As they drifted down towards the terrace Buddy turns and gives us the sassy wink over his shoulder.
Everybody here is willing a northern man should buy a ranch, but when he talks about running for Congress they look sassy at him, but dad can look just as sassy as anybody here.
Pretty broughten you must hev got, I know--a sassylittle limb.
I didn't know a deacon could talk so sassy at a cow, and come so near swearing without actually saying cuss words.
She give our white folks lots of trouble--she was so sassy to them, but they didn't sell her and she was set free along with us.
She lookedsassy at the bald-headed man, and told her escort the man had insulted her.
That sassy little girl our mothers said we shouldn't put up with was on your church steps anyhow, and was sassy to us some more.
The little girl who was sassy to us and said they didn't want us there was at two Sunday schools we've been to now.
I done bin tampered wid twel plum' down ter de sap sucker'll set on a log en sassy me.
He is as sassy and fresh as ever and more so to on account of Mr. Cabot paying him so much money for his stock.
Precepts are like kold bukwheat slap-jacks,--noboddy feels like being sassy tew them, nor noboddy wants tew adopt them.
Hope often cheats us, but yet how eazy it is tew forgiv the sassy jade.
They've bin too infernally impudent and sassy for any earthly use.
The cakes on the griddles burned while Maria watched through the door what she mentally described as the "arts and manuvers o' that sassy little piece.
He had indeed heard his father speak of "cuffing a sassy little city urchin on the ear," but how should he know that this same sassy little urchin had thrown away two hundred and fifty dollars?
She was a sassy little chicken with blond feathers and a three-quarter rig skirt.
De woman's name was Mrs. Sheppard and she was a sassyold woman.
Dey wouldn't have been so sassy and impudent as dey is now.
But when father's owner heard what I said to Judge Miller, he told my father he would not buy me, because I was sassy, and he never owned a sassy niggah and did not want one that was sassy.
I don't tell him till the day before the race, 'n' he gets right sassyabout it.