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Example sentences for "animated"

Lexicographically close words:
animalized; animals; animam; animarum; animate; animatedly; animates; animating; animation; animaux
  1. The whole of this infinite and complex cosmos he conceived to be animated by a single principle of thought and life.

  2. Without knowledge of Greek or Hebrew, and animated by a prejudiced hostility against authors, they take the easy course of proscribing what they feel incapable of judging.

  3. But the episodes would have been composed of comely groups or animated portraits.

  4. He was a man of fierce, impulsive and uncompromising temper, animated by two ruling passions--burning hatred for the Spaniards who were trampling on his native land, and ecclesiastical ambition intensified by rigid Catholic orthodoxy.

  5. Both agree in painting that lurid portrait of Francesco Cenci which Shelley has animated with the force of a great dramatist.

  6. The universe itself is one immeasurable animal, or animated Being.

  7. The end of Sarpi's life consecrated the principles of duty to God and allegiance to his country which had animated its whole course.

  8. This man seemed animated by an acrid spite; that veiled his malice in the flatteries of candid friendship.

  9. Animated by this new enthusiasm, he managed to escape from home in the spring of 1522.

  10. On his side, Bruno has bequeathed to us animated pictures of his life in London, portraying the English of that period as they impressed a sensitive Italian.

  11. Margaret's success draws forth an animated tribute from the president of Mechlin.

  12. All were animated by the same patriotic feeling, and by a common hatred of the infidel.

  13. He had the satisfaction to find, in this hour of trial, that the men, as well as their officers, seemed to be animated with his own heroic spirit.

  14. Every knight was animated by a sentiment of devotion to his order, and that hatred to the infidel in which he had been nursed from his cradle, and which had become a part of his existence.

  15. Various subjects of complaint had long been rankling in their bosoms, and now found vent in the form of animated and angry debate.

  16. The truth was, that William was not possessed of the fiery zeal which animated most of the Reformers.

  17. The liberty they assumed did not degenerate into licence; and he concludes his animated portraiture of these Flemish matrons by pronouncing them as discreet as they were beautiful.

  18. Surely there were voices in animated discussion in the vestibule!

  19. An animated discussion ensued between the members of the council.

  20. In the officers' room there was animated talk.

  21. It was six o'clock and a dismal December evening; but there was an animated cosmopolitan crowd in Robert's bar.

  22. In the animated language of the prophets, their predictions are often announced under the form of commands.

  23. While thus occupied, they kept up an animated conversation, in which the word "Swearah" was often pronounced.

  24. We are privileged to approach them near enough to comprehend their character, and learn the cause that has thus isolated them so far from the regions of animated life.

  25. As he scanned the beach his eye was caught by three ladies and three natives standing about a surf-boat in animated discussion.

  26. An animated discussion was in progress between Sanno and the innkeeper, the import of which Sanno explained with much difficulty.

  27. She was now thirty-four, and when animated only looked twenty-six.

  28. A few moments before, they had noticed the Marquis de Chamondrin engaged in animated conversation with Dolores.

  29. They entered it in an orderly manner, as if animated by peaceful intentions; but many of the men were either half-crazed fanatics or wretches who were actuated by a desire for plunder.

  30. Several, on passing Philip and Dolores, looked at them with evident curiosity, as if anxious to know the theme of such an animated conversation.

  31. Where there was no enjoyment to the senses it was right and proper for the animated being to seek repose in inanimate nature.

  32. Solitude is inhabitable only by the man of genius, who peoples it with ideas, or by the contemplator of the universe, who sees it illuminated by the light of heaven and animated by the voice of God.

  33. Belgium has shown us by memorable and glorious example what can be done by a relatively small State when its citizens are animated and fired by the spirit of patriotism.

  34. As the outcome of his stormy life we have music clothed in a new body, animated with a new spirit.

  35. It was clear that, like Prometheus among his lifeless forms, he animated them with the breath of the soul and roused them into life.

  36. They had the same reasons for disliking England that animated their opponents.

  37. At this time Greeley thought him "capable without pretension," and "animated by an anxious desire to win golden opinions by deserving them.

  38. One thing, though, may be assumed, that a man so animated by high principles as John Jay must have felt amply justified in taking the course he did.

  39. I feel that I am a sort of animated pie, and could be cooked comfortably in an oven.

  40. Proceeding they fixed on unselfish human love and on beauty as the motive of their creed, and endeavored to live lives animated by these principles.

  41. Setting aside the matter of the ethics of her egotism, our lady in question is animated by a conscientious desire to be a refining and admirable influence.

  42. To regard this superficiality as more than a transient symptom, and thereby to lose sight of the genuine intensity of nature which has animated it, would indicate the shallow observer.

  43. Mr. Direck got the Daily Chronicle and found quite animated headlines for a British paper.

  44. Teddy was not nearly so animated as he had been in his pre-khaki days; there was a quiet exaltation in his manner rather than a lively excitement.

  45. Thus there took place between opposing influences, religious and national, a most animated struggle.

  46. The theory of professors was assisted by the practice of advocates and the experience of magistrates, and the whole undertaking was animated by the spirit of Tribonian.

  47. Whether he ate or drank, gained or lost, wrought or suffered, Christ filled the eye and animated every step.

  48. Grotius had indeed painted for us with a very Flemish nicety of detail their manners and customs, but had forgotten to round his skeleton of a nation with the passions that animated every stage of its development.

  49. But here followed an animated conversation between the prisoner and LOWE'S men as to what constituted Black Republicanism; the result of which was, as the Doctor turned to depart, Captain LOWE informed him he was re-arrested!

  50. The patriot captain's animated narrative had not failed to make a lively impression on his hearers, at the same time that it worked a remarkable change in his own appearance.

  51. This sunshine, gleaming through dark clouds, had continued even on the fourth day; and from nine to eleven o'clock at night, he had showed more animated pleasure than ever.

  52. I scarcely remember how it was that when upon this the conversation became animated it instantly drifted into love-stories and love-affairs and jiltings and heart-breakings, and all the rest of it.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "animated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    active; acute; aggressive; agog; airy; alert; alive; animate; animated; antic; anxious; avid; bouncing; breathless; breezy; bright; brisk; bubbly; buoyant; cant; cheerful; chipper; conscious; dashing; desirous; drunk; dynamic; eager; ebullient; effervescent; elastic; elevated; energetic; enlivened; enterprising; enthusiastic; excited; exhilarated; existent; exuberant; fervent; fleet; forceful; forcible; forward; frisky; frolicsome; gamesome; gay; hearty; impassioned; impatient; impetuous; incisive; inclined; intense; jolly; keen; kinetic; live; lively; living; lusty; mercurial; merry; mettlesome; militant; minded; mobile; motivated; moved; panting; passionate; perky; pert; playful; prompt; quick; quicksilver; racy; ready; renewed; revived; robust; rollicking; rousing; skittish; smacking; smart; snappy; spanking; spirited; sportive; sprightly; spry; stimulated; strong; swing; trenchant; viable; vibrant; vigorous; vital; vivacious; vivid; zestful; zippy