In Tottenham Court Road, they attacked a gentleman, who being intoxicated with wine, either fell from his horse, or was thrown off by them, from whom they took only a gold watch.
As they were going thither, she put them in mind of the proposition she had made them to murder Mr. Hayes, and said they could not have a better opportunity than at present, when he should be intoxicated with liquor.
He became intoxicated with the idea of seeing clearly and of holding his hand strictly accountable to what his eyes disclosed.
He was also about to exalt himself in the presence of these immortal thoughts, to become intoxicated with the desire to equal them in science and greatness.
The genius of Rodin became intoxicated with all the resources of his art.
The man was crazed with love, and the girl intoxicated with the drug, and they were perched up there above the world alone, in the stillness of the Indian night.
He was mad with passion, intoxicated with the heavy perfumed air, drunk with the atmosphere of his surroundings, and his slim body shook as he ran the needle-point of the dagger into his own breast.
I affect to be intoxicated with sights and suggestions, but I am not.
At home I dream that at Naples, at Rome, I can be intoxicated with beauty and lose my sadness.
Even in the hour of social mirth," he tells us, "my gayety is the madness of an intoxicated criminal under the hands of the executioner.
He who is intoxicated with wine will be sober again in the course of the night; but he who is intoxicated by the cup-bearer will not recover his senses until the day of judgment.
I held the position for two weeks, when one night Cockney came home intoxicated and told me that he had shipped Mitchell that night on a French bark.
Those who have exhausted the stimulus of wine, may yet be intoxicated by opium.
It may be said, that as the Spartans taught their children to detest drunkenness, by showing them intoxicated Helots, we can make falsehood odious and contemptible to our pupils, by the daily example of its mean deformity.
As Mademoiselle Plouernel uttered these last words she cast upon Nominoe a glance thatintoxicated him.
Swaying and shaking his head reproachfully, he gave Herrick a perfectly accurate imitation of an intoxicated bear.
The most poignant anguish, the most insupportable dejection, succeeded in the soul of Rustan, to the immoderate joy which he had felt, to the hopes with which he had intoxicated himself.
Imagine a virtuous and noble soul, humbled by its own reproaches, intoxicated with tenderness, distracted with the remorse of having betrayed her lover, and elated with the pleasure of releasing the object of her adoration.
Formosanta was speechless, bewildered, and intoxicatedwith so many wonders.
Amazan being made acquainted with the innocence of the embrace she had given to the king of Egypt, and being told of the resurrection of the phoenix, tasted the purest joy, and was intoxicated with the most violent love.
And it was thus that those Danavas the Kalakeyas, intoxicated with prowess of arms and their lives nearly run out, gradually invaded all the asylums of the Rishis during the darkness of the night, slaughtering numerous Brahmanas.
And having earned fortunes that are really small they become intoxicated with the pride of wealth.
In that sacrifice Indra became intoxicated with quaffing the Soma, and the Brahmanas, with the gifts they received.
And intoxicated by supremacy, I insulted those Brahmanas.
Later on he substituted for this several prolonged series of semi-dramatic public readings from his works, an effort which drew heavily on his vitality and shortened his life, but which intoxicated him with its enormous success.
He had hardly been a week on board the Neversink, when he was found intoxicated with smuggled spirits.
The sailors who became intoxicated with the liquor thus smuggled on board by the master-at-arms, were, in almost numberless instances, officially seized by that functionary and scourged at the gangway.
To make a short story of it, this functionary, being called upon in secret, was readily prevailed upon to part with a dozen bottles, with whose contents the intoxicated party had regaled themselves.
It intoxicatedthe Spaniards, and when the sobering came, the effect was terrible.
They were intoxicated even with the sight of so much blue.
I became intoxicatedwith the strange nectar which I sipped out of the eyes of the passers-by.
He was so intoxicated with their flattery, that he could do no less than invite them all to supper, an invitation which they were too hungry not to accept.
He saw Bragwell was intoxicated with pride, and undone by success; and that his family was in the high road to ruin through mere prosperity.
Though the train was now increased to near a hundred robbers, yet so intoxicated was Parley, that he did not see one of them except his new friend.
He must have been intoxicated when he examined those papers, or he would have seen that letter.
He discovered that one key was missing; but, too much intoxicated to reason upon the circumstance, he took another draught of brandy, and ambled towards his sleeping-room.
To a man not intoxicated by the dream of young love these facts would have indicated a great increase in the speed of the boat; but he noticed them not.
He opened the door, drew in both the intoxicated Billy Gray and his daughter.
She, on her side, moved like one intoxicated by some divine liquor.
I never saw a person intoxicated at one of these shad bakes, nor heard any quarreling.
It is certain that the savages cannot become intoxicated on that quantity.
His portrait of Simon the swineherd in En Route is mortifying to humans with proud stomachs; Huysmans penetrates the husks and filth and sees only a God-intoxicated soul.