If the hope of the grave that is to be brought onto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ shines out above all the flatness of earth, then life becomes solemn, noble, worthy of, demanding and rewarding, our most strenuous efforts.
Is the hope of Heaven, and of being like Christ, a thing that stimulates and stirs us every moment to heroisms of self-surrender and to strenuous martyrdom of self-cleansing?
So the one link between sonship here and likeness to Christ hereafter is this link of present, strenuous effort to become like Him day by day in personal purity.
During those strenuous days the girls had made many friends, including Allen Washburn, who was now a young lawyer of Deepdale.
Somehow, nothing seems half hard or strenuous enough to do for the boys that are giving up so much for us.
Of the period passed in Nazareth in preparation for the strenuous days to come we are told nothing at all.
And the music was good, for the old man was a real master, and the practice was strenuous and persistent.
Denis," the strenuous little voice sounded as if it were near breaking, "I must go next door, please.
By dint of strenuous exertions the boat gained a distance of about two hundred yards through the bullet-flecked water when, with a tremendous report, the explosive cargo of C 3 detonated.
The most strenuous efforts on the part of her engine-room hands were doomed to failure.
No doubt the Boche, despite strenuous efforts on the part of the British to ensure secrecy, had a good inkling of what was being contemplated, and would take steps accordingly.
In a word, the measure was inopportune unless it was avowedly intended to serve the interests of authority and of persecution, and if it was so intended, it demanded the most strenuous opposition.
Hitherto Ludovico had been the moststrenuous opponent of this policy, and when in 1485, Innocent VIII.
Reconciliation with the Protestants would make Charles too powerful, as master of a reunited Germany, not to meet with strenuous opposition, both within and without the Empire.
Even the Regent Margaret, who had hitherto been a strenuous supporter of Granvelle, deserted him, and supported the request of the nobles.
That fiery prelate, who was now in his eightieth year, although a leader in the Catholic reaction, had throughout his life been a strenuous opponent of the Spaniard in Italy.
I don't suppose you can talk to me now after such a strenuous evening," she went on more emphatically.
However, the order is saved by the strenuous efforts exerted both in Spain and Rome.
In these many recent trips up and down the Sound in the Kanawha he has talked to me nightly sometimes in his pathetic and melancholy way, sometimes with his strenuous and urgent note, and I got his meaning--now I have his words!
If he had bronchitis when this letter was written, it must have been of a very mild form, for it did not interfere with billiard games, which were more protracted and strenuous than at almost any other period.
At Ouchy Clemens conceived the idea of taking a little trip on his own account, an excursion that would be a rest after the strenuous three months' travel and sightseeing--one that he could turn into literature.
Of course, the more strenuous nights were not frequent.
After that you owe no active duties; for you the strenuous life is over.
Accordingly Macdonald's Highland Brigade spent a strenuous day in threatening the Drift and returned to camp.
Degenerate in muscles and vitality, the skunk must forego all strenuous hunts and trust to craft and sudden springs, or else content himself with the humble fare of insects, helpless young birds, and poor, easily confused mice.
The real work of the boga now began, and Rosendo with his long punter settled down to the several hours' strenuous grind which was necessary to force the heavy canoe up the little outlet and into the distant lake beyond.
Sommers had been content to smoke his pipe, to ruminate on nothings, to be idle with no strenuous summoning of his will.
Sommers respected the charm of the occasion, and, content with evading the chattering crowd, refrained from all strenuous discussion.
Office practice offered a pleasant compromise between the strenuous scientific work of the hospital and the grind of family practice.
But we did have bright intervals during thestrenuous work.
The next day, July 3rd, we got our gun into working order again, after strenuous efforts.
The work of clearing up the battlefield and burying the dead meant several days of most strenuous work for the whole force, as the streets were literally strewn with dead and badly wounded.
Haggerty The game had hardly begun before Hugh realized that those Belleville fellows had determined to down the visitors, if it took every ounce of strenuous ability they possessed.
There were several hot scrimmages, as always occur during a strenuous game of ice hockey.
And again: The Church, having lost all its battles with science, and having abandoned a strenuous intellectual defense of its fundamental beliefs, has lost its power over the poor and the laboring classes.
The editor of that paper is a strenuous advocate of the Mexican war, and a colonel, as I am given to understand.
Perhaps the deeper faith that is to come Will see God rather in the strenuous doubt, Than in the creed held as an infant's hand 500 Holds purposeless whatso is placed therein.
Yet in time past the profession of arms was judged to be [Greek: kat exochaen] that of a gentleman, nor does this opinion want for strenuous upholders even in our day.