The silver armor was as bright as the day he donned it, nor was there a dent in his untarnished shield.
With this he half drew his sword, but thinking that robbers were not worthy to be slain with its untarnished steel, he pushed it back into the jeweled scabbard and looked around for another weapon.
Fortune, which had never forsaken him in his lifetime, favoured the King of Sweden even in his death, with the rare privilege of falling in the fulness of his glory and an untarnished fame.
Any untarnished knight now has the privilege of challenging to combat, either courteous or martial, any other such knight, whose name is on the record for this joust.
He left an untarnished name, too, for he had been loved and respected by all his associates, and as patron, friend, and servant had done all his duty.
A bloom is diffused over them which preserves their aspect untarnished by time, as if they were animated with a spirit of perpetual youth and unfading elegance.
The little I have I leave to you, and the chief of this is an untarnished name.
To rescue a name which had stood untarnished since he had brought it into the world, he drew forth some blank notes, and filled them out.
In every sphere of life he exhibited talents of a high order and left a public fame and private reputation untarnished by corruption.
His great experience, ardent patriotism, known courage, untarnished character--all combined to render his loss a great misfortune to his country and his friends.
As a man, a citizen, a legislator and a patriot, he exhibited a conduct untarnished and undebased by sordid and selfish interests and strongly marked with the genuine characteristics of true religion, sound benevolence and liberal policy.
He was a man ofuntarnished reputation, substantial talent and usefulness.
He was a profound scholar anduntarnished in his morals.
He returned a finished scholar, an accomplished gentleman with a reputation untarnished by vice or folly.
Lamb was ever guided by the highest and most honorable principles and he left to his family the priceless heritage of an untarnished name.
It is not dirty nor silly; it is nature's untarnished truth.
Hath he endeavored to engraft the impurity of his source on the untarnished stock of a noble and ancient family!
I can bring you nothing, not even an untarnished name, for though you see me as I am, you do not know what others whose blood is in my veins have done.
He died not many years ago, and left this boy very little, I fancy, but an untarnished name.
There is nothing like a good, solid, substantial reputation, a clean record, anuntarnished past.
We cannot have an honest character, a complete, untarnished career, when we are constantly slipping rotten hours, defective material and slipshod service into our work.
An iron will without principle might produce a Napoleon; but with character it would make a Wellington or a Grant, untarnished by ambition or avarice.
And thou, sad wife, thy sacred tears belong To theuntarnished and immortal throng, For he shall fire the poet's heart and song, In thrilling strains.
That land on whose standard the eagle's proud pinions Flutter lordly defiance to tyranny's minions, And whose soil all untarnished by sceptre or throne, Is a home for the brave, and the free heart alone.
He was an absolute and untarnished hero, but for that reckless defying vaunt.
Should I thus keep untarnishedthe honour of the Crosbies?
When you look on my empty seat let the sad memory of me be precious on your hearth, untarnished by regret.
Truth, honor, and courage to do good and to resist evil, sincerity in all relations and fidelity to all duty, were heirlooms of his race and lineage, which he kept and left untarnished to his posterity.
How could he have been otherwise, descended from such a noble sire, with such an example of courtly dignity and untarnished manhood?
She returned to her native throne in the Heaven of heavens; it was a glorious high throne, unshaken and untarnished by the fallen fate of man and angels.
Poor though we are, our name is untarnished by any act of mine.
But, my dear husband, you still can give to your children the bright legacy of an untarnished name, and your wife will bear it more proudly for your sake, than in the days of your greatest prosperity.
He could not remember a single movement nor action of hers that had not been that of an untarnished queen.
It must be noted that however unprepossessing his personality he wears an untarnished badge for bravery and faithful service as a scout.