreting what was presented.
A statement like the following shows how vigorousand sweeping his criticisms sometimes are: "A rib of Shakespeare would have made a Milton; the same portion of Milton, all poets born ever since.
These romantic tales of heroic battles, thrilling incidents, and love adventures, are told in fresh, vigorous verse, which breathes the free air of wild nature and moves with the prance of a war horse.
Although much of his writing is a compilation or a translation from the Latin Fathers, it is often remarkably vigorous in expression and stimulating to the reader.
Beautiful poetry presenting high ideals must have met with vigorous appreciation, or Shakespeare could not have continued to produce such great work.
It is true that Luther strongly denounced, and vehemently disclaimed responsibility for, the excesses to which this teaching gave rise, yet he was not less vigorous in proclaiming the doctrine.
The last segment of the body is bent at an angle with the rest, so as to form a strong point of support in the struggles which it must often have to encounter with vigorous prey.
Shorn of one leg, slow sprawl'd along on three; He vaults no more with vigorous hops on high, But mourns in hoarsest croaks his destiny.
That the use of opium in moderation is necessary to thousands of honest, hard-working Hindus, and that its habitual consumers are among the most useful, the most vigorous and the most loyal portion of the population.
Nothing is more certain than thatvigorous growth in early summer can be made of great service in counteracting cold and that half-starved trees, or those which have been allowed to bear too heavily, suffer most from freezing.
As a stock, however, it has not the value the Davidiana peach has, not being as vigorous and apparently being attacked by the same pests that infest cultivated peaches.
The trees, possibly, are a little less manageable in the orchard, less vigorous and certainly more susceptible to pests.
The trees, while productive, are neither large nor sufficiently hardy andvigorous to make an ideal commercial sort.
Making up in some degree for unfruitfulness, the trees are vigorous and more than usually hardy.
A hardy, vigorous and productive peach originating in St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada.
The trees are large, hardy, vigorous and productive to a fault.
Healthy, vigoroustrees are seldom attacked and if so the larvae do not develop, but a peach-tree suffering a decline from any cause whatsoever is open to immediate attack and once the pest gains foothold the plant is doomed.
But still, one is often surprised to findvigorous orchards perched high above the water, the sport of every wind, so that altitude in peach-growing must be determined by experiment.
Another, and less potent objection, is that the nectarine has never been found wild, that it never becomes naturalized, that it is shorter-lived and less vigorous and behaves in general like an artificial plant.
On the Station grounds the tree isvigorous and only moderately productive.
She seemed encased in a strong armour of indifference, as though the vigorous exertion of her will had finally benumbed her finer sensibilities.
Everything about her was at once vigorous and exquisite, at once strong and fine.
In a quarter of an hour's vigorous walking he came to the celebrated antique shop of Louis Nevers, and entered, letting in a gust of wind and rain at his heels.
The address on the envelope was in Mrs. Hammerton's familiar and vigorous back-stroke writing, and she had marked it "Private!
The tough old hillsman struggled violently, but, vigorous as he still was, he had found his master.
One look, and he had sprung from the vessel's side, and with vigorousstrokes was swimming towards it.
Nothing butvigorous measures will do in these times, Grummer," said the magistrate, in a determined manner.
Sunburnt and vigorous they sat side by side, with their racquets across their knees, not saying much but smiling slightly all the time.
Her small but finely-cut andvigorous features, together with the deep red of lips and cheeks, pointed to many generations of well-trained and well-nourished ancestors behind her.
There could be no doubt that Mrs. Flushing had represented the vigorous and abrupt fling of the earth up into the air; you could almost see the clods flying as it whirled.
Moreover, the house began to stir as the hour of dinner approached; she could hear the plates being chinked in the dining-room next door, and Chailey instructing the Spanish girl where to put things down in vigorous English.