Perhaps no events in years have appealed so fully to the public consciousness or had such dynamic effects.
This dynamic lift however, while useful in certain operations is still incidental.
The airship has some dynamic lift, also, because its horizontal fins or rudders, and the body of the airship have some kiting effect in flight.
Army pilots found that at flying speed the plane weighed nothing, was sustained by dynamic forces.
We have now carefully considered the acts and dynamicactivity of human thought.
The dynamic gradations of tone need not necessarily be the same in both groups.
The tender poetic quality of the harp is adapted to every dynamic shade, but it is never a very powerful instrument, and the orchestrator should treat it with respect.
Besides the natural dynamic process of obtaining these marks of expression, a process which depends upon the player, they may also be produced by artificial means of orchestration.
In accompanying the voice orchestral scoring should be light enough for the singer to make free use of all the dynamic shades of expression without hardness of tone.
Short crescendi and diminuendi are generally produced by natural dynamic means; when prolonged, they are obtained by this method combined with other orchestral devices.
Glissando passages in chords of the seventh and ninth, enharmonically obtained, are much more common, and as the above reservations do not apply, every dynamic shade of tone is possible.
In spite of this fact it rests entirely with the orchestrator to obtain the best possible balance of tone; in difficult cases this may be secured by judicious dynamic grading, marking the wood-wind one degree louder than the brass.
After the strings, the brass is the group most facile in producing dynamic shades of expression, glorifying crescendo chords into the most brilliant sforzando climaxes.
Less important differences occur between wood-wind and brass; in these two groups, therefore, the harmonic basis generally remains an octave removed from the melodic design, and should be of inferior dynamic power.
Kettle-drums are capable of every dynamic shade of tone, from thundering fortissimo to a barely perceptible pianissimo.
United States to the front in American statecraft (see Vrooman, Mr Roosevelt, Dynamic Geographer, 1909).
These improvements in the technique of production are the dynamic element that brings about what we call progress in society.
Both of these are what may be called dynamic concepts, rather than static; they envisage natural phenomena not as things but as processes and largely to this fact is due their pre-eminent explanatory value.
The idea that the forces of nature can be controlled in the service of man, differs from the others, but is also a dynamic potency that seems to be equally well adapted to the twentieth century.
Great and dynamic character that he was, he so taught and led his groups of young Christians that when after a few months or a year or two he left them they were able to carry on by themselves, and even to grow.
Mr. Trainer was perhaps not so dynamic an individual, but he knew just as clearly what his plans were for the church that was as yet unborn.
It would seem plain that under these circumstances--an inflamed muscular structure forced to perform its ordinary contractions as well as it can--there must be powerful dynamic perturbation going on.
Pain is due to a perturbation of nerve-force, originating in dynamic disturbance either within or without the nervous system.
Perhaps the most outstanding aspect of the dynamic functioning of civilization is its growth in magnitude.
The normalcy on which Spengler based his assumption was disrupted around 1750 when a series of new dynamic factors entered the stream of modern social history: I.
At this turning point, youth is likely to follow dynamicand purposeful leadership.
Significantly, major earthquakes also occur along these belts, indicating that volcanism and seismic activity are often closely related, responding to the same dynamic Earth forces.
The dynamic current somehow does get from me to you, however numerous the intermediary conductors may have to be.
The theoretic gain fails so far, therefore, to touch even the outer hem of the real world, the world of causal and dynamic relations, of activity and history.
Every Life of Jesus remains therefore a reconstruction on the basis of a more or less accurate insight into the nature of the dynamic self-consciousness of Jesus which created the history.
A young woman, conscious of ability, owes her promotion primarily to certain dynamic feminine qualities with which she is endowed.
The Lankavatara school was destined to be short-lived and to provide nothing more than a sacred relic for the dynamic Ch'an teachers who would follow.
Yun-men was one of the most dynamic masters of the late ninth and early tenth century, providing new twists to the historic problem of nonlanguage transmission.
Even Chao-chou knew this, for he is quoted as recognizing that Ch'an had already passed through its most dynamic epoch.
It is to this dynamic period of warrior Rinzai Zen that we must now look for the next great masters.
The soul is the source of that higher expression in music which cannot be represented in dynamic marks.
Upon these two means of administering force must depend whatever differentiation in dynamic power and tonal quality the player desires to produce.
It must also be noted that few composers have employed more accurate marks of expression--such as time marks, dynamic marks, etc.
It also gives full scope to an infinite variety of error in the matter of the shades or degrees of dynamic force at which the conventional marks may be rendered.
These experiments and many others show that there is no essential difference between the so-called static and dynamic electricity.
The rock has probably been derived by dynamic metamorphism, from a coarse igneous rock like a gabbro.
The rock has been derived by dynamic metamorphism from a basic igneous rock.
Form was the dynamic element which entered into the composition of matter and made it exhibit its specific qualities.
Do we not all recognize in the moods and mental attitudes and even in some of the actions of the adult, remnants of feelings and forces which were dynamic in childhood?
In primitive usages we find the expression of early man's deepest longings and desires, and so a dynamic interpretation of such motives is possible.
Its dynamic value, from a biological standpoint, is at once apparent.
Again, we have shown how in the race remnants of early and primitive motives continue to appear in various ways long after their outward dynamic value has been lost and when their meaning is no longer understood.
In order to survive man must reproduce his kind, and the emotions associated with reproductive instincts must be of adequatedynamic value.
My main object has been to give the life history of a primitive motive in the development of the race, and to emphasize the dynamic significance of this motive.
This worship is to be regarded as an unconscious racial expression, the result of group or collective feeling, the dynamic significance of which, from a biological standpoint, will appear later.
These dynamic British girls are always full of ruddy health and current information.
He looked a dynamic American, who trod the way of the forceful and fought for his share of the spoils.
But though his knees trembled beneath him and the sickness of fear was gripping his heart, Robert Milton had in him the dynamic spark that makes a man.
Her eyes followed him, a vital, dynamic American who would do big, lawless things to the day of his death.
Easier than these and very stimulating are Dewey, Reconstruction in Philosophy, and Woodworth, Dynamic Psychology.
Indeed, by such small, objective interruptions do dynamic inner impulses hang that this little thing may have suppressed the lightnings.
To Mary it had been all pantomime; to them it was dynamic with language.
For the next two hundred years, this missionary dynamic was absorbed in spreading across the North American continent.
With the conversion of Malcolm Little, better known as Malcolm X, the Muslims gained a dynamic speaker who did much to popularize and spread their teaching.
For a full and valuable treatment of these harmonious relations, from the point of view of consumption and production, see Patten's Economics of a Dynamic Society.
The Christ of the theological systems was too remote and unreal to be dynamic for him.