An utilitarian reduction of welldoing to a distribution of properly calculated doses of satisfaction he dismissed with a scorn as derisive as Carlyle's; "general utility" was a favourite of "that old stager the devil.
This statement excited a derisive snort from Mr. Quirk.
And above all the voices, that of Johannes de Molendino was audible, piercing the uproar like the fife's derisive serenade: "Commence instantly!
And he accepted seriously all this ironical applause, all this derisive respect, with which the crowd mingled, it must be admitted, a good deal of very real fear.
And looking back over his shoulder to offer a final brief view of his derisive face, he took himself out of the room.
There was a derisive sound in Mr. Spragg's throat.
The viceroy saw the derisive smile that played about his lips.
Mohammed, however, returned to his solitary apartments with a clearer brow and a more derisive smile on his lips: "This was well done, and can tend only to my advantage.
Truly this great Cousrouf Pacha is very condescending, "cried Mohammed, in derisive tones.
You shall see it, L'Elfi Bey," said Osman, in a somewhat derisive tone.
You might've done worse," Charley replied, watching his son with a slight, derisive smile.
This derisive phrase for a false stroke may have been derived from the Italian chiappar un gragno, to express the same action.
Her signs of remonstrance were only received with a derisive outburst, as Rashe climbed down into the midst of the bed of the stream.
I didn't know how blamed popular I was till now," returned the invalid, with derisive irony.
Gordon looked at him steadily, then summed up with three derisive words.
Patsy seized his books, and, dodging a cuff aimed at him by his victim, ran out of the schoolhouse with a derisive yell.
Mrs. Malone in a derisive tone, as she ambled toward the door.
While Robert was engaged in restoring the coins to the bag, the only sound came from the derisive click and fall of the gold-pieces as they chinked their mockery into the ears of the raging prisoner.
As the Sepoy pocketed the gem he looked at Raikes with a glance at once searching and derisive as he asked: "Was I not right in calling it a marvel?
This was the second overseer, whose word was law until the 'cobbler' was shorn, and the last man with the last sheep left the shed amid derisive cheers.
He was received with a storm of ironical cheers and derisive exclamations.
A derisive laugh was the only answer from the river-bank.
Josef Siebel utters another short, derisive laugh, and discreetly turns his gaze toward the smoky ceiling while Papa begins his investigations.
The rest was drowned in a storm of derisive shouts.
He was answered by a hullabaloo of derisive hoots and yells.
But the report of the meeting is received with a shout of derisive laughter that echoes through the press and through private conversation.
Some of his personal friends, filled with indignation, left the house, while a derisivelaugh followed them to the door.
Old Heck exclaimed viciously, as he heard the shouts of derisive laughter.
A cackle of derisivelaughter greeted the cheap witticism.
Then they escorted him solemnly back to the gun-room, amidst derisiveshouts of "Go it, pickpocket!
The announcement was received withderisive laughter, for the others knew it was only Kate’s way, and that at the afternoon party which was imminent she would be the gayest of the gay.
This did vanquish Rover, who left the pond hurriedly amidst the derisive laughter of the bystanders.
Bill Day, and the crowd pulled, but Mrs. Wehle had slipped off the noose again, and the volunteer executioners fell over one another in such a way as to excite the derisive laughter of Bill Day, who thought it perfectly ludikerous.