This theory certainly finds some support in the fact that the sensual pleasures generally recognised as greatest are those attending the activities of organs which are normally left unexercised for considerable intervals.
It is too obstreperous and loud, breaking out into triumphs and plaudits at its own success, like an unexercised noviciate in tricks.
But her unexercised reflectiveness was on the highroad of accepted doctrines, with their chorus of the moans of gossips for supernatural intervention to give us justice.
Gradual experiences of his business among his fellows were teaching an exercised mind to learn in regions where minds unexercised were doctorial giants beside it.
This is all the result of unexercised muscles and mental indolence.
Unexercised muscles, of course, will be weak and flabby and tire easily.
Every faculty of the body or soul that is unused or unexercised will weaken and die.
The muscles if unused will grow weak, the mind if unused will weaken, and the will if unexercised will lose its power.