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Example sentences for "arise from"

  • Frequently the fungus is found to communicate with, or rather to arise from, numerous cysts of a glossy appearance, from which also blood is copiously effused.

  • They suppose that those mild means arise from a restriction that you cannot use others, or from a consciousness of some defect on my part of which you are unwilling to provoke the enquiry.

  • But the plan very easily presents itself; and whilst it is fair for all parties, it prevents the dangers that might otherwise arise from private or popular discontent.

  • And first of all let us glance at the evident political results that must arise from it.

  • Sing that 'I arise from dreams of thee' thing that you were singing the other night.

  • I arise from dreams of thee In the first sweet sleep of night, When the winds are breathing low And the stars are shining bright.

  • I arise from dreams of thee, And a spirit in my feet Hath led me--who knows how?

  • It is not becoming that your boldness should arise from a want of foresight.

  • It cannot be thought to arise from affectation, that I call it so.

  • The nurse, supposing these symptoms to arise from flatulence, administered some warm tea; but without any apparent advantage.

  • I have been in England four months, and have often thought of writing to you; and yet, such are the dangers that might arise from an intercepted letter, that I have hitherto forborne.

  • But such an opinion seems to me to arise from a want of understanding of the Egyptian conception of the sexual tie.

  • Woman must be freed as woman; she must die to arise from death a full human being.

  • He saw the danger that was likely to arise from such a concession, and he resolved forthwith to make an attempt on Edinburgh.

  • Knowing the danger likely to arise from such an investigation, Charles dissolved (24 Jan.

  • Does it arise from an impression of sensation or of reflection?

  • Nature may certainly produce whatever can arise from habit: Nay, habit is nothing but one of the principles of nature, and derives all its force from that origin.

  • There is no passion of the human mind but what may arise from poetry; though at the same time the feelings of the passions are very different when excited by poetical fictions, from what they are when they are from belief and reality.

  • Further, the pronephros was said to arise from an outbulging of the somatopleuric mesoblast, which extended over a limited number of metameres, and was not segmental, but continuous.

  • If, then, a higher group is to arise from a lower, it must arise from the generalized members of that lower group, in other words, from the lowest members or those nearly akin to the next lower group.

  • I arise from dreams of Thee In the first sweet sleep of night, When the winds are breathing low And the stars are shining bright: I arise from dreams of thee, And a spirit in my feet Hath led me--who knows how?

  • I arise from dreams of thee, And the spirit in my feet Has led me--who knows how?

  • As he strolled along some lines of Shelley's which had long been favorites of his, sang in his brain: "I arise from dreams of thee In the first sweet sleep of night, When the winds are breathing low And the stars are shining bright.

  • Now will some man say in his thoughts, 'Easily might he arise from death, because he is God: death could not hold him captive.

  • Though Mary believed that Christ would arise from death, her child's suffering went, nevertheless, very deeply into her heart.

  • My brothers, know ye that it is now time for us to arise from sleep.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "arise from" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    arise from; arises from; arrest thee; experiment stations; first book; for goodness; great rage; kill thee; last lecture; machine building; million from; much chance; national game; natural curiosities; night time; quite safe; rail from; revolt against; said another; square mile; turned unto; white spots; witness the