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Example sentences for "virginal"

Lexicographically close words:
virey; virga; virgate; virgates; virgin; virginals; virgine; virginem; virgines; virgini
  1. Here was the end of Kathleen's maidenhood; here still lingered the allurement of her presence; but Trimble could never see this last virginal abode, this elusive shrine that Michael wished he could hire for sentimental meditations.

  2. A spinet was a small harpsichord, and the virginal a still smaller one.

  3. The man who won her must fight for her, fight like a tiger for its young, fight even the girl herself, because in her unstirred nature was all the virginal resistance to surrender that belongs to a wild creature of the dim trails.

  4. They threaten to sell you as slaves, and dishonour you, my daughters, but know that whatever infamy they may heap upon you, they cannot defile the virginal purity of your souls.

  5. The eldest, who was married to Alcfrid, the eldest son of king Oswy of Northumbria, is said to have left him with his consent, after having lived with him some years in virginal continence, to end her life in the cloister.

  6. The virginal saint from Aran Island," as Marianus O'Gorman styles S.

  7. Virginal was the word that came most often to his thought.

  8. It came to him slowly--the image of the virginal one--doubly sweet and beautiful now that he was unclean.

  9. Words made circles in his head--abject and sorrowful circles about the dream of the virginal one.

  10. He sat thinking of her now, contrasting the virginal figure of her with the coarseness of the thing in which he had been engaged.

  11. Yes, she had been Rachel and he had lowered his dream to her lips, as if in the lust of a strange woman's kiss there lay the image of Rachel, the virginal mystery of Rachel.

  12. The virginal whiteness of her frock, the pure pale face and pale gold hair seemed a pitiful mockery to her.

  13. The poet of a young world, simple and inspired, as also the poet who at an epoch of artificial civilization approaches nearest to the primitive bards, is austere and prudish, like the virginal Diana in her forests.

  14. By main force will I ascend your virginal couch, and storm your haughty modesty with still greater haughtiness.

  15. Too frequently also, instead of showing the utmost regard for virginal modesty and innocence (alias ignorance), the bridegroom will not put a check upon his passions and precipitates matters with the rage of the bull, ruentis in venerem.

  16. Much of his Virginal-music is contained in the Fitzwilliam Collection, and in Will Forster's Virginal Book in Buckingham Palace.

  17. Another proof of this is shown by a piece in Ben Coszyn's Virginal Book, where Gibbons is represented by a "Hatten's" Galliard.

  18. Many fine examples are to be found in the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, and his powers as performer must have been very great, judging from his compositions.

  19. Many are in the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book[3] and also in Lady Nevill's Booke, which is a collection of Virginal Lessons, copied by a singing Man of Windsor named John Baldwin.

  20. But never again would his naive heart palpitate with such virginal ecstasy as when he first gazed through the rose-misted spectacles of love on that sweetly imperfect gentile maiden.

  21. She turned, and her virginal eyes met mine with abashing purity, and in that instant of anguished rapture I knew that my quest was vain.

  22. What else is there so clean for cleansing mortals as the flesh born in the womb without fleshly concupiscence, and coming from a virginal womb?

  23. Christ does in a superhuman way those things that pertain to man: this is shown in the miraculous virginal conception.

  24. We must observe, however, that some miracles wrought by God are the direct object of faith; such are the miracles of the virginal Birth, the Resurrection of our Lord, and the Sacrament of the Altar.

  25. This same power of God brought forth the infant's limbs out of the virginal womb of His inviolate Mother, by which in the vigor of manhood He passed through the closed doors.

  26. As Ambrose says (Hexaemeron v): "For this reason had many barren women borne children, that the virginal birth might be credible.

  27. Wherefore the opening here spoken of does not imply the unlocking of the enclosure of virginal purity; but the mere coming forth of the infant from the maternal womb.

  28. For He alone, whose conception was ineffable, and whose birth was incomprehensible, opened the virginal womb which had been closed to sexual union, in such a way that after birth the seal of chastity remained inviolate.

  29. Moreover it was becoming to virginal modesty that the Virgin should be troubled.

  30. Fifthly, because it indicated the virginal Birth, not by remaining aloft, but by coming down below.

  31. How thou hast caught her by the virginal hair and made her chastity the screen for all thine own licentiousness!

  32. Name of Nagaya, may the shedding of thy virginal blood avert from us and ours the wrath of the Immortals!

  33. Zoe kissed her, and then, by a truly virginal impulse, hid her burning face in her hands, and said nothing at all.

  34. She had no experience to guide her: only her high breeding and her virginal instincts.

  35. To whom save to her does he owe that beautiful mixture of manly courage and virginal modesty which distinguishes him among the youth of Rome?

  36. A look of involuntary scorn stole over the grave features of Persius, whom Nero already hated, because the young man’s virginal modesty formed such a contrast to his own shamelessness.

  37. For of old the Sun, our sire, Came wooing the mother of men, Earth, that was virginal then, Vestal fire to his fire.

  38. In fancy he looked from the crowding cohorts of these others to that still, sweet figure set on high, wrapped in virginal austerity, calm in her serene perfection, and his soul abased itself before her.

  39. She sat wrapped in a sort of virginal austerity, unaware of the base passions of men.

  40. How could the Eternal Word, Purity itself, lessen the virginal purity of His Mother?

  41. The temptations which come to us, who, unhappily, bear their incentives within our hearts, could never have ventured to approach that wall of her virginal integrity.

  42. But the pure virginity of Mary not only possesses the property of being fruitful, it can also restore virginal purity in those souls who have defiled this virtue by the contrary vice.

  43. By them he wished to remove the disquiet which her virginal purity suffered; it was as if he were to say: You see me in human form, but I am no man, nor do I come to you on the part of any man.

  44. In like manner virginal souls are jealous to preserve this virtue unspotted, and no sooner do they perceive danger, or even the shadow of danger, than they are quickly alarmed.

  45. The virginal purity of Mary, which so dearly loved solitude, also caused her to go with haste, for the best protection for virginal purity is to appear as little as possible in the tumult of the world.

  46. All was sweet and virginal and childlike.

  47. She gathered also the services of Ellen, given willingly and with a virginal awe.

  48. They stigmatized him as the heartless betrayer of virginal simplicity and innocence.

  49. The grey-eyed virginal month, that is of no season and must as often bear the malice of Winter's retreat as the ruffianly onset of Spring, had now that very seriousness which suited Guy's troth.

  50. There was enough jealousy of his standing at the Rectory to give him the impulse to rob Richard of his foothold, but the meanness destroyed itself on this virginal morning almost before Guy realized it had tried to exist.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "virginal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.