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Example sentences for "sympathies"

Lexicographically close words:
symmetry; sympathetic; sympathetically; sympathetick; sympathie; sympathise; sympathised; sympathiser; sympathisers; sympathises
  1. To be exchanged was the burden of their wishes and prayers, and in this every one with ordinary human sympathies must feel with them.

  2. Of Gaelic proverbs there is scarce a trace, showing how faintly, despite his Jacobitism, his sympathies were aroused by Celtic tradition or Celtic poetry.

  3. Ramsay's nature was not one wherein the finer sympathies and delicate regard for the feelings of others were mortised into a sturdy independence and a desire to carve his fortunes out of the block of favouring opportunity.

  4. From the feeble starlight of natural sympathies she had passed into the clear day of Christian affections, and she now knew the secret joy and power of self-sacrifice.

  5. To learn to love and to serve over and above the claims of mere natural affection, could not fail to enlarge the heart and awaken the sympathies of a quick, susceptible child.

  6. I am no admirer of the Bourbons: their intrigues with Jesuitism have been their curse, and are the worst obstacle to their regaining a hold on the sympathies of freemen.

  7. A noble creature, with strong sympathies and a strong will, with powerful faculties of every kind, working for good or evil.

  8. I gaze upon your portrait for the last time; and thus I prevent the magical fascination of that face again appealing to the sympathies of my child.

  9. Lady Annabel recalled the harrowing hours that this attempt by her to curb and control the natural course and rising sympathies of filial love had cost her child, on whom she had so vigilantly practised it.

  10. It is true that a man of his exquisite sensibility requires sympathies as refined to command his nature.

  11. Nothing is more baffling than the incomplete revelations of a very complex order of mind, with its many-sided sympathies and its apparent contradictions.

  12. Our sympathies are entirely with the wronged husband against his silly little wife.

  13. Strong in her own immense power of sympathy, she applied herself to the task of awakening and extending such sympathies in others.

  14. But though born in the opposite camp she felt all her natural sympathies incline to the Republican side.

  15. Such are the repinings of one who feels, too late, that the sympathies of his nature have avenged themselves upon him.

  16. Under the sway of a woman, at once young and beautiful, the daughter of their most favorite monarch, their souls had become attuned to sympathies which greatly tended to subdue and to soothe the savage nature.

  17. His existing relations with his brother of Spain were not of a sort to be periled now by the exhibition of his sympathies with a cause, and on behalf of a sect, which both monarchs had reason to hate and fear, and were preparing to extirpate.

  18. They were manacled, and presented a spectacle which must have moved the sympathies of any ordinary nature.

  19. Others, again, were Catholics, whose sympathies were not active in behalf of the Huguenots with whom they now found themselves in doubtful connection.

  20. There were no answering sympathies in the king's face, to encourage Albert in the prosecution of his suit.

  21. But this cry, this feeling, this sense of suffering and shame, awakened no sympathies in the court of France.

  22. The natural sympathies had given way to a morbid passion amounting to insanity, by which his judgment was confounded.

  23. They showed Lord Acton not as a Dryasdust, but as a very human personage indeed, with sympathies invariably in the right place.

  24. The heart may be compelled--compelled by the touching sympathies which bind, with sacred, indissoluble ties, mind to mind!

  25. I quit this, to state my second hypothesis-- 'That you esteem and respect me, but that your heart has hitherto refused the sympathies I have sought to awaken in it.

  26. How readily into her eyes her young and warm and ardent sympathies pressed the tears, their flowers!

  27. His sympathies went abroad, his eye caught the signs of real and of possible success over a large area, and the public, far and near, responded with a feeling of interest equally general.

  28. He had self-care; he knew how to provide for his own wants, and how to extend his manly sympathies to others.

  29. It was reverence to the New Testament, and to the holy sympathies of Christian fellowship, which perpetually pass beyond the artificial boundaries of sect.

  30. The sympathies and kindness of Mr. Badger, I have elsewhere alluded to as being great.

  31. No doubt they soon feel that my heart and sympathies are truly with them, and it is both a novelty and pleases them and touches their feelings, and so doubtless does them good--and I am sure it does that to me.

  32. Besides, it is highly probable, his sympathies with rebellious Puritanism were already so far developed as to make him an object of aversion to the king.

  33. I wish you to understand, in the first place, that I am not employed by Lord Mount-James, and that my sympathies in this matter are entirely against that nobleman.

  34. My sympathies are with the criminals rather than with the victim, and I will not handle this case.

  35. But the sympathies of the latter were with the mother?

  36. This had occurred very shortly before, and the boy's sympathies are known to have been strongly with his mother.

  37. For moral progress there is needed "a person who is individual in choice, in feeling, in responsibility, and at the same time social in what he regards as good, in his sympathies and in his purposes.

  38. They are enjoyed because they are intrinsically beautiful, but also because they widen men's sympathies and broaden the scope of contemporary purposes and ideals.

  39. Since man is born with the original tendencies to herd with and have common sympathies with his fellows, and to pity those of them that are weak and distressed, there is nothing more unnatural about altruism than about egoism.

  40. There is to be noted in the first place the common emotional sympathies aroused by the participation of great numbers in identical rites and ceremonies.

  41. Her warmest sympathies are with the people, and in Sweden, her name is only spoken by their lips with grateful reverence.

  42. It was the magnetic power of these qualities in the character of the man that enlisted the services of others in behalf of his purposes, and not any special amenities of manner or sympathies of temperament, that drew them lovingly toward him.

  43. In this matter, he was not alone, for even Scott gained his brilliant victories without the personal sympathies or good wishes of the Administration.

  44. They were sent to the flag ship, and Perry, as he felt in honor and in conscience bound, despite his own sympathies and desires and their piteous appeals, sent them ashore.

  45. Though we are of another faith, yet there are common interests, mutual, so to say, sympathies .

  46. The Jewish people had been in long and intimate relation with Persia: connected with it by political ties, and united by the sympathies of monotheism.

  47. Nor do we believe that even that part of the public which has most sympathies with them, and would most rejoice in their success, will contemplate the omission without surprise.

  48. The spectacle of youth, innocence, and feminine loveliness, strongly stirred the sympathies of even the most churlish and rude; and most present began to feel for her fears, and to participate in her hopes.

  49. The sympathies and the fears, the hopes and the repulsions that faces inspire, are but revivals and reiterations,--echoes of sentiency created in millions of minds by immeasurable experience operating through immeasurable time.

  50. You must not, of course, be surprised at seeing yourself sink in morals and principles, until you lose all claims to the sympathies of society.

  51. The king's object was in part to get the personal protection which the sanctity of the vow carried with it and in part to enlist the sympathies of the Pope and make it appear that the barons were guilty of interfering with a crusade.

  52. Urban was a Frenchman and he knew how to appeal to the emotions and sympathies of his hearers.

  53. His parentage must have enabled him to understand both combatants in an unusual degree and, though his sympathies were with the conquerors, we may take his characterizations of Saxon and Norman alike to be at least fairly reliable.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sympathies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    affection; feeling; sentiment; sympathy