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Example sentences for "undeveloped"

Lexicographically close words:
undesired; undetectable; undetected; undetermined; undeterred; undeviating; undeviatingly; undevout; undher; undherstand
  1. But that the principles of Christianity contain it, implicitly, in an undeveloped form, appears, (1.

  2. This Self they sometimes call the Undeveloped and sometimes the Not-Being.

  3. Were they due, as one hears it suggested, to the uneducated and undeveloped condition of women in the apostle's time?

  4. The appearance of false doctrine in the Asian Churches made their undeveloped condition a matter for peculiar apprehension to the apostle.

  5. B2] come out to be undeveloped and no good.

  6. On account of their undeveloped agriculture, which compelled them to depend chiefly on cattle for their support, the European Aryans must have occupied an extensive territory.

  7. The firm friendship between Alfather and this strange giant of the lower world was formed in time's morning while Odin was still young and undeveloped (Hav.

  8. Now, whenever a species is as liable to be unequally developed on the one as on the other side, we may infer that the capacity for such development is present, though latent, in the undeveloped side.

  9. The retention of free and undeveloped gemmules in the same body from early youth to old age will appear improbable, but we should remember how long seeds lie dormant in the earth and buds in the bark of a tree.

  10. But I have further to assume that the gemmules in their undeveloped state are capable of largely multiplying themselves by self-division, like independent organisms.

  11. We shall presently see how well the long-continued transmission of undeveloped gemmules explains many facts.

  12. Because certain sea-weeds throw off undeveloped young plants, which move through the water by the aid of fine cilia, or muscular hairs, until they find a suitable place upon which to attach themselves.

  13. The scales are rudimentary leaves, formed at the end of the previous season, and which, being undeveloped then, serve to guard the young leaves of the future year.

  14. Charlotte, although she was past the very first of young girlhood, being twenty, was curiously undeveloped emotionally.

  15. The islands are rich in undeveloped mineral resources such as lead, zinc, nickel, and gold.

  16. Presently Smith traded a few acres of the ranch for a small undeveloped silver mine in Gold Hill.

  17. So latent and undeveloped were they, indeed, that no one but his fond mother had fully credited his possession of them.

  18. The body with which man is endowed, when traced step by step to its origin, proves to be nothing but one primordial Gas in its undeveloped state.

  19. It is something existent in an undeveloped state before the creation of the phenomenal universe.

  20. In buying stocks of the undeveloped mines offered to the public on the strength of statements the only substance of which is the imagination of promoters, one runs up against a sure-thing brace game.

  21. In ordinary cases these defects are neutralized by piety, maternity, want of passion, by weakness and an undeveloped intelligence.

  22. Rousseau and his parrot-like imitators, may deny the use of all civilization and declare that the so-called state of nature, the ignorance and helplessness of undeveloped man amid all too mighty Nature, is preferable.

  23. What those shall be will depend on many yet undeveloped contingencies.

  24. Reverence the undeveloped potential which circumstances have held down!

  25. What the undeveloped little goose may turn into, no man can foresee.

  26. But standing just where they are, clothes seem to these same undeveloped women the best things money can buy; and a lack of culture confuses them as to the attributes of clothes.

  27. What lay beyond it I could ill descry, though surely a vague power of undeveloped prophecy dwells in every created thing--even in the bird ere he chips his shell.

  28. Citric acid | 1/2 " | 15 " During fixing the frame should be kept rocked so that every trace of undeveloped silver salts may be removed from the film.

  29. Consequently the film should not be left undeveloped for more than a few days at the utmost.

  30. Its inception is associated with the uprise of feudal institutions under Yoritomo, the first of the Shoguns, late in the 12th century, but bushido in an undeveloped form existed before then.

  31. A crude domestic economy, rude utensils, coarse, garish costume and of simple construction, are characteristic of an undeveloped social order.

  32. The latent intuitive feminine outlook often remains undeveloped in these days, and no craft will preserve and stimulate it more than gardening.

  33. There must always remain the sense of an ulterior, undeveloped meaning; when that is laid bare, Art has become superfluous, and makes haste to withdraw into obscure regions.

  34. Would the same rate be satisfactory for money invested in an unbuilt road into an undeveloped country?

  35. For woman is not undeveloped man, But diverse.

  36. It had become a habit with her before her marriage, and the undeveloped possibilities, that no doubt lurked within it, had blossomed under her husband's care.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "undeveloped" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adulterated; archaic; arrested; back; backward; behindhand; blemished; budding; callow; childish; coarse; crude; damaged; defective; deficient; dewy; embryonic; erroneous; evergreen; failing; fallible; faulty; firsthand; fledgling; fresh; green; growing; ignorant; immature; impaired; imperfect; impure; inaccurate; inadequate; incomplete; inexact; inexperienced; infant; ingenuous; innocent; intact; juicy; lacking; maiden; maidenly; makeshift; mediocre; minor; missing; mixed; naive; needing; nestling; new; off; original; part; partial; patchy; persistent; potential; premature; primitive; pristine; raw; reductive; rough; rude; rudimentary; sappy; scant; scanty; scrappy; seminal; short; shy; simplistic; sketchy; stunted; tender; unaccustomed; unbeaten; uncultivated; uncultured; uncut; underdeveloped; undersized; undeveloped; uneven; unfinished; unfledged; unformed; uninitiated; unlicked; unpolished; unpracticed; unprogressive; unrefined; unripe; unseasoned; unskilled; unsound; untouched; untreated; untried; untrodden; unused; unversed; vernal; virgin; virginal; wanting; young