But he soon let them fall, and shook his head with an energetic movement.
From the opening pages the clear and energetic telling of the story never falters and our attention never flags.
His countenance now wore a different, a firmer and more energetic expression, and the eyes that had formerly been so dim, now shone with unusual lustre, and were fastened on Marie with an expression of tender sympathy.
Charlotte earnestly, while Caroline gazed at him with sparkling eyes as though rejoicing in his proud bearing and energetic words.
At times he dictated to himself in a loud, energetic voice, the words which his flying pen conveyed to the paper, that they might henceforth to all eternity be indelibly imprinted in the hearts of his readers.
More energetic measures still were in contemplation, but it was deemed unwise to decide upon them until the great body of Europeans should have had time to clear out of Egypt.
The structure stands close to the road, that all may learn how energetic are the baron's provosts.
This Thibaut, however, had been an energeticas well as a devout man.
This is not saying, however, that the individual has a just claim to this maximum, in case he cannot, or will not, be sufficiently energetic to gain it by his own efforts.
The very unrest and dissatisfaction of the time are signs of a more general and a better education, an increase of sympathy in degree and extent, and, I believe, of better nourishment and a more energetic physique.
If he is sufficientlyenergetic and cunning, he may even succeed, for a time, in his endeavors, to the harm of humanity.
Quick planning, energetic action, and instinctive resourcefulness, had saved him from the terrible blizzard that was sweeping over the marsh and lashing through the tops of the forest trees with growing fury.
The line extended to the town pump, where two energetic youths in their shirtsleeves were working the handle with might and main.
That such should be the conviction of one-fourth of the people of Ireland, and that fourth by far the most energetic portion of its inhabitants, is a fact which politicians may well lay to heart.
It has developed a large number of vigorous writers on all phases of education and psychology, and numbers a thousand or more positive disciples among the energetic teachers of Germany.
The better class of energetic teachers would never have been won over to formal studies on purely utilitarian grounds.
Marius, dreamer though he was, possessed, as we have said, a firm and energetic nature.
It was evident that for such a generous and energetic nature as his, this could only be a transitional state, and that at the first collision with the inevitable complications of destiny Marius would wake up.
After this game was over and the crowd was surging out of the stadium that afternoon I heard an energetic newsboy, who was selling the Harvard Lampoon, crying out at the top of his voice: "'Harvard Lampoon for sale here.
In 1916 this hard-working, energetic up-to-date coach assumed control of the football situation on Franklin Field.
Thank you, wonderfull well, earnest and energetic as ever.
Danforth got into a towering passion with him about some professional consultation, and exploded a monosyllable or two of the more energetic kind on the occasion.
Sir Denton went out of the ward in a quick, energetic way, and Nurse Elisia crossed to Maria's bed.
But its natural result is seen in the emigration of thousands of the most energetic and enlightened young men to foreign lands.
The action of our government has beenenergetic and effective in preserving the lives of the American missionaries in Anatolia.
The precise terms of the instructions to this energetic Pasha never transpired and were never known to any one outside the Turkish official world.
Availing himself of the hour of success, White-Eyes forthwith despatched the following energetic letter to the Shawanese of the Scioto, who had also been visited by McKee, Elliot, and Girty.
The love of Christ was that which enabled and impelled the Apostles to live great and energetic lives.
Vital and energetic was the sectarian 'love of God' alone (Hinduism), and this now became triumphant.
He was the most energetic man I ever saw, think quick as a wink, as cool as an icicle an' as wild as a Comanche.
She wrote to Ukiah to the energetic widow who had lived in the adjoining house and taken in washing.
The above various special studies were, however, of no importance compared with the habit of energetic industry and of concentrated attention to whatever I was engaged in, which I then acquired.
Her full liberty of action and the complete development of her personality will render possible intrepid efforts for life, an energeticstriving after an existence which shall conform to her own ego.
And if they do not encounter energetic opposition the fig leaf will soon among us also attest the fall of taste and of the soul.
Claud Manton's energetic warning; it was before her, no less than before the patient, that Sir Rufus had washed his hands.
The misrepresentation of the average life of a nation that follows of necessity from an imaginative delight in energetic characters and extreme types, enlarges the energy of a people by the spectacle of energy.
In fact, hers was too self-reliant, energetic a nature, to change in a day, or become untrue to its proper character.
Over Jane's features flashed a triumphant glance--then all at once the professor's face grew dark, every muscle was strained for anenergetic resistance.
To Jane's energetic nature, this passive endurance and persistence in a half-enforced calling, appeared supremely pitiable.
But a month of rest worked wonders, and Mrs. Oliver finally became so like her usual delicate but energetic self that Polly almost forgot her fears, although she remitted none of her nursing and fond but rigid discipline.
He ended with a picturesque and energetic phrase and said in French what he could not say in English.
This had to be remedied at once; energetic representations were sent to the bankers and an order of the Treasury was obtained deciding that "money for the captives and foreign affairs was to be furnished before any other payment of interest.
To yield to the demands of a band of pirates who could be cowed by energetic action with a minimum of bloodshed and expenditure, would have been an insufferable disgrace.