Then George suddenly recollected where he had seen that face before.
His first impulse was to rattle at the knob; but he recollected in time that this would make a noise that might bring Mrs. Hare to the scene.
Still more did it surprise and perplex him to find a penknife, which he recognised at once as belonging to Trimble, and which he distinctly recollected having seen in that hero's hand during school the afternoon of the preceding day.
Some recollected an old lady who used to keep a costermonger's stall and had a baby with fits.
I recollectedwhen I had last seen Luba, the night before her arrest.
As he slowly lit his, I recollected what a strange career he had had.
I recollected that he followed us that night on the pier when you first saw Dick walking with Doctor Ingram.
The black marble clock on the mantelshelf chimed six, and I recollected that Hartwig had wired that he would meet me at the "Metropole" at that hour.
Dreading Eliza's scrutiny, it was with a feeling of temporary relief that she recollected an engagement to attend a "lawn party" held that afternoon at a residence whose owner was laboring to raise an endowment fund for a local charity.
Then he recollected the musician's black eyes and happy smile; the motive of the Melancholie and all the strange experiences of the night came back into his consciousness.
She recollected a play in which there was a pair of gloves.
Then immediately he recollected that he had seen them in Bennington's hands, but he was positive that the gloves meant nothing to Bennington.
There was not a particle of irony in the movement; rather it was a quiet acknowledgment that he recollected the good influence she had at times worked upon him in some dark days.
To appreciate this effort on the part of the old birds, it must be recollected that immediately after the first shot the great mass of the old rooks fly off in alarm.
An old yeomanry sabre lies about somewhere, which the good man of the time wore when he rode in the troop against the rioters in the days of machine-burning--which was like a civil war in the country, and is yet recollected and talked of.
It will be recollected that this was one of the cities in which Peisander and the Four Hundred conspirators (early in 411 B.
But they did not contribute sensibly to break down her power; though, being recollected with aversion after other incidents were forgotten, they are alluded to in later times as if they had caused the fall of the empire.
But as to Thucydidês, it is to be recollected that he extols only the capacity and warlike enterprise of Alkibiadês, nothing beyond; and he had good reason for doing so.
However, when he recollected where he was he got out of bed in a hurry and jerked aside the window curtains.
Then, of a sudden, Clinch recollected the packet which he had kicked under a veranda chair.
He recollected that, during all that followed, Eve had not uttered a single word.
I found my mind persistently dwelling upon the matter of that weird rapping, Petrie, and I recollected the situation of Sir Lionel's room, on the southeast front.
Thus reminded of its presence, however, I recollected that my pocket-lamp was in it.
It will be recollected that it was his interview with Arnold at the passage of the Hudson, that induced the latter to take the steps which led to the discovery of the conspiracy.
I recollected that I had a card of yours in my case, and I gave it to her very quietly, and she walked off with it.
I recollected that I had to meet Mr Selwyn and Lionel in Baker Street, and I resolved that I would go there with my effects early the next morning and leave them in charge of the cook, who was taking care of the house.
I recollected a parsel of giggs which I had brought on, and made the men each atatch one of these to the lower ends of their poles with strong wire, which answered the desired purpose.
Clark and myself recollected having heard the hunters mention that the bottoms of the river some few miles above us were much better timbered than below and that some of the trees were large.
Confined and made his escape much to the chagrine of all who recollected the keenness of their appetites last evening.
They recollectedthe severe lesson just received, and could not but remark the strength of Fontenelle's position; which had been chosen with great judgment.
All present now recollected the prediction of the Indian at daybreak, and were struck with what appeared to be its fulfilment.
I recollected something else too, which made me involuntarily quicken my steps, and which confirmed beyond doubt the suspicion which I had just conceived--that Jonathan might be in collusion with the people at the farm.
It was down this very road we had driven; and upon looking back thereat, I even recollected the farm itself.
To be sure it is only fifty-two years since he was here; but to have recollected him!
She said I was very stupid, and I must say it over and over again till I recollected it.
She recollected also her childish ridicule of his excess of emphasis: he certainly had foresight.
Palmet recollected the ground of division between the beautiful brunette and her lord--his addiction to the pipe in perpetuity, and deemed it sweeter to be with the lady.
She recollected his look at her, and turned over the leaves of the book he had been hastily scanning, and had condescended to approve of.
But after a while she recollected he had not said that any one of these flying visits would be his last, and had never answered plainly her questions as to the time of his return.
It may be thought that many of the anecdotes related in the following history of the proceedings of neuter ants could not have been observed by any one, unless he had been admitted into an ant-hill; but it must be recollected that M.
As I did so, my eye fell upon a queer-shaped painted board, leaning up against the wall, which I well recollected in old times.
Stanton, as he recollected the stranger whose demoniac laugh had so appalled him, while gazing on the lifeless bodies of the lovers, whom the lightning had struck and blasted.
The detail of their talk Phil could hardly have recollected the next day, but every sentence of it came to him when he was prostrate in that noiseless and sightless world in France.
Philip was alone in the compartment, very much alone as pictures recollected from the down journey passed before his mind.
In a hazy way he recollected stories of the oubliettes of the Bastille and of the dreaded dungeons of the Chateau of Loches.
The mysterious hand that fed him was that of the old man whom he recollected as having been at Willowden.
He recollected how his dead father had warned him against Freda Crisp and Gordon Gray.
He recollected quite distinctly walking on the lawn.
At the office of the Southampton boats nobody recollected her taking a passage on the day in question.
Suddenly, as he stood there before the blazing logs, he recollected the sixth chapter of St Luke.
He recollected the quaint inscription upon it: "I mark ye Time; saye Gossip dost thou so.
He recollected Elma's curious reticence concerning the girl, and her refusal to make any allegations before she had ascertained and proved certain facts.
I am, however, fast recovering, and am at last able to write to you--having recollected only yesterday your name and address.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "recollected" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.