What is here overlooked is the important fact that while religion, as such, commences in a reasoned process, morality is firmly established before mankind is even aware of its existence.
If by it is meant individual growth, the reply is that there is actually a very sharp limit set to growth, much sharper than the average person seems to be aware of.
It was my task to quash this gambit, without giving any indication that I was aware of its existence.
The express company concealed the amount of money lost to the robbers, but smelters, who were aware of certain retorts in transit by this train, were not so silent.
Gray was on the lookout, and was aware of the deputy's presence.
Before half an hour had passed, we were aware that we were pursued.
She, being a bright creature, isaware of his manoeuvres.
It is therefore only when close upon it, when actually within the pass, that you become aware of the singularly beautiful scene beyond.
Saddle Sarko," said Louise, at once aware of Overland's plan.
His swift introspection left him aware that of them all he alone seemed to lack a definite aim.
The front of his flannel shirt was shot away, but he was not aware of it.
Louise did not pretend to herself that she was not aware of it.
I am quite aware that you are more eager to tell than I to hear; I believe, if you had no one to listen, you would find a pillar or statue and out with the whole tale to it in one torrent.
He too was doubtless very well aware that, of all the ills that flesh is heir to, none is more grievous or more iniquitous than that a man should be condemned unjudged and unheard.
Joe was not aware that the inhabitants of the islands of Lake Tchad, like many other negro tribes, plunge with impunity into sheets of water infested with crocodiles and caymans, and without troubling their heads about them.
Upon the arrival of the Resolute, the English consul at Zanzibar came on board to offer his services to the doctor, of whose projects the European newspapers had made him aware for a month past.
He knew that the shores of the lake were frequented by huge alligators, and was well aware of the voracity of those monsters.
But," said the doctor, "are you not aware that my journey is to compete with the success of the expeditions now on foot?
It would be a useless risk to make the natives aware of our presence in such a place as this.
The doctor was aware that, by the loss of the hydrogen in the first balloon, the ascensional force at his disposal was now reduced to about nine hundred pounds.
I have thought it my duty to make you aware of the real state of the case, as I have retained only one gallon for drinking, and we shall have to put ourselves on the shortest allowance.
Dick had no time to finish; a terrific roar made him only too quickly aware what foe confronted him.
He could make out enough, however, by the universal language of gestures, to be aware that he was receiving a very polite invitation to depart.
Them gems as every well-instructed gent isaware is the very spent of bad luck.
We are well aware that their standard is high; and we recognise that we start late, and are therefore behind, and that we have a hard task before us to overtake the other universities; but this has to be done, and will be done.
The Monk was well aware that such mystical utterances were sure of finding a welcome echo with the influential Vicar of the whole Augustinian Congregation, himself a mystic.
The Duke replied that he was not aware of “any displeasure ever conceived by us against you.
But now they are beginning to be aware of the secret of our iniquity (‘nosse mysteria iniquitatis nostræ’) and to examine into our duties.
It is an undoubted fact that Occamism and pseudo-mysticism are here rubbing shoulders, and that Luther himself is aware of the incongruity.
At the same time he warns his hearers against faint-heartedness, being well aware how dangerous his views might prove to souls.
Those versed in the ways of the spiritual life are well aware that many a one aiming at perfection is exposed to the purifying fire of trials such as these.
He is well aware that repentance consists in sorrow for and hatred of sin,[139] but he says that he himself has no personal experience of this kind of compunction.
Of this, according to him, his opponents must be aware and therefore ought not to act with so much assurance and certainty as though they were really performing good works.
It was only on this journey and at Augsburg itself that he became aware what a celebrity his action had made him.
I was not even then fully aware of the terrible extent to which we had suffered at Le Cateau.
It was, nevertheless, produced as an ancient and well-known tradition, as soon as the parishioners of Cripplegate were aware that such an incident was gaped for by antiquarian appetence, and would be swallowed by antiquarian credulity.
Fully aware of the dangerous character they had to deal with, the authorities sent a large body, both of regular troops, and volunteers, to Turlough, and these were accompanied by an immense mob of people.
Away went the little man; but he was in no hurry to come back, for he as well as his fellows was sufficiently aware of Fitzgerald’s violent temper, and wished to come in contact with him as seldom as possible.
In novel-writing I certainly have from principle avoided all exaggerated sentiment; but I am well aware that many other writers possess in a much higher degree than I do the power of pathos and the art of touching the passions.
I was not either in Belinda or Leonora sufficiently aware that the goodness of a heroine interests only in proportion to the perils and trials to which it is exposed.
He looked in vain for cocoa-nuts, not being aware that the trees are only generally found on the level shore to which the nuts have been borne by the wind and tides of the ocean from other islands.
He informed me that he was not aware that Belgium had any Sunday-laws upon her statutes.
I replied that I had not been aware of that; and as I had not been asked for it either in England, France or Belgium, I had placed it into my satchel, so as not to wear it out in my pockets.
It ain't no time before all the neighbors is aware of my love for Polly Hawks.
You nacherally ain't as acootely aware of the fact as I be, but you can gamble a bloo stack that not knowin' Colonel Sterett borders on a deeprivation.
I was soon made aware of the fact that new “old” pieces were being made, as they were constantly cropping up.
Four in the centre are lustre decoration, but no one I have come in contact with has been aware that it was all Swansea, so possibly the photograph may be of avail to more than one curious reader.
I am well aware that the really artistic Swansea is considered of great value, but the fact that I have no specimens of this class does not keep me awake o’ nights.
Had he been aware of the storm raised by the similar attempt by Lord Effingham sixty-four years earlier, he would have known what was in store for him.
The Burgesses were well aware from the first that the universally accepted principle that no Englishman could be legally taxed without his own consent was the basis of liberty.
But he was well aware that the people had not forgotten the use Spotswood had made of it to gain control of the House of Burgesses, or his veto of the bill to prohibit Burgesses from holding places of profit in the government.
The Virginians were fully aware that these events affected them profoundly.
The Councillors were well aware of the power and prestige which their judicial position gave them.
The people of Virginia were probably not aware of Dunmore's character, for they greeted him cordially upon his arrival in Williamsburg, late in September, 1771.
The people of Virginia were well aware that they were to share in this liberty.
His non-resentment was but an evidence of his good nature, for he was aware that it was not a very general custom of actors to give each other nicknames, and that his case was an exception.
And what is still more surprising, is that I was aware of all you have told me.
The plan amused me, and though I was passionately attached to Agatha I knew my inconstant nature well enough to be aware that another woman may be not so fair as she, would soon make me forget her.
For the moment I felt quite jealous of the king, but, from my thorough knowledge of my own inconstancy, I felt sure that my jealousy would cease when my love had been rewarded, and I was aware that Louis XV.
Such a heavy payment in advance caused general surprise, which I enjoyed, though pretending not to be aware of it.
As they were all aware that I did not want them to know their costumes till after supper, nothing was said about it, and we sat down to table.
I relieved him of his fears by telling him that when he offered me his pleasant society I was not aware that I was to be of service to the fair lady.
I had long been aware that such trifling presents are often very serviceable.
I made haste with my toilette, for I felt curious to know the reason of this citation, and I was aware I had nothing to fear.
She was not aware that she lisped, and that this betrayed her.
She left directly after you, and her husband would not have allowed her to come at all if he was not aware that she would be wanted to wait on the ladies whose dresses he had made.
Do not trifle with me, dear Redegonde, you must be aware that I saw all in the mirror, and I cannot think that you are so cruel as to arouse my passions and then leave me to despair.
I told my landlord to give me a choice fish dinner in my own room, as I was aware that the fish in those parts is better than anywhere else.
Are you aware that you are a couple of impudent scoundrels?
She was aware that Miss Claghorn had personally taken charge of a matter which, to do Mrs. Joe justice, she regarded as of supreme importance.
She was quiteaware that Mark had been for weeks a daily visitor, if not an actual inmate, of the household of Beverley Claghorn.
Both were aware of the possible criminality of the act, though both hoped that Leonard's wife had procured a divorce; but, notwithstanding some misgiving, the marriage was finally accomplished.
She was probably aware that he had witnessed it, for she had crouched in fear before him when she had unexpectedly found him in the library.
She is quite resolute in her determination, and is aware that her property, in my charge, aside from some French possessions, is ample for her support.
For many years I have been aware that the late Beverley had trained his daughter in accordance with a theory which repudiated tenets sacred in your eyes.
Of course, I should not have disturbed you at this hour had I been aware of his absence.
She did not state, though aware of the fact, that her own income had, during her residence with her French guardian, been mainly used to sustain and freshen the very faded glory of the house of Fleury.
He was sufficiently a man of the world to be aware that the emotion in which he had reveled could have no satisfactory result.
I'm not aware that the family was consulted when my election was foreordained.
He hated innovation, but he was aware that the Great Serpent held potentialities which he must not antagonize.
The little man, thus admonished, promised to carefully observe her wishes; the more readily as he was aware how important the friendship of Natalie was to his mama (in view of the pending adjustment of accounts).
After a while they became aware that the ground they were standing on was like an unroofed charnel-house, littered over with the bodies of their unburied dead.
He knew his powers, of course, but he was painfully aware of his defects--in drawing for instance.
Therefore His very first word shows her that He is aware of her mute appeal, and conscious of the going forth from Him of the power that cures--'Who touched Me?
And, moreover, notice here how the startled conscience, when it becomes aware of an unseen world beyond the grave, cannot but think that out of that world there will come evil for it.
It was most natural that this man in our text, at the very first moment when he began to put his confidence in Jesus Christ as able to heal his child, should be aware of much tremulousness mingling with it.
The man with the water-pot reminds us how little we may be aware of the Hand which guides us, or of our uses in His plans.
He, with the heavy secret filling His thoughts; they, dimly aware of something absorbing Him, in which they had no part.