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Example sentences for "unpolluted"

Lexicographically close words:
unpoetical; unpoisoned; unpolarized; unpolished; unpolitical; unpopular; unpopularity; unpowdered; unpractical; unpracticed
  1. Every regret was lost in the prospect of better times, in the future happiness of Constantia and Isabel, in the restoration of the Neville line, and the adoption of the amiable De Vallance into its unpolluted branch.

  2. There was the being whom he loved and who loved him; and whatever were the barriers which the circumstances of life placed against their union, they were partakers of the solemn sacrament of an unpolluted heart.

  3. No domestic despot could deprive him of his intellect, his knowledge, the sustaining power of an unpolluted conscience.

  4. Thou art rich And glorious; with an unpolluted heart Thou canst make conquest of whate'er seems highest!

  5. To heaven I raise my unpolluted hands, To curse thine act and thee!

  6. The old quarrel between Irish Catholics and Protestants should have been sunk in the ocean when they left their native country to find a home, unpolluted by the tyrannies of bygone ages, in the wilds of Canada.

  7. It had hitherto confined itself to the keeping of its own members unpolluted by any gain from their oppression.

  8. XLII "Dread desolation shall it make; nor place Will unpolluted or untainted be; And you in the mysterious sculptured trace But little of its foul iniquity.

  9. In the unpolluted West the breath of slavery shall never blight a single human existence.

  10. A new golden star shines unpolluted in the national constellation.

  11. They are my children, silent and beautiful, untouched by any passion, unpolluted by evil tempers; for me they leaf and flower themselves.

  12. The wind blows across it, unpolluted by the smoke of towns.

  13. And have not honour and virtue, and charity and religion, guarded for centuries the lofty line of thy pure and unpolluted blood?

  14. Ikshváku’s son with joyful mind This noble fee to each assigned, But all the priests with one accord Addressed that unpolluted lord: “Tis thine alone to keep the whole Of this broad earth in firm control.

  15. He came to seek the monarch’s aid To guard the rites the demons stayed, Unable to a close to bring One unpolluted offering.

  16. You came innocent out of it; and it is to your own credit, and the influence of God alone, that you return unpolluted by the stains which have made my name one universal blot.

  17. Unpolluted mountain streams invite him to drink and to bathe.

  18. Youth and vigor, he told himself, must always exist under those unpolluted lights of the upper worlds, the unspeaking things which had told him more than he had ever learned from the mouths of other men.

  19. Love for such a being is the 'transcendent and surpassing offspring of sheer and unpolluted sympathy.

  20. We talked of the pleasures of temperance, and of the sunshine in the mind unpolluted with guilt.

  21. On the contrary, as my oppressor has been once my parishioner, I hope one day to present him up an unpolluted soul at the eternal tribunal.

  22. The Eden, being a clean, unpolluted river, is naturally the haunt in season of the salmon and sea-trout.

  23. Behind, before, and all around, appearing to the eye As one concerted scene of peaceful joy, With pleasing streams of unpolluted pleasure flowing by, And in it all I saw no base alloy.

  24. Then shall we, as in time before, The tranquil hours employ In love and in a measure full Of unpolluted joy.

  25. What can we demand from earth but its solitudes--what from heaven but its unpolluted air?

  26. We talked of the pleasures of temperance, and of the sun-shine in the mind unpolluted with guilt.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unpolluted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    bleached; bright; clean; dainty; fair; fastidious; fresh; immaculate; innocent; kosher; pristine; pure; safe; sanitary; shiny; spotless; stainless; sterile; sweet; unadulterated; unblemished; undefiled; unpolluted; unsoiled; unspoiled; unspotted; unstained; unsullied; untainted; untarnished; white