In Japan the people preserve their temples for their exquisite beauty, and there are a great many sincere Buddhists; but China is irreligious; a nation of atheists or agnostics, or slaves of impious superstitions.
Made prostitute and profligate the Muse, Debas'd to each obscene and impious use, Whose Harmony was first ordain'd Above For Tongues of Angels, and for Hymns of Love?
His Impious Courage had no other Root, But that the Villaine, Atheist was to boot.
He sayes my mother was the originall Of Bonviles slaunder; and how impious Twere for a child to thinke so, filiall duty Instructs my knowlidge.
Best suites thy impious quality, since thy curse, Thy cruell curse, imposd uppon my love, Has massacred two of the faithfulst hearts Affection ere united.
Our brother Epiphanius (bishop of Ticinum or Pavia) will inform you how great is the persecution we bear on account of the most impious Acacius.
This man called a most impious synod, and lifted up his heel against the holy Council of Chalcedon.
Let me keep down the flood of passion that would render me precipitate or powerless.
She has flung herself from her proud and happy throne, wounding our faith with impious sacrilege!
As he put himself forward as the patron and king of such wretches, and employed them as attendants and bodyguards, there is evidently no cause for surprise that his impious character and reign should have been long remembered.
Heretics could not ascend beyond the truth, that the apostles had the right of unbinding all who were bound on earth, but not under the earth; and many of them, like impious persons, doubted the power of the keys.
They persuaded the council of the five hundred that I was an impious man, who did not believe that the moon, Mercury, and Mars were deities.
Many persons who have learned at school to doubt of nothing, who take their syllogisms for oracles and their superstitions for religion, consider Locke as impious and dangerous.
The impious Test by the repeal of the Sacramental Test Act, &c.
For a time the highest and holiest of human affections was to his darkened mind no more than a carnal appetite; and he strove to conquer the emotions which he feared would rouse within him a riot of impious passions.
Hale's austerity was the exceptional demeanor of a pious man protesting against the wickedness of animpious age.
The reverential respect so rendered developed later into the impious practice of martyr worship.
Their pretended justification of the impious assumption was as horrible as the act itself, and constitutes the dreadful doctrine of supererogation.
When vice prevails, and impious men bear sway, The post of honor is a private station.
Irreligious is negative, impiousand profane are positive.
Shame and reproach are generally the portion of the impious and irreligious.
When vice prevails, and impiousmen bear away, The post of honor is a private station.
An indifferent man may be irreligious; a profane man is irreverent in speech and conduct; an impious man is wickedly and boldly defiant in the strongest sense.
The Druid Lochru fiercely and enviously assailed Patrick in presence of the king at Slane, but at Patrick's prayer the impious man was first raised high in the air, and falling down his brains were dashed out on the ground before the king.
A book on the Eucharist, attributed to Scotus by Berengarius, was condemned in three synods, and committed to the flames as impious and heretical.
When filthy, vain, and impious language is grown common, it will bring down common plagues and judgments!
This dramatist, this impious being was, of all men in the world, the one who had most at heart the religion of the family, though he had no family himself.
If we pray at a saint's shrine, we shall give utterance to earthly wishes; but if we pray face to face with the Deity, we shall feel it impious to petition for aught that is narrow and selfish.
To her it seemed impious that her father's hands should touch that book; blackly impious that he should drag it down into the mire of his own unholy purposes.
But to perseuer In obstinate Condolement, is a course Of impious stubbornnesse.
I marry Vnckle, for I alwayes thought It was bothimpious and vnnaturall, That such immanity and bloody strife Should reigne among Professors of one Faith Glo.
What is it then to me, if impious Warre, Arrayed in flames like to the Prince of Fiends, Doe with his smyrcht complexion all fell feats, Enlynckt to wast and desolation?
The Gates of Monarches Are Arch'd so high, that Giants may iet through And keepe theirimpious Turbonds on, without Good morrow to the Sun.
But of all passion it is to be generally observed, that it becomes ignoble either when entertained respecting unworthy objects, and therefore shallow or unjustifiable, or when of impious violence, and so destructive of human dignity.
If it be the moral part of us to which beauty addresses itself, how does it happen, it will be asked, that it is ever found in the works of impious men, and how is it possible for such to desire or conceive it?
Where frugal monks their little relics show, And sundry legends to the stranger tell: Here impious men have punished been, and lo!
Nor mar it frequent with an impious show Of arms or angry conflict----.
In other times he would have been dragged down a staircase as the religious orders once did with the impious Governor Bustamente.
And the impious old man moved away without paying any attention to the insults and the direful prophecies that the irritated leader offered concerning his future existence.
I can, therefore, rest assured that I have advanced nothing which is impious or even savours of impiety.
Men think it pious to trust nothing to reason and their own judgment, and impious to doubt the faith of those who have transmitted to us the sacred books.
Such doctrines might be pious to some and impious to others, whereas they should be judged solely by their fruits.
They find but one solution for the awful enigma presented by Christ's abandonment of the Church and mankind, by the extinction of appointed sacraments and means of grace, and by the impious rupture of the tie between man and God.
Monsters, and monster-men he shall engage, And toil, and struggle, through an impious age.
I freeze, as if his impiousart had fixed My feet to earth.