The term vis viva is not usually understood to include that part of the kineticenergy of the body which is due to the vibrations of its molecules.
One such has been named the kinetic system because it comes into play in situations which demand prompt adaptation without hesitancy, and a consequent immediate transformation of static or stored energy into kinetic or active energy.
The Kinetic Chain is about as good a case as there is of the glands of internal secretion co-operating.
The Kinetic chain of organs, brain, adrenals, liver, thyroid and muscles, began working together in desperate situations for their possessor ages ago.
If the adrenal gland may be called the Gland of Emergency energy, the Kinetic System is entitled to the name of Council of Emergency Defense for the organism.
They are the good workers, the efficients, the kinetic successes of the driven world.
The Kinetic Drive is the name that has been given to the whole system at work.
Indeed, the Kinetic Drive may be defined as a mechanism contrived in the course of evolution as the normal, healthy mode for meeting stress and strain.
It is really the manifestation of the pressure or thrust aspect of the work energy, just as the kinetic energy is the manifestation of the translational or velocity aspect.
As the mass falls downwards in completing the circular movement, its energy of position once more assumes the kinetic form, and reaches its maximum value at C (Fig.
A little reflection, however, on the general conditions of the process must dispel this idea, for it is clear that the precise nature of the energy transmitted has no real connection with the kinetic properties of the system.
Energy of position is as truly a form of energy as heat or kinetic energy.
Before any transmission can take place, however, a certain amount of energy must be stored in the moving system, partly as cohesion or strain energy and partly as energy of motion or kinetic energy.
The distortive movement takes place in virtue of the communication of energy from the moving pendulum to the liquid, and during the movement energy is stored in the fluid as energy of strain and as kinetic energy.
It must be emphasised that the energy thus transmitted is absolutely different from the kinetic or other energy associated with the moving material of the system.
Another important feature of this energy transmission machine is the velocity, or rather the kinetic energy, of the band.
As already pointed out also, the whole mass gains, in varying degree, energy of motion or kinetic energy.
In this system it is of course presented outwardly in the two phases of kinetic energy and energy of strain or distortion.
The magnitude of the transmission process is directly proportional to this velocity, and is, therefore, also a function of the kinetic energy.
At first sight, it would appear as if this energy were simply energy of motion or kinetic energy.
It was silent, as a world pitted its enormous kinetic energy against the combined forces of a universe.
Good--Why, they would have to have the same kinetic energy as individuals as they now have as a whole, and that would be an average molecular velocity in random motion of 12.
The system would not run down until all thekinetic energy had been converted into heat, and all the heat generable had been dissipated.
For here a part of the entire event, on account of its genuine kinetic character, remains a content of actual observation.
For, if we had to make allowance for this motion, then I should, for instance, have to reckon with the fact that the piece of chalk in my hand possesses the enormous kinetic energy corresponding to a velocity of about 30 km/sec.
This conception, which attaches itself to the kinetic theory of gases, has cost great efforts and has not, on the whole, been fruitful; but it may become so.
We can not foresee in what way we are about to expand; perhaps it is the kinetic theory of gases which is about to undergo development and serve as model to the others.
But may not this assemblage be compared to that of the molecules of a gas, whose properties the kinetic theory of gases has made known to us?
What we have just seen applies not only to the mixing of cards, but to all mixings, to those of powders and of liquids; and even to those of the molecules of gases in the kinetic theory of gases.
In the kinetic theory of gases, one deals with molecules moving with great velocities, whose paths, altered by incessant collisions, have the most capricious forms and traverse space in every direction.
It is not that he systematically disdains all that is unattainable by positive methods; the time he has devoted to the kinetic theory of gases sufficiently proves that.
For example, in the kinetic theory of gases we obtain the known laws of Mariotte and of Gay-Lussac by means of the hypothesis that the velocities of the molecules of gas vary irregularly, that is to say at random.
The first of these terms, which I shall call U, will be the potential energy; the second, which I shall call T, will be the kinetic energy.
There is no chance for any man ever to discern the infinite variety which, if the kinetic theory is true, hides under the uniform appearance of a gas.
In the kinetic theory of gases, we assume that the gaseous molecules follow rectilinear trajectories, and obey the laws of impact of elastic bodies.
T would represent the sensible kinetic energy, U the potential energy of position, depending only on the position of the bodies, Q the internal molecular energy, under the thermal, chemic or electric form.
The complicated chemical combinations of that nervous mass pass over into other combinations by decomposition, and the kinetic energy produced by them is transformed into other forms of motion.
For good or for ill, she was done with it all, or thought so, in these kinetic and dancing moments, as new leagues of her unexplored earth uprolled along the endless ribbon of this two-railed track of dreams.
The old conceptions do indeed imply that wealth and capital involve both potential and kinetic use-values, and in so far they are right.
Let us carry the analysis of potential and kinetic use-values a little further.
The energy of a body which is due to its motion, is called kinetic energy.
We have seen that kinetic and potential use-values, produced mainly by the dead, are bound up in wealth, which is measured and symbolized by money.
I would draw attention at this point to one of the most important kinetic and potential use-values produced by humanity—the invention of the steam engine.
Kinetic use-values are permanent in their character, for, though they may become antiquated, they yet serve as the foundation for the developments that supersede them, and so they continue to live in that to which they lead.
As instances of kinetic force thus defined, we might mention the quantity of action of a cannon-ball, of the hammer on the anvil, of the wind on the sails, etc.
The division of forces into dynamical, statical, and kinetichas been long recognized by all competent judges as very good and satisfactory.
The word of command, "March," is the exciting force which suddenly transforms this potential into kinetic energy.
It is the external work of pressing the trigger that liberates the potential energy of the powder, transforming it into the actual energy of combustion, and the kinetic energy of the projectile.
Thus, when an external force has released the weight, the molecular orbits in the falling body change in form, and the potential energy of the molecular motion becomes the kinetic energy of the falling body.
This I have done by showing that catalysis is only one instance of the general law of the transformation of potential into kinetic energy, viz.
The catalyzer plays the same role in a chemical transformation as does the minimal exciting force which sets free the accumulation of potential energy previous to its transformation into kinetic energy.
Thus it may be said that osmotic pressure dominates all the kineticand dynamic phenomena of life, all those at least which are not purely mechanical, like the movements of respiration and circulation.
The marching {102} regiment is a representation of a body possessing kinetic energy.
Among the mechanical images of physical reality that form the foundation of our interpretation of nature, there can finally be but one that meets all the requirements of a general hypothesis of the continuity of kinetic connections.
For all our most elaborate and advanced kinetic theories seem utterly to fail us as explanatory when we, through the higher powers of the microscope, stand wondering and face to face with the evolution of a single living cell.
Following Gerhardt, Clausius, in the fifties, placed this hypothesis of the equality of the number of molecules in equal volumes of gases and vapours on the basis of the kinetic theory of gases.
The kinetictheory of gases must therefore be considered as one of the most brilliant acquisitions of the latter half of the present century.
For example, a ton of coal in the bin contains a certain amount of potential energy, which is capable of being converted into kinetic energy by combustion.
Sidenote: Mental Effect of City Life] Take an illustration of the way in which this reserve or potential energy is transformed into circulating or kinetic energy.
The term vis viva is not usually understood to include that part of the kinetic energy of the body which is due to the vibrations of its molecules.
To the conscientious energy which a sense of duty supplied, was added the tremendous kinetic force of a love turned into other channels.
The conductor returned to find a kicking, rolling, gouging mass ofkinetic energy knocking the varnish off all one end of the car.
From the kinetic theory, therefore, one would not expect to find any atmosphere on the rings, and the absence of it is duly shown by spectroscopic observations.
In due accordance with the Kinetic theory, we find the moon and Mercury, which are much about the same size, destitute of atmospheres.
Indeed, it is only to be expected from thekinetic theory that Mars could not retain much of an atmosphere, as the force of gravity at its surface is less than one-half of what we experience upon the earth.
Such a lack of atmosphere is, indeed, only to be expected from what is known as the Kinetic Theory of Gases.
No trace of an atmosphere has been noted upon any of the asteroids, but such a state of things is only to be expected from the kinetic theory.
In accordance, therefore, with the kinetic theory, we may expect the planet to retain an extensive layer of gases around it; and this is confirmed by the spectroscope, which gives evidence of the presence of a dense atmosphere.
In the demonstrations emphasis should be given to the visualization of the kinetic theory points of view.
I bragged about my kinetic activity to the stationary oak and I scoffed at the old hill for having to remain always in the same place.
Not even the heaviest thunder showers seem to debilitate their kinetic ardour.
But because it manifests itself in the next set as what is called kinetic energy, it does not follow that the first set is deprived of it altogether; for it is still in it, as potential energy, or life latent.
All your kinetic energy would go right back to heat, on impact--and eventually that little ball would build up enough speed to blast its way through any box you could build.
Do you mean that that little thing is converting heat tokinetic energy?
The consideration of these phenomena forty years ago by Joule, in connection with Bernoulli's original conception, formed the foundation of the kinetic theory of gases as we now have it.
To explain the elasticity of a gas was the primary object of the kinetic theory of gases.
A little later we have Daniel Bernoulli's promulgation of what we now accept as a surest article of scientific faith--the kinetic theory of gases.
The most that can be said about this type is that its earlier stages are related to its later ones as potential is to kinetic energy.
Must we further recall the kinetic theory of gases, the facts explained by the breaking up of molecules into ions, the hypothesis suggested, for example, by Van der Waals by the view that an atom has an actual bulk?