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Example sentences for "perfection"

Lexicographically close words:
perfected; perfecter; perfectest; perfectibility; perfecting; perfectionism; perfectionist; perfections; perfective; perfectlie
  1. One expects to find all Utopians absolutely convinced of the perfection of their Utopia, and incapable of receiving a hint against its order.

  2. Nothing endures, nothing is precise and certain (except the mind of a pedant), perfection is the mere repudiation of that ineluctable marginal inexactitude which is the mysterious inmost quality of Being.

  3. The government of a modern Utopia will be no perfection of intentions ignorantly ruling the world.

  4. Even that paradise itself contains the rumour or beginning of that danger, just as the Eden that was made for perfection contained the terrible tree.

  5. Along one line she seeks the perfection of the individual; along the other the perfection of the community.

  6. But the ideal of perfection presented by Nature is not Justice or Morality; it is perpetuation, for perpetuation is the prize offered to the most fit types in the struggle for survival.

  7. When from this point of view we compare man with the lower animals, so immense is his progress that we are tempted to believe perfection within the reach of his attainment.

  8. The approach to perfection in social conditions depends essentially upon the approach to perfection attained by the individuals of which the society is composed.

  9. The two passions at their height and perfection are inseparable, and the crowned poet and the crowned lover are one.

  10. Except for remarks about the curtains in the drawing-room, and the storm, there was practically no conversation during a meal distinguished by exactitude of quantity and perfection of quality.

  11. So long as he went full bat, he could enjoy the beauty of those green slopes, stopping now and again to sprawl on the grass, admire the perfection of a wild rose or listen to a lark's song.

  12. I had often read with pleasure, and with some profit, those two fathers of our English poetry; but had not seriously enough considered those beauties which give the last perfection to their works.

  13. If Lucilius could add to Ennius, and Horace to Lucilius, why, without any diminution to the fame of Horace, might not Juvenal give the last perfection to that work?

  14. Some faults, though small, intolerable grow; For what so nauseous and affected too, As those that think they due perfection want, Who have not learnt to lisp the Grecian cant?

  15. I knew that my friends were unacquainted with the repute this house enjoyed, and I congratulated myself in fancying the surprise they would feel at the unexpected perfection of every arrangement within doors.

  16. It was a celebrated restaurant of those times, as distinguished for the excellence of its wine as the perfection of its cookery.

  17. The Count had bestowed pains in ordering it, and all was of that perfection in cookery for which Hamburg was, and is, so justly famed.

  18. That which has come to perfection passes into the emanation, into the circle of light,” spreads a fragrance around.

  19. Of Ethics Aristotle recognizes that it indubitably also applies to the individual, though its perfection is attained in the nation as a whole.

  20. The First Essence bears all perfection sealed up in Himself, but only in potentiality; Spirit, the first-born, is the first revelation of the latent.

  21. But we demand a nearer approach to the perfection of human wisdom and virtue in one who sought to approve himself the greatest of their teachers.

  22. This indeed is the perfection of good breeding and good sense.

  23. If down to the time he lived in, this perfection was not discoverable in any orator, and neither in himself nor in L.

  24. To be convinced of this we need only consider by what degrees eloquence has been brought to the perfection in which we now see it, and how far it might still be perfected.

  25. True it is that arts brought to perfection would deserve very ill of human affairs if afterward they could not at least be kept to the same standard.

  26. The afternoon was the perfection of summer beauty, and after a few moments' solitude Harriet began to feel its spell.

  27. His face was drawn and gray, he looked hot and rumpled and utterly weary; more, he who had always been the pink of well-groomed perfection looked old.

  28. Perhaps it was that the perfection which poetry is to exhibit includes, together with those qualities which win our immediate and entire approval or sympathy, others which are capable of becoming the instruments of evil.

  29. He did not mean that the immediate subject of poetry must be perfection in some form.

  30. In that process the mind, obedient to an influence which it does not understand and cannot control, is driven to produce images of perfection which rather form themselves in it than are formed by it.

  31. He may seem to think of poetry solely as the direct expression of perfection in some form, and accordingly to imagine its effect as simply joy or delighted aspiration.

  32. It is the realised perfection of everything good and beautiful on earth; or, in other words, all such goodness and beauty is its partial manifestation.

  33. We are aware of a perfection that we cannot attain, and that leaves us dissatisfied by everything attainable.

  34. He had in him the poetic temper of his time, the ever-present sense of an infinite, the tendency to think of this as an ideal perfection manifesting itself in reality, and yet surpassing reality, and so capable of being contrasted with it.

  35. In the end, for him, the truest name of that perfection called Intellectual Beauty, Liberty, Spirit of Nature, is Love.

  36. The one side argued that supreme perfection already reached left the artist hope only in imitation; the other, that the immaterial beautiful could have no fixed absolute form.

  37. The originality and variety of his rhythms, the perfection of his instrumentation, have never been disputed even by his opponents.

  38. His range was limited, but within it he reached perfection of finish and originality never surpassed.

  39. I proclaim the defect of a sense that I once possessed in the highest perfection--in a perfection in which few of my colleagues possess or ever did possess it?

  40. Superior to the masses of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven, and the masters of the Neapolitan school, that of Cherubini is as remarkable for originality of idea as for perfection in art.

  41. So also the beauty of old age is not perfect beauty: it is that, on the contrary, which affects and interests us chiefly by the regret we feel that its perfection has passed, or is gradually vanishing.

  42. The showing that the ancient religion was the cause of the perfection of the fine arts in Greece, by its personification of simple attributes or virtues, as objects of adoration.

  43. No one pretends to question, much less to deny the beauty of the lovely statue, in which the perfection of woman is portrayed in the finished feature or the swelling form.

  44. It would seem he felt within himself that he did not reach the perfection of those wonderful ancients of whom he professed himself the admirer and disciple.

  45. Lavater, with this idea for a basis, constructed a scale of perfection from the frog to the Apollo Belvidere.

  46. She prefers soft and tender, gay, or pathetic music, to every other; and whatever may be the perfection of her musical education, she also prefers sweet and tender melody to the most complicated Sclavonic harmony.

  47. Every beauty in the vegetable creation, of which we can form any rational judgment, expresses some perfection in the object, or some wise contrivance in the author.

  48. They would certainly have no claim to an immunity from the punishment which, according to the rules of warfare practiced by the savages, might justly be inflicted on the savages themselves.

  49. Her young figure, the perfection of form, was plainly dressed.

  50. Feo was amazed at the perfection of what was, of course, an imitation of herself.

  51. This Julian calendar, as we have seen, was a great improvement on preceding ones, but still lacked something of perfection inasmuch as its theoretical day differed appreciably from the actual day.

  52. It was supposed to be the only perfect substance in existence, and to be confined in various substances, in quantities proportionate to the state of perfection of the substance.

  53. Again he adds: "We cannot separate perfection and fate.

  54. Not only do eyesses as a rule begin with an inferior style, but very few of them ever attain to the perfection of form which long practice in all weathers at all sorts of different quarry has taught the old wild hawk.

  55. Has she not already done so to perfection long before you had the honour of her acquaintance?

  56. The logical, not the mathematical, unity of the divine is the perfection of theological reasoning.

  57. From such considerations of the necessity of physical vigor to elevated thought, Descartes predicted that if the human race ever attain perfection it will be chiefly through the art of medicine.

  58. So long as the mathematical conception of number, whether one or many, is applied to deity by a theological system, it has not yet “arrived at the highest perfection of which it is capable.

  59. The highest conception of individual perfection is reached in a character whose physical and mental powers are symmetrically trained, and always directed by conscious reason to their appropriate ends.

  60. The intellect first reaches entire self-consciousness, the emotions first attain perfection of purpose, when guided by its highest manifestation.

  61. For, differing as they do on such vital points, they both agree in dispensing with the ideas of God and immortality as conceptions superfluous in the realization of the theoretical perfection they contemplate.

  62. The perfection of those stitches satisfied me that the machine was a success, and I stopped work, went to the hotel, and had a sound sleep.

  63. Struck by the almost absolute perfection of the system, Gallatin reported to the President that any change would certainly injure it and that no blunders or frauds had been committed.

  64. While thus studying GOD'S Word the believer becomes conscious of a new source of delight; not only is that which is revealed precious, but the beauty and perfection of the revelation itself grows upon him.

  65. Now, GOD'S perfection is an absolute perfection; while ours, at best, is only relative.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "perfection" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accuracy; acme; chastity; climax; close; closure; complement; completion; conclusion; consummation; culmination; delicacy; development; dignity; elaboration; embellishment; end; ending; entirety; evolution; exactness; excellence; fidelity; finish; finishing; fruition; fulfillment; height; infallibility; integrity; maturation; maturity; merit; nicety; optimum; peak; perfection; pink; pinnacle; precision; purity; quality; realization; refinement; right; rightness; rigidity; rigor; seasoning; severity; significance; strictness; subtlety; summit; termination; terminus; top; ultimate; virtue; wholeness; worth