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Example sentences for "stored"

Lexicographically close words:
stopt; stor; storage; storax; store; storehouse; storehouses; storekeeper; storekeepers; storekeeping
  1. Even in the more descriptive courses appeal should be made to the higher intellectual qualities of the class, leaving a lasting disciplinary result rather than a memory stored with merely ephemeral and mostly insignificant information.

  2. A portion of the monstrous mountain of wealth stored here in New York City should be moved to a central, safer point; say St. Louis, Omaha, or even further west to Denver.

  3. And to think of the fabulous wealth stored in the midst of all these tigers!

  4. There is a keen remembrance, lingering ineradicably with the writer, of a little girl coming to school once upon recitation day, with a "piece" of her own selection safely stored away in her childish memory.

  5. The whole series of events were clearly detailed, and Whittier had stored them away in his memory.

  6. They directed their course to a valley, ten miles distant, where considerable supplies of provisions had been stored up; and where some of their crops had been planted, a few weeks before the arrival of the Spaniards.

  7. Large piles of provisions were stored in the building, and great jars of water placed there.

  8. In this hole beneath some bricks, we discovered a large sum in gold stored away, which Robertson had always told his daughter she would find there, in the event of anything happening to him.

  9. James had no difficulty in providing himself with a gun, for numbers of weapons, picked up in the woods after the rout of the enemy, were stored in camp.

  10. The 25th day of the same month, I was elected and sworn Master of the Company of Shipwrights, and kept a solemn feast with a great number of our friends, well stored with venison, at the King's Head in New Fish Street.

  11. Where are the eggs of these insects to be stored up so that they can last through the winter without injury?

  12. Another atom of carbon might enter the leaves of a tree: it will be sent down as sugar into the trunk and perhaps stored up as vegetable fat for the winter.

  13. The water is found stored up in the stems or leaves of plants, especially those of hot or dry climates.

  14. It will be stored up as starch in the grain.

  15. The starch is changed and may be stored up in the fat of the animal's body.

  16. Could we wait until the house was rented, or at least placed with an agent, the furnishings stored if necessary?

  17. Mrs. Clayton stored some of her furnishings.

  18. He trundled the array through the village's single street, stored the gilded glories in the big barn on the old home place, with the euphemism of circus terminology changed the sign "A.

  19. I've stored my wagons and the round-top and the seats, but I'm liable to buy an elephant and a lemon and start out again 'most any time.

  20. No question but that they were well furnished of all things appertaining thereunto, especially so many good ships lying there, and being so well stored with all manner of munition, shot, and powder, as they were.

  21. They were so well stored of biscuit, that for the space of halfe a yeere, they might allow eche person in the whole Fleete half a quintall euery moneth; whereof the whole summe amounteth vnto an hundred thousand quintals.

  22. For three nights he slept, warm and dry, on the hay stored in a deserted cloister, and, attracted into the neighbouring minster for a snatch of church music, narrowly escaped detection.

  23. Well, one can't feel surprised at his doing it; for many have ever been the stories stored up in his brain.

  24. The fat stored in the body from the excess of food is a reserve of energy material, on which the body may draw when the quantity of energy in the food is insufficient for its immediate needs.

  25. The fats in the food in excess of the body requirements may be stored as body fat, and the surplus carbohydrates may also be converted into fat and stored.

  26. Snow sometimes lies, and ice is stored for summer use.

  27. When the amount of food taken into the body is in excess of immediate needs, the surplus may be stored for future consumption.

  28. Whispers went from mouth to mouth that old Quilleash had sailed down to the Calf Sound with the "Ben-my-Chree," well stored with provisions.

  29. There you will find your fishing-boat, stored with such as may meet your immediate wants.

  30. The potatoes had been dug and sold, or stored in the cellar of the farm-house; the apples from the trees reserved for home use had been gathered, and we were ready for the fall planting.

  31. We stored this grain in the cottage until the granary should be ready, and stacked the straw until the forage barn could receive it.

  32. With this view, it appeared to me a duty to give to the public these letters, stored up in the peaceful home for which they were originally destined and exclusively intended, and thus to make them accessible to a more extended circle.

  33. In somewhat similar manner the tidal wave produced by the moon is the means whereby a part of the energy stored in the earth is compelled to expend itself in work.

  34. In that mighty fly-wheel a stupendous quantity of energy is stored up, and a stupendous quantity of energy would be given out before that fly-wheel would come to rest.

  35. She had lived all winter on nothing but the fat stored up on the spaces of her capacious frame.

  36. All about it grew a tall, coarse grass, now grey and drily rustling, the brood of seeds which in past years had sifted through the chinks from the hay stored in the loft.

  37. In the lowest story, in which there were a wide door and a grated window, Signor Columbus stored the bales of wool which he washed and carded, using a tool somewhat like the curry-comb for cleaning horses.

  38. They came aboard and were stored away a week or more before the crew was shipped.

  39. Tomato seed stored in a cool, dry place will retain its vitality for from three to seven years.

  40. Hotbed frames should be of a size to carry four to six 3×6-foot sash, and made of lumber so fastened together that they can be easily knocked apart and stored when not in use.

  41. It was extraordinary how many lanterns the Burnsides seemed to have stored away, and in what fresh condition they were; the bunting and the flags, also.

  42. A certain storage house in a city near our old home has gone out of commission, and we are notified that everything my mother has had stored there since we left the home must be moved at once.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stored" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    amassed; collected; extra; fresh; gathered; held; mint; new; original; pristine; reserve; saved; spare; stored; suspended; treasured; unbeaten; unemployed; unexercised; unspent; untouched; untrodden; unused; waived