The past asperities of religious and political controversy had long ceased, and it was felt that the whole parish had lost a devout teacher and a generous friend.
Notwithstanding certain early dissipations and escapades which his fellow-townsmen did not fail to remember against him in the later days of his success, Crabbe was of a genuinely religious temperament, and had been trained by a devout mother.
But he was evidently still, as always, the devout and kindly pastor of his flock, and happily for himself, he was now to receive new and unexpected tributes to his popularity in other fields.
An excellent companion sketch to that of the dilettante vicar is provided in that of the poor curate--the scholar, gentleman, and devout Christian, struggling against abject poverty to support his large family.
But because of ignorance, the mysteries of existence which ought to have made him devout had only rendered him superstitious, though, all unknown to himself, his bosom was full of inflammable materials of a deeply religious life.
The celebration to-day is one worthy of a Christian people, commemorating a work wrought in God's name and for His honor, and fruitful of untold religious blessings to a devout congregation.
The second chapter is one of adversity, of persecutions; one in which the property and worldly comfort of the devout are frequently sacrificed to the bigotry of the infidel or the heretic.
They worthily represented a large class of intelligent and devout Christian people who believed and lived according to their belief.
That dispatch, beautiful in its epigrammatic terseness, and sublime in its devout thankfulness and gratitude, will be carried down the coming centuries, as long as the remembrance of the great feat shall survive.
While the last verse died away I had just time to scan my devout congregation.
He begged me to preach in his stead, and only regretted that he could not be among my devout listeners.
Neither is it impossible, but a devout fanatic landlady of a boarding-house may be a bawd.
I have keys here, which a precious brother, a devout blacksmith, made me, and which will open any lock of the same bore.
With it all he was at once a devout and believing son of the Church, and a practical preacher profoundly concerned for the spiritual and moral welfare of the common people.
The devout Catholic must close his eyes to all history if he is to believe that Christ really appointed a Pope.
And there were sojourning at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven.
But when you have won this victory, and when individualism ceases to be devout and tends to party self-will, the hour comes to proclaim the converse lesson, and break up the vain reliance on mere liberty of thought.
Hence his sorrows had nothing penal in them, any more than the tears of a devoutparent over a prodigal child are penal.
Hakimji Ajmal khan is a devout Muslim who commands the confidence and the respect of both the parties.
In every age of the Church it has been impressed on all devout and earnest hearts that there can be no spiritual prosperity and progress without daily meditation on the Word of God.
But the emissaries of Joshua were in too serious peril, in too devout a mood, and in too high-strung a state of nerve to be at the mercy of any Delilah that might wish to lure them to careless pleasure.
Among devout Israelites, that day was never forgotten.
It has not been the lot of Rahab to share the devout interest which has been lavished on Mary Magdalene.
It was a small tribute of our esteem, but one that pleased the devout recipient.
Then you do not know him; for a more sincerely devout man, though I acknowledge it is after a fashion that is perhaps peculiar to the ocean, is not often met with.
Every devout Mussalman objects to any music in front of a mosque and every devout and orthodox Hindu objects to cows being slaughtered.
Only by devious paths can Glastonbury, once the remote shrine for devout pilgrims from all parts of the land, be reached, for it is still somewhat out of the common track.
Let any one see how utterly unrestrained the fancy of a devout and excellent man becomes when it enters into this speculation, how entirely it loses sight of all scriptural guidance, how it revels amongst the images of the charnel-house.
Was it strange that a devout reader of these Scriptures should think that her Son might prove He had divine endowments in like manner?
In contemplating the passion of our Lord, one class of devout persons have encouraged a sentimental habit of mind.
It was really more characteristic ofdevout naturalists like Philip Henry Gosse, than of religious believers as such.
You see the devout old Jew, Simeon, who met Jesus as His mother brought Him for the first time into the temple; and there you behold the old faith interpreted by the new.
He then rose from his knees, and insisted with Fairfax, that this event was a miraculous and providential answer which Heaven had sent to their devout supplications.
On the day subsequent to these devout animadversions when the parliament met, a new spirit appeared in the looks of many.
Having asked whether they had any more indignities to put upon him, and renewing some devout ejaculations, he patiently endured the last act of the executioner.
For instance, here is a devout Catholic servant-girl.
Here is the great difficulty in regard to this old method, this old conception of prayer which confronts the intelligent, the educated, the thoughtfully devout man.
If they succeed, they are devout Unitarians and loyal followers of mine.